39 Riddles with solution for children and adults

Robert Johnston
39 Riddles with solution for children and adults

These riddles with solution They will help you train to test your ingenuity and ability to solve problems that require you to stop and think. They are for children and adults and you can play with your friends or family to make it more fun. The answers can be found at the end.

1-Jack and jail

Source: pixabay.com

Jack is locked in a cell whose only window is too high to be reached. The cell is empty except for a shovel. It is hot, there is no water source within reach and Jack will not receive food or drinks for now.

Thus, Jack only has two days to get out of the cell, otherwise he will die. Digging a tunnel is not feasible as it would take more than two days. How would Jack escape from the cell?

2-The ghost

Four friends take photos in a haunted house. When developing the photos they are surprised to see the shadow of a ghost in one of them. They decide to take her to a medium and he tells them that they have played a prank. How do you know?

3-The elevator lady

Source: pixabay.com

Every morning an old woman who lives on the 10th floor of a building takes the elevator from the 10th floor to the ground floor, and goes to buy bread. Upon returning, he takes the elevator again, but goes up to the 8th floor and continues up the stairs to his house on the 10th floor. Why is he doing this??

4-The 100-story building

Source: pixabay.com

A man became famous for jumping out of the window of a 100-story building without being hurt. How could it have been possible? 

5-The ice of the drinks

Source: pixabay.com

Marissa and Juliana went out for drinks. They both ordered the same drink and with ice. Juliana was really thirsty, so she had five drinks. In the same period of time, Marissa only took one. All the drinks were poisoned, but only Marissa died. Why? 

6-The young man from the supermarket

A young man stole merchandise from a supermarket. While running from the police entered a training facility. The police officer found her sweatshirt in front of a classroom door. As soon as he entered and saw all the students, he knew who the young man he was looking for was. Without needing to see his face, how did you know who the young man was?

7-Jack and Rosa

Jack and Rosa meet at a concert. After a week of mischievous friendship, Rosa invites Jack to her house. When he arrives, he receives the surprise that Rosa has a twin sister named Ana.

They both begin to joke by not telling Jack which one of them is the real Rose. However, Jack only had to remember one of his dates with Rosa and observe the right forearm of both to know who his future fiancée was. As it did?

8-The light off

Mr. José turns off the light and goes to sleep. The next morning you read in the news that a ship crashed into the rocks and the entire crew disappeared. Feeling so much remorse, he surrendered to the police.

9-The hotel

A woman is in her hotel room when there is a knock on the door. Upon opening, he meets a man and he excuses himself by saying: "I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I thought it was my room." Then the man walks down the corridor and takes the elevator. The woman immediately picks up the phone and speaks to security. What caused suspicions in the woman?

10-The Japanese ship

Source: Pxhere.com

A Japanese ship was leaving the port for the open sea. The captain noticed a can of oil on the deck and removed his ring so as not to ruin it while cleaning. He left it on the table, but when he came back the ring was gone.

The captain suspected that three members of his staff might be guilty, so he asked them what they had been doing in the time he was absent..

The cook claimed to be in the kitchen preparing dinner; the engineer claimed to be in the engine room supervising the equipment; and the sailor claimed to be on the mast arranging the flag, since someone had turned it upside down by mistake. Then the captain, upon hearing the statements, knew who it had been. Who was?

11-Mrs. Smith

Mrs. Smith went to the police saying that her old necklace was missing. I was furious; However, when the police arrived at the house they saw that there was no sign of a break-in, as there were no forced locks or open doors.

There was only a broken window whose glass had fallen out, untidy furniture and footprints all over the floor. Surprisingly, the next day Mrs. Smith was arrested for fraud. Why?

12-The geography teacher

On the first day of class, the geography teacher was assassinated. When the police arrived, they took four suspects: the gardener, the coach, the math teacher and the principal..

The problem is compounded by the fact that they all had alibis. The gardener said he was cutting bushes; the math teacher said he was giving a final exam; the coach said he was playing soccer; and the director said he was in his office. Despite this, the killer was immediately arrested. Who was the murderer? How did the cops solve the mystery?  

13-The delivery man

A lonely man lives at his home in the suburbs of the city. He leads a quiet life and has never left his home for long periods of time. It was a summer Friday when the delivery man passed by and called the man, however, he did not get an answer..

He leaned out the window and saw the man in a pool of blood. When the police officer arrived, he found Tuesday's newspaper, two bottles of hot milk and a bottle of cold milk at the door of the house. The next day the murderer was arrested. How did the police know so fast who the killer was? 

14-The killer of the pills

Source: pixabay.com

A serial killer has a particular way of treating his victims. He kidnaps people and tells them that they have to choose one of two pills. Tells them that one of the pills is poisonous, the other is harmless.

When his victims take one pill, the killer takes the other. Then the scheme is repeated continuously: the victims take their pills with water and die while the murderer, repeatedly, survives. How does the killer always get the harmless pill? 

15-John and the window

Photo by niu niu on Unsplash

Once, on a very cold day, a tragedy occurred: John found his friend dead in his own home. John called the police and claimed to be passing near Jack's house when he decided to visit him..

John said he was knocking on the door, but got no answer; as he leaned out the window he blew on the glass so he could see, so he could see that there were lights on and he observed Jack on the ground. Unexpectedly, the police arrested John as the first suspect. Why?

16-The famous chemist

An invention was stolen from a famous chemist. There was no evidence except for a paper with names of the elements carbon, oxygen, nickel, lanthanum and sulfur. On the day the robbery occurred, the chemist received three visitors: his wife Mary, his nephew Nicolas, and his friend Jonathan. Police quickly arrested the killer. How did they know who it was? 

Answer: The answer is on paper. By taking the chemical symbol of the indicated substances, a name is formed: nickel (Ni), carbon (C), oxygen (O), lanthanum (La) and sulfur (S), they form the word Nicolas.

17-The fall

Source: pixabay.com

The body of a woman lies at the bottom of a multi-story building, appearing to have been a suicide. When the police arrive, go upstairs, observe that all the windows are closed and toss a coin from each floor. When finished, he concludes that it was a homicide and not a suicide. How did you get to that conclusion?

18-The funeral

Source: pixabay.com

A girl is at her mother's funeral and there she meets a boy. She was so busy with funeral business that she couldn't ask for her number; When asking the others, they all claimed not to know who that boy was. A few days later the girl murders her sister. Why?

19-The recording

Source: pixabay.com

A man was found dead on the floor with a tape recorder in one hand and a pistol in the other. When the police arrived on the scene, they played the recording contained in the device and the man's voice was heard saying: “I don't have anything else to live for, I can go in peace”, followed by the sound of a gunshot. After hearing it, they knew it was a homicide, not a suicide. How?

20-The British Detective

Source: pixabay.com

A British detective has been investigating an oil smuggling case across the country. One day the detective disappears without leaving a trace, more than a set of numbers written on paper, these are:


By reading these numbers the detective friend named Bill is arrested and taken as the main suspect. Why?

21-The jury and the door

A woman was in court, accused of murdering her husband. She claimed to be innocent and that she missed her husband. At the conclusion of the trial, the woman's lawyer stands up and says: “Her husband was just lost. Everyone look at the door, in 30 seconds he will enter ".

The entire jury looked toward the door while the woman and her attorney looked at the jury. The lawyer says: "If they really believed that this woman was guilty, they would not have looked at the door." The jury immediately found the woman guilty. Why? 

22-The apothecary

The apothecary and his daughter, the doctor and his wife, ate nine cakes and each got three. How is it possible?

23-The lost dog

It was a Sunday afternoon when Marta came home to find that her dog had been stolen. When the police arrive, they interrogate the people present.

Marta claimed to have spent the entire day shopping; the gardener claimed to be mowing the lawn; the cook claimed to be preparing lunch and the housekeeper claimed to be collecting the letters that the postman had left that day. Immediately the police knew who it had been. Who had been?

24-The suburbs

A dead person appears in the suburbs of the city. After certain investigations, the detective discovers the murderer, but he was never tried or went to jail. Why?

25-The nightingales

In a tree there are seven nightingales. A hunter arrives and hunts two of them. How many nightingales are left on the tree? 

26-The grandmother and young man

A 60-year-old woman and a 16-year-old girl are having coffee at a local when a man passes by. "Hello father," says the 60-year-old woman; "Hello father," says the 16-year-old. How is it possible?

27-The kidnapper

A man kidnaps a girl named Lucy. The man gives the girl a chance to escape, points to three doors and says: “The first door is full of killers with loaded weapons. The second door hides a blazing fire. And the third door is full of tigers that have not eaten in two years. Lucy immediately entered through the third door. Why?

28-The man in the car

A man was shot while in his car. There were no dust marks on his clothing, so forensics determined the killer was outside the car. However, all the glass was upstairs, the doors were closed, and the only holes they found were in the man's body. How did the murder happen?

29-The killer and the apple

A serial killer invites a victim to his home. After having eaten lunch, the killer offers his victim an apple. Take a knife and chop the apple in two so that you can both eat the same fruit. After each one has finished their piece, the victim falls unconscious. If they both ate the same apple, why did only the victim perish??

30-The cup of tea

A woman walks into a restaurant and orders a cup of tea. Upon receiving it, she is horrified to find a fly in her cup; the waiter takes it away and brings her a fresh cup of tea again. The woman tastes the tea and yells, "You brought me the same cup of tea!" How did he know?

31-The Snow Man

A man was found dead in the snow and the only clues are a pair of footprints in the snow between two thin parallel lines. Who should the police be looking for? 

32-The Smuggler

Every day a man crosses the border on a bicycle with two bags of sand. Border guards received word that the man is a smuggler.

When the man tried to cross the border, they searched his sandbags, however they did not find anything else. So what was the man smuggling? 

33-The romantic evening

A woman captures her husband and immerses him in the water for five minutes. A while later they both go out to eat and enjoy a romantic evening. How is this possible?

Answer: The woman captures her husband in a photograph, then immerses it in water for five minutes to be revealed.

34-The cliff

A man kills his wife in the car with a knife and no one around notices it. He lowers the corpse from the car, being careful not to leave any footprints on the body, throws the knife over a cliff and returns home. An hour later a policeman calls the man, tells him that his wife has been murdered and that he is needed at the crime scene immediately. As soon as the man arrives he is arrested. Why?

35-The man of the desert

A naked man appears in the desert. There is no trace of a path or of footprints in his path, several pieces of clothing appear next to him and he holds an unused match in his hand. How did man get to the desert without leaving traces?

36-Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet appear dead on the floor of a room. The door was closed, but the window was open. They weren't poisoned, but we can see a pool of water, fake sea plants, and pieces of glass on the ground. What happened?

37-Mrs. Carter and the cats

Mrs. Carter was on vacation for two weeks. When he got home he found a big mess made by cats, however, what caught his attention the most was his missing jewelry box..

When a police officer arrived, Mrs. Carter said: “When I left, I left the keys to my house with Mr. Brahms, so that he would water my flowers; to Mrs. Fox, to tend my cats; and to Mr. León, to fix the damaged thermostat ".

The policeman, after inspecting the house, questioned the three suspects and all claimed to be innocent. Then the policeman took Mrs. Fox away for the theft of the jewels. Why?

38-The boy from the bar

A boy runs into a bar, and urgently asks for a glass of water. The waiter, who sees him, takes out a pistol and points it at him. At the moment, the boy says "thank you" to the waiter and leaves. What happened? 

39-The sailor and the cross

A ship captain will bring justice to a rebellious sailor. He decides to cast it to chance and proposes to take a piece of paper from a bag. If the paper with the cross drawn comes out, the sailor is expelled, but if the blank paper comes out, the sailor stays. At midnight the sailor finds out that two papers with crosses will be put in the bag to ensure their expulsion. 

The time comes to take out the paper and, just as they do, the sailor puts the removed paper in his mouth and swallows it. Why does that?


  1. Answer: Had to make a pile of dirt under the window, climb over it, and get out of the cell.
  2. Answer: The shadow of a ghost appeared in the photo. Ghosts cast no shadow.
  3. Answer: Because he is short and does not reach button 10, he only reaches 8.
  4. Answer: The man jumped from the ground floor.
  5. Answer: The poison was not in the drinks, but in the ice. How Juliana drank the drinks very quickly, did not let the ice melt and consequently the poison reached her. 
  6. Answer: Because he was the only young man in the classroom without school supplies.
  7. Answer: Jack remembered that Rosa had a tattoo on her right forearm, he only had to find it on one of them to know who each one was..
  8. Answer: Mr. José lives in a lighthouse. He turned off the light and, because of him, the ship crashed.
  9. Answer: It is unusual for a person to knock on their own bedroom door. If the man thought it was his room, he could have just walked in.
  10. Answer: It was clearly the sailor. They were on a Japanese ship, and the Japanese flag is white with a dot in the middle, so it cannot be turned upside down. The sailor was lying.
  11. Response: The police claimed that Mrs. Smith was lying because the window was broken from inside the house. If it had been broken from the outside, the pieces of broken glass would be inside the house.
  12. Answer: The killer was the math teacher. According to his alibi, he was delivering a final exam, which is impossible since the murder occurred on the first day of school..
  13. Answer: The delivery man was arrested. Only he knew that no one in that house would read the Wednesday and Thursday newspaper. That's why he only went to the man's house on Friday.
  14. Answer: The murderer was always deceiving his victims. The poison is not in the pills, but in the glass of water. 
  15. Answer: Obviously John did not think about science. I would not have been able to clean the mist from the window by blowing it in as the glass freezes from the inside. John was the killer.
  16. Answer: The answer is on paper. By taking the chemical symbol of the indicated substances, a name is formed: nickel (Ni), carbon (C), oxygen (O), lanthanum (La) and sulfur (S), they form the word Nicolas.
  17. Answer: The woman could not have committed suicide by jumping from one of the floors since when the police went to each floor to toss a coin, they noticed that all the windows were closed.
  18. Answer: This way I could find the boy again and ask for his number.
  19. Answer: If the man killed himself, he would not have been able to rewind the recording..
  20. Answer: By turning the numbers over, the name "BILL" can be encoded.
  21. Answer: The woman was looking at the jury and not at the door, because she knew that he would not enter through there. If I really missed him so much, I would have looked at the door. 
  22. Answer: The apothecary's daughter is also the doctor's wife.
  23. Answer: It was the housekeeper, since the postman does not deliver the mail on Saturdays.
  24. Answer: Because it was a suicide, he killed himself. 
  25. Answer: None, because the rest flew away.
  26. Answer: Man is a priest.
  27. Answer: If tigers haven't eaten in two years, they are dead.
  28. Answer: The car must have been a convertible so the killer could have fired from the outside without leaving any holes in the car.
  29. Answer: The serial killer used a poison-filled knife only on one side. Thus, when cutting the apple, the poison was impregnated on only one side, the same side that it gave to its victim.
  30. Answer: He had already added sugar to his cup of tea. 
  31. Answer: A man in a wheelchair.
  32. Answer: I was smuggling bikes.
  33. Answer: The woman captures her husband in a photograph, then immerses it in water for five minutes to be revealed.
  34. Answer: The man never asked where the crime scene was, therefore he already knew.
  35. Answer: Three men were traveling in a balloon when they began to lose altitude. They decided to throw away their clothes to lose weight, but it was insufficient. Whoever got the smallest match would be thrown out of the basket, they played, and it was his turn.
  36. Answer: Romeo and Juliet are fish. When the window was opened, it hit the fish tank and fell to the ground, killing them.
  37. Answer: The police officer inspected the house and noticed that all the work had been done except the task of taking care of the cats, since they had made a total mess in the house. Thus, Mrs. Fox lied by stating that she did her duty.
  38. Answer: The boy had hiccups and wanted a glass of water to wash off. However, the waiter realized and decided to scare him, because with a scare they say that you can remove the hiccups.
  39. Answer: Because when you swallow the paper, everyone would wonder what would have come out, and the only way to answer that is by looking at what was left in the bag. Having put two crosses in the bag, the sailor was saved, because everyone thought that he swallowed the blank paper.

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