Interesting questions we have all of them, or at least we always consider it that way, but when we start a good conversation we usually overlook those good conversation topics.
Next, we leave you a list with some interesting questions and crazy things that you can do to have a quite striking conversation, this as long as they lend themselves to use their imagination for the answers.
These types of interesting questions can be used to parties and friends' gatherings and even for a personal conversation with a person you like, in fact if you look at the answers you can discover a couple of pretty interesting things about people no matter how silly the questions may seem.
We divide this list of interesting questions in two, so that you can choose the ones that best suit a particular situation. In any case, after reading carefully you will have good material so that a conversation never dies.
1. If you could be a character in history or today, who would you like to be??
two. Would you like to have a super power? Which?
3. If you had a million dollars in your possession, what would be the first thing you would do or the first thing you would buy?
4. If you could be the best professional in the world, be it an artist, an athlete or any profession, what would you choose to be??
5. In what historical period would you like to spend a vacation?
6. If you could make all people understand one thing, one thing, what would you teach them??
7. If you could create a tree out of anything strange like pizza or something like that, what would your tree be made of??
8. In a laboratory they can create any animal the size of a kitten. What animal would you choose? (It can be a small one to enlarge, or a huge one to shrink)
9. If you discovered a new planet, what would you name it??
10. Think of the old Robin Hood robbing the rich to distribute to the poor. Now think of another situation that is wrong but stated in a certain way sounds correct.
eleven. If you could be immune to something, even an emotion or feeling, what would you like to be immune to??
12. You can choose anyone from the story to be your teacher or teacher. Who would you choose?
13. What is the weirdest thing they do in your region, country or home? That which may seem strange to everyone else.
14. If they turned your life into a film narrated in the third person or voiceover, who would you like the narrator to be and who the actor who stars in your role??
fifteen. Mention something that you think everyone has done or eaten but that you haven't done yet
16. Imagine this scene: an angry soldier is about to kill an innocent child. Taking into account the vital and ethical implications of the situation, who would you rather be, the child or the soldier??
17. If you were god for a day what would you do?
18. At this time scientific experiments are limited by professional ethics Do you think there is a cruel experiment that can bring great advances to society?
19. You are in the forest at night and suddenly you find an alien in his ship (it can also be a god or a ghost), you can talk to him. What would you ask him??
twenty. If a world is created only with your clones, what do you think that world would be like??
twenty-one. Assuming that the ancient Egyptians were right, and the objects with which they bury us can be useful to us in the afterlife, what object would you like them to put in your grave when you die??
22. If you were in charge of writing the 10 commandments, what would your main commandments be??
2. 3. You can remove hunger from everyone with just one decision, the only thing they ask you in return is never to see the person you love the most.Would you do it??
24. Suppose you can know the truth about all the conspiracies in the world, but if you tell someone about them, you die. Would you still like to have this knowledge??
25. If all the objects in a house could talk, which do you think would complain the most and which would be the happiest??
26. If we put musical sound to all the objects in the world, what do you think would be the one that would emit the most annoying music)
27. Suppose you are in delicate surgery and you are under general anesthesia, but for some reason you start to listen to what those who are operating on you are saying.What is the worst thing you could hear??
28. If you could organize any type of competition regardless of the budget, what is the craziest competition or test you can think of??
29. Suppose you can turn someone into whatever you want an animal, plant object or whatever. Who would you turn and into what? Well, the intrigue will not let us leave without knowing why?
30. If they gave you a doctorate in whatever you want, but you will only have the knowledge you have now, what would you have a doctorate in??
31. If you could change the character from one book to another or from one movie to another, what characters would you change??
32. If you were a spirit and could possess people, what would you do with them? Who would you like to own?
33. Suppose that magic is real, and that you can learn spells for anything, the downside is that you can only learn three spells. What would you choose to learn??
3. 4. If you were to design a treasure cave, what would be the surprises you would leave there for the curious??
35. If you could recreate a civilization of madness or nonsense, who would be the leaders of this civilization??
36. If you could have access to the electronic devices of anyone in the world, who would you like to hack??
37. If you had glasses that would show you the measurement of something in other people, what would that be that you would program them to measure?
38. Suppose you are given the power to know when someone is lying to you, but you cannot comment or deny people who do so. Would you still like to have this power??
39. If you could have a drawer from which something comes out infinitely, what would you like to get out of the drawer? You must bear in mind that you will always get the same.
40. There is tear gas to make you cry and laughing gas to make you laugh. Which gas would you invent??
41. Think about the most boring sport in the world, now think what would you change or what silly rule or situation would you introduce to make it more interesting?
We hope that you are interesting questions help you start unique conversations. Remember that trivia games can save any meeting and make the tedium of going elsewhere.
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