3 techniques to wake up with energy in the morning

Anthony Golden
3 techniques to wake up with energy in the morning

It is almost a habit; you wake up in the morning reluctantly, in a bad mood.

Since you don't have much time either, you eat the first thing you catch and go shot out the door to go to work.

The result: you have low energy in the morning and need a lot of coffee to stay alert.

Nothing happens, those days we have them all. The problem is when it becomes habitual.

In this article I'm going to talk to you about a method that is revolutionizing science in recent years.

There are many tools, techniques and methods that have emerged lately, promising to get you out of your feeling of fatigue, sadness, emptiness, or even depression.

What I'm going to talk to you about is not something abstract or a belief. These are simple exercises that you can do at home, when you wake up, in less than 30 minutes.

In fact, science already shows that this method accelerates cell regeneration and helps increase your levels of adrenaline, endorphins and dopamine (hormones of well-being and pleasure), and can even heal autoimmune diseases.

The incredible story of Iceman, or "the ice man"

In recent years there has been a lot of talk about the meditation as a tool to better manage your emotions and achieve clarity and peace of mind.

The truth is that it works. You just have to see the rise of meditation in the West Vipassana or the Mindfulness (its western version).

However, there are faster and more powerful ways to heal your emotions and start the day with energy..

I'm talking about Wim Hof ​​method (better known as Iceman or "the ice man")

Wim Hof ​​is a Dutch man in his early 60s, whose wife and mother of his 4 children committed suicide in 1995. As a result, he entered a depression deep, having to take care of his 4 small children by himself.

Since Western medicine did not help him to alleviate his pain, he spent the following years traveling to the India and to Tibet looking for answers.

He finally found them, and for years he has been committed to bringing all his discoveries to science to democratize them..

Wim hof holds 26 Guinness record, some of which are as impressive as climbing Mount Everest in a swimsuit, or being submerged in ice for almost 2 hours.

He's not a geek (well, kinda yes). Nor is he the only person capable of achieving such things. In fact, in recent years he has dedicated himself to training people to do the same: endure the cold, increase your vital energy level or even heal autoimmune diseases.

The secret is that it has been shown that we have access to the endocrine system and the immune system at will. For science this was completely impossible until a few years ago.

In the following documentary you can get to know his story a little better:

Let's go into the subject and see the method broken down into 3 steps:

Step 1: Breathing Technique

The breathing used in the Wim Hof ​​method is based on "Tumo", or fire meditation. It is a Tibetan practice through which you can regulate body temperature through breathing.

If you think about it, we can go days without food or more than a day without drinking water. However just not breathe for a few minutes to die.

That is, breathing is a fundamental element for life, but we have it a bit neglected.

The technique of the method consists of finding a quiet place at home to stretch or sit comfortably (in bed when you wake up is a good time), to take 30 deep breaths as follows:

  1. Inhale hard from belly to chest, filling your lungs 100% (through the mouth is easier).
  2. Hold that inhalation for half a second and exhale releasing the air, without emptying your lungs.
  3. Repeat steps A and B 30 times and, on # 30, breathe out completely and hold your breath.
  4. Hold your breath until you can't take it anymore. Although it seems incredible, by hyperventilating you can last more than 1 minute (and 2) without air. You can time it.
  5. When you need to breathe inhale filling your lungs 100% and hold your breath for 10-15 seconds.
  6. After those 10-15 seconds let go of the air and breathe normally again.
  7. Optional: rest for a few seconds and repeat the previous steps 2 or 3 times.

It is likely that, in the time that you are with your lungs without air, you will feel tingling and emotional release. Maybe even a little dizziness from oxygen deprivation. This is what causes your body to adapt and produce hormonal secretion.

Don't force during breaths. Do it in a fluid way and observe the sensations of your body when you breathe and when you hold your breath.

ImportantRemember to do it in a quiet place, ideally stretched out, and where no one can disturb you. Otherwise it could be dangerous.

Step 2: Exposure to cold

For Wim Hof, the cold is a teacher. In many spiritual practices, exposure to cold is practiced through the cold showers.

Until recently, it was not scientifically known why doing it is positive for your body..

Showering in cold water can seem like a crazy idea, even torture.

For starters, I'm sure you can spend the last 30 seconds of your shower with cold water, or not?

The cold may hurt the first few seconds, but once you're underwater, taking a deep breath, it's wonderful.

As with breathing, in this case the physiology of your body also changes, speeding up your metabolism and increasing your dopamine levels by 250% (among others).

The cold shower is ideal to do after breathing technique. This way you can take a break between one thing and another for breakfast.

The result is that you will have much more energy when you get up in the morning..

Many people who use the method say that showering with cold water even helped them get over your depression or your anxiety attacks.

The physiological response of your body is brutal. This becomes a "thermostat", generating heat and adapting to the conditions that exist..

Step 3: Physical exercise and consistency

In addition to conscious breathing, an element somewhat forgotten by society is exercise.

You know it, and I could mention hundreds of studies showing the benefits of exercising. Even so, according to doctors, more than 50% of the world population is sedentary (in Spain it is 70%).

We live busy, and we are so disconnected from our body (especially if you wake up in a bad mood and hardly exercise) that you are at higher risk of illness than an active person.

Our body has two basic fuels: feeding and movement.

Food deserves a separate article, but think about what type of physical activity you do during the week.

If you have enough forgotten about your body, remember that by moving you release endorphins and activate your breathing. This allows you to oxygenate your body much more. That translates into greater well-being.

If you don't exercise at all, find something that suits your physical condition. Some studies show that even walking 30 minutes a day has more benefits than running.

You can also walk 30 minutes a day, so excuses are not worth it.

Complement physical activity with breathing technique and a cold shower. You will feel like never before in the morning and during the day.

Check it out with your own experience, or do you have something to lose?

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