4 Obstacles on the way to your goals

Egbert Haynes
4 Obstacles on the way to your goals

It is important to know the obstacles that may come our way and take them into account so that they do not take away our motivation and take us away from our goals.. When we set long-term goals, it is very easy to get tired, since you have to be very constant.

1. Lack of results

We started with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm to plan everything we are going to do. Then we go on doing small tasks. We continue for a few weeks and… why don't we see results? When this happens we collapse, motivation decreases and it begins to cost us to dedicate time to our project. We get tired and consider quitting. But we must not fall for that!

Results are slow to arrive, but the work that we carry is already done. We have learned new things. If we look back we will realize that we already have a long way to go. The results are going to appear sooner or later. The important thing is to continue and stay motivated.

Do not get carried away by pessimism and continue. Every step you take brings you closer and closer to the goal. Also when you start to see results there will be no one to stop you and you will see that your effort and work has been worth it..

2. Opinions of "friends"

Friends, family or acquaintances who, of course, give their opinion and opinion about you and what you do, without having the slightest idea.

They will probably tell you that what you do is going to be of no use to you. That they drag you to do other things because they consider that investing your time in your projects is silly.

They are the ones who convince you to have cake when you have been on a diet for a week, the ones who do not value your work and the conformists who have no intention of improving their life and therefore do not understand why others work outside of their working hours..

Some may make you doubt but do not let yourself be manipulated. You can try to explain what it means to you, but if they continue to think it doesn't make sense, just ignore them and don't talk to them about your projects..

In other stages, when your project begins to give results, the envious appear. They will try to demoralize you because they tend to think they are better than you. They may even want to do their own projects, but they tend to get bored right away and quit. They do not realize that what matters here is work and perseverance.

3. Lack of habits

If we do not start to implement habits, the work will be uphill. We won't find time to get to work. We will not be organized and our project will falter in addition to becoming more difficult.

Organizing your daily routine and turning small tasks into habits will help you. It's like brushing your teeth. We do it almost without realizing it. Or put on our pajamas before going to sleep or make coffee in the morning when we wake up. Find a hole in the day and put some of the tasks of your project there. For example sitting down to study every day at 4 o'clock, or reading information about your project (books, blogs, specialized pages…) before going to sleep. It is also very productive to have a plan for downtime (I have a book app on my mobile and I continue my reading when I am waiting somewhere).

4. yourself

How am I going to be my own obstacle? Well boycotting you in a thousand and one ways. "I'm too tired, I'll start tomorrow" or "I don't have time today" (not even 5 minutes? And the time you waste on social networks for example?) Or "I have more important things to do" (okay, that's I think but is it really that in 24 hours there are not a few minutes for your project?).

Then there are times when we are not emotionally well and we do nothing directly. Or holidays and weekends that later make it difficult for us to return to habits and routine.

Take care of yourself because you can't help yourself.

When this happens to you, what will happen to you, I recommend that you have a text or book on motivation handy. It is also good to visualize yourself achieving that goal. Even look back and see the path you have traveled. When you least expect it, you will see that you have spent months and even more than a year investing time in your project and you will realize your enormous capacity and that will motivate you..

You already know your enemies and can be prepared to face them. Take heart and keep going.

And finally, I am going to share the results of a study that establish a correlation between achieving objectives and having previously put them in writing:

If you want to meet your goals, write them down

Recent research has shown that there is a greater chance that your goals are met if you put them in writing.

The study

The research has been carried out at the University of Southern California by Professor Gail Matthews. Have participated 150 volunteers of different ages (from 20 years to 70). All participants were randomly divided into 5 groups.

TO all the groups They were asked to think about what goals they would like to achieve within a month. These goals were primarily related to their business or jobs.

The Group 1 acted as a control group. Nothing more was asked of this group. However, the rest of the groups were asked for more things in increasing order:

The Groups 2, 3, 4, 5 in addition to thinking about their goals, they had to write them down on paper.

The Groups 3,4,5 in addition to thinking about the objectives and writing them down on paper, they had to write a short explanation about how they planned to achieve these objectives.

The Groups 4.5 In addition to all of the above, they had to tell a friend about the objectives set.

Finally, the Team 5 he needed to go one step further and send his chosen friend a weekly report on how he was progressing towards his goals.

The results

One month later, all participants were asked what percentage of goals they had achieved. These were the results:

  • Group 1: 43% of objectives achieved
  • Group 2: 61% of objectives achieved
  • Group 3: 51% of objectives achieved
  • Group 4: 64% of objectives achieved
  • Team 5: 76% of objectives achieved

The percentages of Groups 2,3 and 4 they are not statistically significant with each other. However, there is an important difference in the groups at the extremes.

Based on the percentages of the Group 1 we verify that only thinking about a goal is not a guarantee to achieve it. Participants in this group achieved less than half of the goals they had set.

On the other hand, the percentages of Team 5 show that to increase the chances of getting something you must periodically inform a third person. Participants in this group achieved 3 out of 4 goals that they had set..

In summary

Thinking about something is not enough to get it. In your head countless thoughts happen continuously. If you want to differentiate any of these thoughts, you must select it and put it on paper (or on the computer). What you get thanks to this selection is to give it more importance.

When something is important to you, you start to believe it. And that's the first step to get it.

If you also make it public and report your progress, your chances of achieving it will increase.. Failing and only finding out is not the same as failing and letting others find out too. Pressure (in a good sense of the word) from those who know what you are up to helps you achieve your goals.

When you communicate to someone your intentions to achieve something, you are actually signing a kind of contract with that person. You are the party that is committed to achieving something. The other party agrees to witness your achievements.

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