30 beautiful phrases of charm

Charles McCarthy

I leave you the best charming phrases of great authors known as Albert Camus, Oscar Wilde, Leo Tolstoy, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, José Martí and many more.

You may also be interested in these wise phrases of life or are you optimistic.

1-The charm is a way to get the answer "yes" without having asked a clear question.-Albert Camus.

2-Charm is the quality of others that make us more satisfied with ourselves.-Henri Frédéric Amiel.

3-It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are lovely or boring.-Oscar Wilde.

4-Charisma is the most powerful weapon of a man.-Jordi Balaguer.

5-There is no personal charm as great as the charm of a cheerful temperament.-Henry Van Dyke.

6-All the diversity, all the charm and beauty of life are made up of lights and shadows.-Leo Tolstoy.

7-Forbidden things have a secret charm.-Publio Cornelio Tácito.

8-Modesty is the noble charm of improving your charm by pretending that you are not aware of it.-Oliver Herford.

9-That youth smiles for no reason is one of its great charms.-Oscar Wilde.

10-All charming people have something to hide, usually their total dependence on the appreciation of others.-Cyril Connolly.

11-There is a difference between beauty and charm. A beautiful woman is one that I realize. A charming woman is the one who notices me.-John Erskine.

12-There is nothing more dangerous than a charming child.-Christina Aguilera.

13-Charming people live to the brink of their charm, and they behave as scandalously as the world allows them.-Logan Pearsall Smith.

14-Vulgarity is garlic in the salad of charm.-Cyril Connolly.

15-Charm is to a woman what perfume is to a flower.-Evan Esar.

16-The charm is a kind of margin to the human personality.-Pius Ojara.

17-Charm is the ability to be truly interested in other people.-Richard Avedon.

18-Only actions give strength to life; Only moderation gives charm.-Jean Paul.

19-Charm is a product of the unexpected.-José Martí.

20-Beauty is power, a smile is its sword.-John Jay.

21-The charm is a form of intelligence that makes you achieve more things than the intelligence of the mathematician or the physicist.-Lifeder.com.

22-Sometimes, charm can get more things than money.- Lifeder.com.

23-This beautiful world does not lack charms nor sunrises for which it is worth waking up.-Wislawa Szymborska.

24-Every beginning has its charm.-Johann Wolfgang Goethe.

25-Charm is what some have until they start to believe it.-Simone de Beauvoir.

26-If you want to cultivate your charm, start to really care about others and show it.- Lifeder.com.

27-To have charm is to let another person know that you like their presence.- Lifeder.com.

28-Have charm, but never seek the approval of others.-Lifeder.com.

29-Make your charm a habit and you will see great changes in your life.- Lifeder.com.

30-You can not have charm without being delighted with yourself.- Lifeder.com.

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