325 yes or no questions (funny, awkward, for kids)

Abraham McLaughlin

I leave you the better yes or no questions of diverse subjects such as sexuality, fidelity, interpersonal relationships and moral dilemmas among others. Questions that can be used in meetings to meet, in a short period of time, your friends, family or your partner.

In the same way, they are ideal to create controversy, since by only answering yes or no, without explanations in between, these answers are open to interpretation. This gives it a fun touch, since in many cases this simplification is very difficult to answer and understand..

Source: pixabay.com

We have divided them into different categories so that you can choose the one that best suits the moment and the person / s with whom you want to spend a really entertaining time and possibly full of surprises.!

Article index

  • 1 Yes or no questions for friends
  • 2 Yes or no questions for children
  • 3 Yes or no questions for boyfriend or girlfriend
  • 4 Awkward yes or no questions
  • 5 Hot yes or no questions
  • 6 Topics of interest

Yes or no questions for friends

-Would you go back to someone who has been unfaithful to you?

-Have you ever made one of your parents cry?

-Have your parents caught you in an awkward position with your partner?

-Do you usually follow what reason tells you more than your heart?

-Are you usually friends with your ex?

-Have you ever written someone a love poem?

-Have you fallen in love at first sight?

-Have you ever been put behind bars?

-Have you ever fallen asleep at school or work?

-Have you ever run away from home?

-Have you ever laughed so hard that what you were drinking came out your nose?

-Have you ever fallen in love with a friend's boyfriend or girlfriend?

-If a stranger suddenly comes and plants a kiss, do you allow it??

-If you had to move to a place where you had neither your family nor your friends, would you?

-Have you ever told someone you hate them and spread a rumor about them?

-What would you do with a million dollars?

-Do people often get the wrong idea about you?

-Can you sleep peacefully during the early mornings?

-If it were possible to colonize Mars while we are still alive, would you go to a colony?

-Are you usually judgmental towards people?

-Would you date a hairy man?

-Have you ever lost someone close?

-Have you ever been outsmarted by someone else?

-Do you live with your parents?

-If you won the lottery, would you tell your family and friends?

-Have you ever hit one of your friends?

-Do you like someone right now?

-Have you ever gone to school or work the next day without having slept a bit??

-Have you ever felt on the verge of moving out of your parents' house?

-Have you ever run away from school / work to do something fun?

-Have you ever tried drugs?

-Do you think men and women are the same?

-Have your parents caught you a high-caliber lie?

-Would you share your last piece of food with me?

-Have you got in the car of people you just met?

-Would you be able to forgive the betrayal of a friend or friend?

-Are you happy studying what you are studying or working on what you are working on?

-Have you ever been arrested?

-Do you get along with your parents?

-Have you ever passed out from drinking so much alcohol?

-Would you be with someone whose beliefs (religion, spirituality) are not the same as yours?

-Have you ever gone swimming naked in a pool?

-Have you ever witnessed a crime?

-Do you think confessions are a way to strengthen relationships?

-Have you ever kissed or been kissed in the rain?

-Do you consider that your friends are at the same level of importance as your family??

-Do you think that a man and a woman can be exclusively friends?

-Have you ever asked someone out for fun or for attention??

-Have you ever liked someone?

-When you have bad hair, do you prefer to be left alone?

-Have you gone out in your pajamas?

-Can you play at least one musical instrument?

-Have you ever kissed a photograph?

-Have you ever liked a neighbor?

-Has a friend ever stolen money from you?

-Have you ever experienced an earthquake?

-Is there a person in this room that you dislike?

-Would you get into an open relationship with someone?

-Do you think the white lies are justifiable?

-Are you doing what you always wanted to do in your life?

-Have you ever been mean or mean to someone?

-Do you consider yourself a religious / spiritual person?

-Do you believe in life after death?

-Have you ever gotten over someone?

-If you knew you only have one year to live, would you go on with your normal life?

-Would you kiss someone in your circle of friends?

-Have you ever fallen in love or had feelings for your best friend?

-Have you ever cried yourself out and fell asleep after?

-Do you consider yourself a controversial person?

-Have you ever judged someone for a secret they told you?

-Have you had sex with a stranger?

-Do you think that living in this time is better than living 50 years ago?

-Do you still have contact with your childhood friends?

Yes or no questions for kids

-Are you afraid of insects?

-Do you believe in miracles?

-Has your hand or tongue ever stuck to something?

-Have you ever gotten your parents in trouble?

-Have you ever pretended to be sick to stay home to play?

-Do you have a nickname so silly that you are embarrassed when people call you that way??

-Have you been in any band?

-Have you ever forgotten someone's name?

-You like to exercise?

-Do you like to upload photos to your social networks?

-You know how to play a musical instrument?

-Have you ever yelled at your parents?

-Have you ever been working on the computer, lost the work and had to start all over again?

-Have you ever lost your cell phone?

-Have you ever failed a class?

-Do you feel that you are a brave person?

-Are you afraid of the Dark?

-Have you ever broken a bone?

-Have you ever cried so hard that you ended up vomiting?

-If a friend is being harassed, would you defend him?

-Do you wet the bed?

-If a friend asks you to keep a secret that you are not comfortable with, do you?

-Have you ever been too afraid to watch horror movies alone??

-Have you ever left the country?

-You have a pet?

-Have you ever cheated on an exam?

-Have you ever been pushed into the pool with your clothes on?

-Would you sing karaoke?

-Would you have an exotic pet?

-Do you like rock?

-Have you ever taken money that wasn't yours?

-Are you afraid of snakes?

-Have you ever burped or gassed in front of your friends?

-Have you ever blamed someone else for something that was your fault?

-Have you ever broken a bone?

-When you drop your food on the ground, do you pick it up and eat it in the same way??

-Do you consider yourself an intelligent person?

-Have you ever seen a 15+ horror movie without permission and got so scared that you couldn't sleep?

-Have you ever passed the test questions to a friend in need??

-Are you afraid of spiders?

-Have you ever accidentally ripped your pants in a public place??

-What makes you happy?

-Have you ever been broken or have you ever broken your heart?

-Would you like to be an adult?

-Have you ever ordered something to eat on credit?

-Have you kissed a boy / girl?

-Do you consider yourself a social media addict?

-Have you ever played a prank on someone?

-Have you ever lost your glasses?

-Have you ever gone a week without bathing?

-Do you hate someone?

-Have you ever hurt someone by accident?

-Have you cheated in a game?

-Do you believe in santa claus?

-Do you like to share your lunch with your friends during the break?

-Do you consider yourself selfish?

-Have you ever choked on something you weren't supposed to eat?

-Do you consider yourself popular?

-Do you hate or have you hated school?

-Have you ever lied to a teacher?

Yes or no questions for boyfriend or girlfriend

-Am I your highest priority right now?

-Have you ever broken up with someone via text message?

-Have you ever dated someone your parents hated?

-Do you think love are just chemicals in our brains?

-Have you ever been dumped on a date?

-Would you be willing to try new things intimately with me??

-Do you trust me?

-Have you ever thought about cheating on me or another partner you have had?

-Do you see yourself in this relationship in 5 years?

-Have you had any sexually transmitted disease?

-Have you ever told someone that you like him without feeling it?

-Have you ever been fooled?

-Have you ever been unfaithful?

-Do you really like to party?

-Do you believe in bisexuality?

-Are you feminist?

-Do you regret anything you have done in life?

-Would you feel jealous if I talk about my ex boyfriend / girlfriend?

-Do you ask your partner for forgiveness even if it is not your fault?

-(For boys) If you found out I'm pregnant, would you leave me?

-Would you let me see your WhatsApp conversations?

-Have you ever fallen out of love?

-Have you ever written a cheesy poem?

-Have you ever thought of cutting with me?

-Would you like to have children?

-Would you trade something about yourself for your partner?

-Would you forgive an infidelity?

-Would you travel hundreds of miles just to see me for a couple of hours?

-Do you accept me as I am?

-Is money a deciding factor when choosing your partners?

-Would you tattoo the name of your partner?

-Is this relationship serious for you?

-Are you willing to put your happiness on the line to make our relationship successful??

-Is communication the most important thing for you in a relationship?

-Does silence bother you when we are together?

-Have you ever forgotten an anniversary or an important date?

-Would you change something in our relationship?

-Is it in your plans to get married?

-Have you ever been foolish for love?

-Do you believe that people change?

-Do you feel comfortable undressing in front of me?

-Would you leave your partner if in return you won a million dollars?

-Do you easily forget the mistakes your partner has made?

-Do you like someone else?

-You are happy?

-Have you ever been harassed by an ex?

-Would you let me see your google history?

-Would you take a backpack trip with no money with me?

-Are you currently sexually or romantically involved with another person?

-Have you had a friend with rights?

-Have you ever been bothered by something they said or done?

-Are you jealous of me when I'm dating someone of the opposite sex?

-Would you lie to your partner to protect her?

-Would you like a one night stand with me?

-Do you consider birthday celebrations important or relevant??

-Have you hidden things from me or from another partner that you have?

-Have you ever brought your partner breakfast in bed?

-Have you ever doubted your sexuality?

-If you could choose a new partner, would you choose me one more time? (without changing anything about me).

-Have you forbidden something to your partner or has your partner forbidden something out of jealousy or anger?

-When you hurt your partner, do you apologize?

Awkward yes or no questions

-Have you ever been stared at and despised for giving off a bad smell in a public place?

-Your feet stink?

-Have you ever fired during an intimate moment?

-Have you ever been with someone to forget someone else?

-Have you ever kissed one of your friends?

-Have you ever caught your friends doing it?

-Have you ever passed out in a public place?

-Have you ever faked an orgasm?

-Have you ever felt like killing someone?

-Have you ever seen your parents having sex?

-Do you like pizza with pineapple?

-Have you ever fallen in love with who you shouldn't have?

-Have you gotten involved with a friend's boyfriend or girlfriend?

-Have you ever fallen in love with a friend's partner?

-Do you pick your nose or ears in public?

-Would you ditch your date mid-date if the latter was a complete disaster?

-Have you ever woken up with someone you don't know and feel so confused about it??

-(For girls) Have you ever tried to urinate while standing?

-Have you taken nude photos of yourself in front of the mirror?

-Have you ever been caught avoiding your responsibilities?

-Have you vomited on someone you don't know?

-Have you ever been discriminated against?

-Would you accept your son / daughter if he were homosexual?

-(For boys) Have you ever flirted for a girl?

-Have you ever run out of toilet paper when you have gone to a public toilet?

-Would you kill if you could do it and be free from repercussions?

-Have any of your sexual partners reproached you for your genitals or your intimate performance?

-Have you pretended to be sick at work to take a vacation?

-Have you fallen asleep having sex?

-Has it ever happened to you that you laughed in the wrong situation and everyone stared at you?

-Has it happened to you that you have not managed to get to the bathroom and you urinated on yourself?

-Have you ever gotten so drunk that the next day you were a laughingstock among your friends??

-Do you have something on your computer that you would be embarrassed for others to see?

-When you masturbate, do you usually wash your hands?

-Have you ever been about to die because of your recklessness?

-Have you ever lied to say I love you?

-Have you ever been hooked on a really bad TV series?

-Are you comfortable with your body?

-You exercise?

-Would you kill someone who wants to rape you?

-How tall are you?

-Would you have a child with a celebrity if you had the chance?

-Are you in favor of abortion?

-Have you had an erotic dream lately?

-Have you gotten into trouble with your partner for texting with people you shouldn't?

-If you could have children without the need for our reproductive devices, would you have children?

-Do you brush your teeth every day?

-Are you a self centered person?

-Have you experimented with people of the same sex (if you are heterosexual) or with people of the opposite sex (if you are homosexual)?

-Do you pee in the shower?

-Have you ever played porn blasting out when you think no one is home and they ended up listening to you?

-Do you think your partner is satisfied with your sexual performance?

-Have you ever been so drunk that you ended up defecating all over your clothes?

-Would you go back with your ex?

-Do you think women are responsible for housework and children??

-Have you ever recycled gifts (ex: you gave away what someone had given you)?

-Have you ever peed in a pool?

-Have you masturbated today?

-If someone you like him or do you ask her out?

-Do you consider yourself superior to the rest?

-Would you be in a poly love relationship?

-Would you drink your own urine if you did not have access to water in any condition?

-Do you usually wear the same garment several times before washing it?

-Would you trade the most important person in your life for a financially resolved life?

-Would you have relations with your boss for a promotion?

-Is the life you are living the life you wish you were living?

-Do you reuse your underwear several times before washing it?

-Would you have cosmetic surgery?

Spicy yes or no questions

-Have you used Tinder or any other dating app to arrange occasional sexual encounters?

-Are you a virgin?

-Do you consider yourself an open-minded person when exploring your sexuality?

-Size Matters?

-Do you like to be possessive or do you like to be possessive of you?

-Have you watched pornography with someone else?

-Have you been caught masturbating or watching pornography?

-If you had a chance to sleep with your favorite artist, would you?

-Are you a dominant person during sex?

-Have you ever ended up liking something unexpectedly in bed?

-Do you like to be given oral sex?

-Have you ever recorded an erotic video?

-Have you ever had sex in a public bathroom?

-Have you woken up the neighbors by being loud in bed?

-Do you own any sex toys?

-Do you like to show off in public having sex?

-Have you ever made love in a park?

-Is it hard for you to reach orgasm?

-Have you had sex in the last week?

-Have you had sex at work?

-Could you make your partner reach orgasm just with kisses and caresses?

-Are you the one who takes the initiative in sex?

-Have you ever traveled to another city just to be able to have sex with someone?

-Have you been intimately involved with someone you met that very day??

-Have you ever been intimate in a car?

-Has a complete stranger ever told you that you are attractive??

-Are you happy with your sex life?

-Do you scream while having sex?

-Have you said something to your partner that ended up ruining the desire??

-Would you like to swap couples (swing)?

-Have you ever had sex with someone you weren't physically attracted to?

-Have you ever seen someone dress or undress without that person knowing?

-Do you have sex frequently?

-If your partner wanted to have a threesome, would you agree?

-Would you participate in an orgy if you were asked?

-Have you slept with an ex after you left him / her?

-Have you lied just for the purpose of having sex?

-Do you practice or would you practice anal sex?

-Have you ever been complimented on your genitals?

-Do you like to be rude in bed?

-Have you ever fantasized about the father or mother of one of your friends??

-Have you had sex with more than one person in the same day?

-Have you been attracted to someone of the same sex?

-Do you like to be talked dirty?

-Have you ever broken a condom?

-If you could, would you like to embody the body of the opposite sex for a few days??

-Have you had sex without a condom?

-Have you ever exhibited your naked body in public?

-Has a superior of yours ever hinted at you (teacher, boss)?

-Do you usually wear underwear?

-Have you ever been caught in the middle of the excitement, didn't have condoms on hand and went to the act anyway??

-Have you used aphrodisiacs to improve your sexual performance?

-Have you required the services of a professional in the area? (strippers or sex servers)

-Have you ever used food during sex?

-Have you ever chased someone out of your house after having sex?

-Have you called out someone else's name while having sex?

-Have you ever woken up with someone you regretted being with?

-Have you been seen naked by accident?

-Would you try Bondage, Sexual Domination and Sadomasochism?

-Would you strip your partner?

-Have you been in a relationship for just one night?

-Have you seen erotic movies with your partner when they are intimate?

-Have you ever swam naked with someone else?

-Have you had more than one sexual partner simultaneously (not group sex)?

-Have you fantasized about having relationships with your teacher or with your boss?

Themes of interest

Games for whatsapp.

Challenges for facebook.

Questions for conversation.

Truth or dare questions.

Love questions.

Interesting questions for men and women.

Uncomfortable questions.

Fun questions.

Questions to meet someone.

Questions of me never.

Leading questions.

Stupid questions to laugh at.

Hot and daring questions.

Questions of what do you prefer.

Conversation topics.

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