30 Foods Rich in Calcium (Not Dairy)

Abraham McLaughlin

Some of the foods higher in calcium, and also non-dairy, they are broccoli, kale, figs, seeds, legumes, almonds, amaranth, eggs, shrimp, sardines, salmon and others that I will mention below.

With calcium, healthy bones and teeth are built and our muscles, nerves and cells work properly. The daily calcium requirement of an adult is 1 gram of calcium per day, which is equivalent to approximately four to five glasses of milk per day..

When we think of calcium, the first thing that comes to mind is dairy products. But with so much information on the damage that dairy can cause to our health, such as excess inflammation, many people have stopped consuming them.

If you are vegan, have lactose or casein intolerance or you simply do not like the taste of milk, here you will find a large number of foods that will provide calcium to your body without resorting to dairy products and their derivatives:

Foods that provide more calcium to the body

1- Broccoli

This complete vegetable has a lot of calcium and also vitamin C. In two cups of raw broccoli you will find 86 milligrams of calcium. Broccoli like other cruciferous vegetables helps in the prevention of cancers such as colon and bladder.

2- Kale or kale

This vegetable is known as a superfood, as it not only provides calcium, but also vitamin C and more than double the recommended daily dose of vitamin A.

It also has vitamin K that helps the blood clotting process when you suffer an injury, a cut or a blow.

3- Bok Choy or Chinese Cabbage

This vegetable widely used in Asian cuisine in preparations cooked with garlic. Delivers a significant calcium intake of 74 milligrams per cup.

It is very low in calories, just 9 per serving, and high in all kinds of nutrients like vitamin C, potassium, and vitamin A.

4- Figs

Figs contain 121 milligrams per half cup of dried figs. They have a rich sweet and strong flavor, so when you eat them you will feel that you are eating a delicious dessert, but full of nutrients such as a high amount of fiber and minerals such as potassium and magnesium..

5- Seeds

The seeds are a good source of calcium. In the case of chia seeds, for one ounce we find more than 170 milligrams of calcium.

Other seeds high in nutrients and calcium are sesame seeds, poppy seeds, and celery seeds. For example, a tablespoon of poppy seeds has 126 milligrams of calcium.

In addition to this, the seeds are a good source of protein and healthy fats, such as the omega 3 fatty acids that chia seeds provide. They also deliver minerals such as iron, copper and manganese.

6- Legumes: beans and lentils

Beans and lentils are an excellent source of vegetable protein. They are high in fiber and offer all kinds of nutrients and minerals, such as folate, magnesium, potassium, zinc or iron..

Of all the varieties of beans, it is the "winged beans" that contain the highest amount of calcium. This tropical legume delivers more than 244 milligrams of calcium per serving.

In addition to this, research shows that beans and legumes in general help reduce "bad" cholesterol and lower the risk of type 2 diabetes..

Lentils, for their part, have 40 milligrams of calcium per 200 grams of cooked lentils..

7- Almonds

Almonds are another superfood that provide us with all kinds of nutrients. They are high in protein, contain vitamin E and also minerals such as potassium. They are healthy fats that help the body and lower cholesterol.

In 23 raw almonds you will find 75 milligrams of calcium. A full cup of roasted almonds provides more than 430 milligrams of calcium, but they also have more than 1000 calories.

8- Rhubarb

This vegetable has a large amount of fiber and especially calcium. Specifically 87 milligrams for a portion that corresponds to a cooked cup. 

In addition to this, rhubarb is rich in prebiotic fiber, which helps the development and preservation of healthy bacterial flora in the large intestine, which promotes good digestion and prevents bloating and problems such as irritable bowel syndrome..

Other nutrients in rhubarb are vitamin C and vitamin K, which promote a healthy immune system and proper blood clotting..

9- Amaranth

Amaranth is a plant considered a superfood with multiple nutritional properties, including high levels of calcium. In a cup of cooked amaranth, we find more than 110 milligrams of calcium.

Amaranth is also a good source of folate and very high in minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and iron. Its leaves are high in vitamin C and A.

10- Tofu

Tofu has 434 milligrams of calcium per half cup. Not only is it an excellent source of protein, but it also provides plenty of calcium and can be used in all kinds of different preparations, even in desserts..

11- White beans

Beans and legumes in general are high in fiber, a good source of vegetable protein and minerals like iron.

They correspond to a complete meal and are complex carbohydrates that help maintain stable blood glucose levels.

White beans provide 63 milligrams of calcium per half cup cooked.

12- Eggs

Eggs provide 27 milligrams of calcium per 50 grams. This equates to one hard-boiled egg.

Some studies have even shown the relationship between calcium and protein and weight loss, which means that the egg, which is also a great source of protein, could help you lose those extra pounds.

Eggs also provide minerals and vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin B12, iron and zinc.

13- Shrimp

Seafood, including shrimp, is high in sodium, iodine, protein, and of course calcium. In 150 grams of shrimp we can consume 45 milligrams of calcium.

They are also an important source of healthy fats, improving the levels of "good" LDL cholesterol, while reducing the levels of "bad" cholesterol or HDL, reducing triglycerides in the blood. They are high in omega 3 fatty acids and low in mercury, which is generally toxic to the body..

14- Sardines

These small fish are an important source of calcium for our body. In a can we can find more than 350 milligrams of calcium.

They also have other nutrients, such as vitamin B12, essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system and the brain..

They also have vitamin D, very useful for bones and not present in many foods.

15- Salmon

Salmon provides 9 milligrams of calcium for every 60 grams, an amount that can be increased by enlarging the portion.

In the case of canned salmon, only half a can has 232 milligrams of calcium, almost half of the daily requirement for an adult. Salmon is also an excellent source of protein.

16- Chickpeas

Chickpeas are an important source of calcium among legumes, since 200 grams of cooked chickpeas provide 99 milligrams of calcium.

This, together with the large amount of minerals that they provide, including iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium and vitamin K, contribute to improving the health of the body's bones and even act as anticancer agents. Chickpeas are also an excellent source of phytoestrogens.

17- Whole grain bread

A slice of whole grain bread, which corresponds to 40 grams, provides 12 milligrams of calcium. Rye bread also provides part of the calcium we need daily.

18- Orange

This fruit contains up to 74 milligrams of calcium in a large piece and 27 milligrams of calcium in a cup of orange game.

In addition to this, they also deliver an important amount of vitamin C that allows to increase the functions of the immune system, they are low in calories and have powerful antioxidants.

19- Raisins

Raisins are high in calcium, delivering 31 milligrams of calcium per 40 grams of raisins. This is beneficial for healthy bones and teeth. They also contain the micronutrient boron, which increases the absorption of calcium in our body..

20- Gooseberry

They are a fruit with a high calcium content. 72 milligrams per 100 grams. Currants, especially dried, allow us to raise our levels of this mineral.

21- Banana

The banana or banana, in addition to providing many nutrients and minerals such as potassium, and being a healthy carbohydrate, helps us increase our calcium levels.

It has 8 milligrams per 100 grams of banana and is low in sodium, which helps in cases of fluid retention.

22- Watercress

This vegetable is one of the richest in calcium that we can find. In 100 grams of watercress there are 180 milligrams of calcium. They are rich and can be consumed as a topping on pizzas, salads and also in fillings..

23- Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are another dried fruit with a high amount of calcium inside. In 30 grams of hazelnuts we can find 56 milligrams of calcium. They are high in antioxidants, minerals and also healthy fats.

24- Sesame seeds

The versatile sesame seeds are an important source of calcium. The best thing is that you can add them to all kinds of preparations and consume calcium without noticing it. Just one tablespoon of sesame provides 88 milligrams of calcium.

25- Walnuts

Walnuts provide 88 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams of consumption. This makes them an excellent option to increase your calcium levels when consuming them as a healthy snack or in all kinds of preparations..

26- Seaweed

Seaweed is full of calcium. If we consume 100 grams of seaweed we will be ingesting 168 milligrams of calcium.

There are even supplements that are based on seaweed extract to increase calcium levels in the body..

Besides calcium, seaweed is an excellent source of magnesium and other minerals.

According to a study by the University of Hanbuk, South Korea, it was shown that the consumption of calcium extracted from seaweed, increased the density of the femur bones in rats.

This shows that it is an effective supplement for bone health, even better than synthetic calcium and magnesium supplements..

27- Soy milk

Soy milk may or may not be fortified with calcium. The enriched one delivers 26 milligrams of calcium per 200 ml, while the enriched one increases the calcium intake by almost 10 times, providing 240 milligrams for the same amount, 200 ml.

You can check the labels and prefer the ones that deliver the highest amount of calcium. However, soy milk is a food with many nutrients, especially phytoestrogens and antioxidants..

28- Spinach

Cooked spinach provides a good source of calcium, delivering 25 milligrams of calcium per cooked cup and just 3% calcium if eaten raw.

In a study carried out by Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska, it was found that although the calcium levels in spinach are high, the presence of oxalates in this vegetable prevents complete absorption. However, they continue to be an efficient source of calcium for the body..

29- Sheep's milk

Sheep's milk is an exception on the list of non-dairy foods that contain calcium, as it is high in lactose.

It provides very high levels of calcium, since in 200 ml of sheep's milk we have 473 milligrams of calcium, almost half of the daily calcium requirements in the diet of an adult who consumes 2000 calories a day.

It is one of the animal milks that has more protein, surpassing cow's milk and goat's milk..

Provides more than 14 grams of protein per cup. It also has many more vitamins and minerals than other milks, being a good source of vitamin C and vitamin B12.

To take better advantage of its benefits, it is recommended to prefer organic sheep's milk.

30- Mineral water

Believe it or not, mineral water is a good source of calcium and other minerals. In a 200 ml glass you can ingest 70 milligrams of calcium. It is also a good source of magnesium.


  1. Healty eating tips. Extracted from Prevention.com
  2. International Osteoporosis Foundation
  3. Calcium and cancer prevention. Extradite from cancer.gov
  4. Health benefits of raw organic sheeps milk. Extracted from livestrong.com
  5. Bae YJ1, Bu SY, Kim JY, Yeon JY, Sohn EW, Jang KH, Lee JC, Kim MH. Magnesium supplementation through seaweed calcium extract rather than synthetic magnesium oxide improves femur bone mineral density and strength in ovariectomized rats. 2011 Dec; 144 (1-3): 992-1002. doi: 10.1007 / s12011-011-9073-2. Epub 2011 May 17.
  6. Heaney RP, Weaver CM, Recker RR. Calcium absorbability from spinach. 1988 Apr; 47 (4): 707-9.

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