The leading questions they have become super fashionable on the internet. It is normal to find multiple videos in which these types of questions are asked to different people, because the result is always very funny.
To better understand what this is about, you should know that leading questions are a type of question in which the sender aims to confuse his interlocutor into answering something that he would not otherwise say.
The word capioso means fallacious, and therefore each question of this type brings a trick or type of deception up its sleeve, to make the person who must answer lose their head or respond unconsciously..
In any case, the above does not mean that asking a leading question turns someone into a bad person, indeed, knowing some leading questions can be an excellent tool to break the ice and start a conversation or to have fun with your friends or partner..
Now, without further ado we leave you the best leading questions of the network.
We are going to divide this series of questions into different categories that will give you an idea of who you can use them with and in what contexts..
What is that thing that if you have it you want to share it and if you share it you no longer have it?
-A secret
Where do passengers leave a plane if it crashes?
-For the news
If an electric train is going north at 180km / h and a 16km / h wind is blowing west, where does the smoke go??
-An electric train does not produce smoke
How can a man go out into the street in the middle of a downpour, without any umbrella or protection and not get a single hair on his head wet??
-Being bald
Where does Thursday come first than Wednesday??
-In the dictionary
There are months of 30 days and others of 31. How many months have 28 days?
How many pairs of animals did Moses climb onto the ark??
-None, because the one who made the ark was Noah
What provides the power to walk through walls?
-The doors
How can a person go 8 days without sleep?
-Sleeping at night
Is it possible to drop an egg on a stone floor without breaking it??
-Yes, stone floors are quite sturdy.
What can you find in the middle of nowhere?
How long did the 100 years war last?
-116 years
How much dirt can you find in a 28 meter well?
-In the wells there is water.
If a panther, a monkey and an orangutan run to a coconut tree, which will be the first to lower the bananas?
-None, because coconut trees do not give bananas.
It has ears, tail and paws of a cat, but it is not a cat. What is?
-A cat
What should you fill a barrel with so that it has less weight?
-Of holes
What is always kept on the floor and on the walls without getting dirty?
-The shadow
What is the animal that always walks with its paws on its head?
-The lice
If a rooster lays an egg in a chicken coop, which way can it roll??
-To none because roosters do not lay eggs.
It's totally yours, but everyone uses it.What is it??
-Your name
Who does it does not need it, who buys it cannot use it and who uses it does not know that they are using it.?
-The coffin
What is it that always increases and never decreases?
What can be broken without ever having been in our hands?
-A promise
In what month does Russia celebrate the October Revolution??
-In November
What is it that you can hold with your right hand but never with your left hand?
-Your left hand
What is the name of the woman who knows where her husband is all the time?
What is it that has a face but no body?
-A coin
What is the maximum number of times you can fold a newspaper in half?
-Just once, because the other folds would be a quarter, an eighth ...
Why can't a woman living in Europe be buried in Colombia?
-Because a living woman cannot be buried.
What is the main reason people get divorced?
What happened in Madrid yesterday from 6 to 7?
-One hour
If there are 5 birds and a hunter shoots one, how many birds are left in the tree??
-None, because after the shot the birds fly away.
What is it that always goes up when the rain comes down?
-The umbrellas
What are grandparents called in China?
-By his name
What does it take to light a candle?
-That is off
What is it that gets wetter the drier?
-The towel
Imagine that you are in a dark room.How do you get out of there??
-Stop imagining
What if you throw a white hat into the black sea?
-It gets wet
Is it legal for a man to marry his widow's sister?
-Yes it would be legal, but it is impossible because he is dead.
What is the hottest country in the world?
What common three letter word is always misspelled?
What is it that goes up or down but is always in the same place?
-The stairs
What is it that has four legs but cannot walk?
We hope that with these trick questions you can have a good time with your friends and loved ones. Remember that question games are an excellent alternative to make a conversation much more fun. Nothing makes people more interested in a conversation than the fact that you make them think.
If you liked these questions, share them with all your friends and help transmit the knowledge, while giving them a fun time. Don't lose sight of the fact that a great way to give thanks is to share what you have with the world.
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