4 Social Functions of Scientific Knowledge

Basil Manning
4 Social Functions of Scientific Knowledge

Some social functions of scientific knowledge They are the improvement in the quality of life, the identification and solution to the problems that humanity faces, the improvement in the use of resources or the education of society.

Science and technology have developed at an unimaginable speed in recent years. As a consequence of this, our society is totally immersed in this world and products from scientific knowledge are everywhere..

Without a doubt, science and technology are extremely important elements of today's human culture. Thanks to scientific knowledge, society has achieved a better quality of life.

A better educated and informed society on the scientific subject results in a more cultured and critical society. The importance of science and technology is increasing as the world immerses itself in a knowledge society.

Main social functions of scientific knowledge

1- Improvement in the quality of life

Scientific knowledge can be considered as a social good which enriches humanity.

Thanks to scientific research in various fields, scientific knowledge can be generated day by day and thus allow a better quality of life for society. An example of this are advances in medicine.

Knowledge has a social function either at the individual, family or social level. Scientific knowledge is available to society. The way it is used is both individual and collective responsibility..

2- Identify and solve the problems that humanity faces

Scientific knowledge allows solving many of the problems that society faces regardless of the country where it is located..

Research gives us guidelines to understand what the world is like along with its social problems. To the extent that we understand the problems that afflict us as a society, the greater the possibilities of transforming these situations into something positive..

Society has more and better tools to undertake the search for knowledge and solve the problems that afflict it.

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3- Improves the use of resources

The knowledge generated as a result of scientific research makes it possible to take advantage of both natural and energy resources as well as advances in biomedical sciences in a more efficient way, to mention a few.

This saves time, money and at the same time many lives and natural resources can be saved..

Scientific knowledge allows a better use and management of renewable resources, having "cleaner" energy and applying it to daily life.

4- Educate society

As scientific knowledge wins battles within the social aspect, this results in us having a better educated society and therefore a better life.

Scientific knowledge offers answers about the functioning of things, society and the world in general. 

Improves cognitive and pragmatic skills thus offering an improvement in the social sphere.  

Today science provides adequate models and representations of reality that allow us to explain the whys of the world and society.

In addition, science provides analysis, evaluation, and decision-making processes in society..  


  1. The social function of scientific culture - Juan Ignacio Pérez culturacientifica.com. 
  2. Social Sciences in the Scientific Context. University of Barcelona ub.edu.
  3. The Social Function of Science. Pedro García Cabrera Foundation fundacionpgc.wordpress.com.

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