30 Short Spanish History Questions You Should Know

Anthony Golden
30 Short Spanish History Questions You Should Know

These short Spanish history questions reveal important aspects of the evolution of the country, the way it has developed and will show you data that will leave you open-mouthed.

Why do we choose short Spanish history questions? The reason is simple, and it is that sometimes in the simplest we can find important details or keys to understand the general in greater depth. In addition, they are questions of general culture that a Spaniard should know.

We hope that you are short Spanish history questions help you learn much more about Spanish culture.

Short Spanish history question

Here we will present a selection of short Spanish history questions in different categories. We hope that your curiosity is satisfied with this information that in many cases can be surprising. If you are Spanish, these are things you should definitely know.

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Short questions about the history of Spain: Culture

1. Among which countries is Spain located??

Spain is located in the south of France and east of Portugal.

2. What is the most famous character in the history of Spain?

Although there are many important characters in the history of Spain, one of the most recognized for their impact on development is Christopher Columbus..

3. What city should I go to if I want to visit the Sagrada Familia?

To visit the famous Church of the Sagrada Familia you must travel to Barcelona.

4. What is the name of the suit worn by bullfighters??

The suit that bullfighters wear before going out to fight is called a suit of lights.

5. What do Spaniards talk about when they mention siesta?

For Spaniards, siesta is a time they use to sleep after eating.

6. In which city is Puerta del Sol located?

The famous Puerta del Sol is located in Madrid.

7. What is the place where the famous April Fair is celebrated with the most fervor??

The place where the April Fair is celebrated with the most passion is Seville.

8. Who are the characters that bring gifts to children on January 6?

Those in charge of bringing the gifts to the children on January 6 are the Three Wise Men from the East.

9. What do the Spanish do at midnight on New Year's Eve??

The custom of the Spanish at midnight on New Year's Eve is to eat twelve grapes.

10. What instrument do the Sevillanas dancers use?? 

The instrument played by women who dance Sevillanas are castanets.

11. What currency was used in Spain before the Euro?

The currency of Spain before the Euro, was the Peseta.

12. What is the most famous Spanish painter of the Surrealist current??

The most famous Spanish Surrealist is Salvador Dalí.

13. What is the name of the food that they put in the bars when you order a drink??

It is called Tapas.

14. What was the dictator who led Spain for 40 years?

The famous Spanish dictator is Franco.

15. Who is the only Spanish actor who has won an Oscar??

It is the actor Javier Bardem.

Short Spanish History Questions: Politics

16. In what year did the Catholic Monarchs conquer Granada?

The Catholic Monarchs conquered Granada in 1492.

17. Is Spain the largest country in the Iberian Peninsula and in southern Europe??

Yes, Spain is the largest country with respect to the Peninsula and southern Europe.

18. In Spain, by whom is the President of the Government appointed??

The President of the Government in Spain is appointed by the King.

19. Which king are we talking about if we say that he was the successor of Juan Carlos I?

The successor of Juan Carlos I on the Spanish Throne was Felipe VI.

20. What colors is the flag of Spain?

The predominant colors of the flag of Spain are red and yellow gualda.

21. Who were part of the Barbarian Invasions in the 5th century??

Those who were part of the barbarian invasions were the Swabians, Vandals, Alans and Visigoths.

22. After the Latinization of the language, what was the other language that survived to this day??

After the processes of Latinization of languages, the language to which we refer is Euskera.

23. In what year did the Caliphate of Damascus take Toledo in the framework of the Muslim Conquest??

The Caliphate of Damascus took Toledo in 711.

24. Which was the Monarch who summoned the Curia Regia that led to the birth of the courts?

The monarch who summoned the extraordinary Royal Curia was Alfonso IX of León.

25. What was the name of the Muslim Emir in charge of delivering the keys of Granada to the Catholic Monarchs??

The keys to Granada were given by Muhamed Abú Abdallah (Boabdil)

26. When we speak of an "Empire in which the sun never sets" to which King is that expression attributed??

This expression is attributed to Carlos I.

27. Who is known as the first wife of Carlos II "The Bewitched"?

According to official history, it is considered that the first wife of Carlos II "The Bewitched" was María Luisa de Orleans..

28. The Spanish Civil Guard was created under whose reign??

When we talk about the Spanish Civil Guard we must know that it was created under the reign of Isabel II.

29. On what day did the dictator Franco lead the military uprising that started the Civil War??

The dictator Franco starts the Civil War on July 17.

30. How many presidents has Spanish democracy had, counting up to Pedro Sánchez?

The number of presidents that Spanish democracy has had until Pedro Sánchez is 7.

So far our selection of short Spanish history questions. We saw fit to divide them between culture and politics since they are the fundamental axes of the construction of a country. We hope that after reading this you have a more general knowledge about Spain and its training.

If you are Spanish you can ask them these you ask your friends to see which one knows more about the history of Spain. If you are from another country and want to visit this country, know these short Spanish history questions they will open up a bit of the panorama to you regarding this vibrant country full of tradition.

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