45 Good morning phrases to dedicate to someone

Philip Kelley
45 Good morning phrases to dedicate to someone

This compilation of good morning phrases It will help you understand that giving thanks for the gift of dawn puts things to another level. Waking up is almost a miracle, if you think about it, just opening your eyes is something surprising.

From coaching, motivation theories and various spiritual currents consider the moment of awakening as a powerful source of energy that can transform our entire day. This is why, starting our day with words of joy and gratitude directly influences how we perceive things throughout the day..

Thinking about this, today we wanted to make the best compilation of good morning phrasess to start your day on the right foot, and why not? Perhaps with one of these phrases you can give an extra dose of energy to your friends, loved ones and acquaintances. You can also make use of this compilation of good morning phrases to dedicate to your partner.

Good morning phrases that are the best to wake up

1. "I woke up and already asked for forgiveness, I said thank you, took a deep breath and called for love and calm." Mariana aran

2. "I woke up to say I am, I am, I want and I can, I appreciate it, I ask that it be repeated and I share it with you too." Mariana aran

3. "I woke up before the sun and the birds were already making the sky with their songs. That is what I want for you, that your tunes of freedom, love and dreams are so high, that they can build a sky over the darkness of your fears. " Karla Arango

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4. "I woke up appreciating what is important and also what usually seems inconsequential, because everything is necessary in the drawing of my life. The main thing and the accessory. Everything is genuine and vital." Mariana aran

5. "I woke up because dreams feel more beautiful in real life" Karla Arango

6. "The past is behind us, learn from it. The future is yet to come, prepare for it. The present is here, live it." Thomas S. Monson

7. "Write in your heart that every day is the best of the year." Ralph Waldo Emerson

8. "When you get up in the morning, think of the precious privilege of being alive, of breathing, of thinking, of enjoying, of loving." Marcus Aurelius

9. "When you wake up each day, you have two options. You can be positive or negative; an optimist or a pessimist. I choose to be an optimist" Harvey Mackay

10. "There is a path at your feet, your joy is the best luggage to travel it. Good morning!"

11. "Some people want something to happen, others dream that it will happen, others make it happen." Michael Jordan

12. "Start your day with a smile and you'll see how much fun it is to be out there hanging out with everyone." Mafalda

13. "Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most." Buddha

14. "After living and dreaming, there is what matters most: awakening." Antonio Machado

15. "Don't count the days, make the days count." Muhammad Ali

Good morning phrases for children

1. Sometimes it is difficult for us to get up and leave the bedroom, either due to fatigue or laziness, and this is something that also happens to children.

2. So that waking them up is not a nightmare, every day we can dedicate to our little ones a loving and motivating phrase.

3. They will jump out of bed with enthusiasm and wanting to take over the world. Also, what better way to wake up than with someone who loves you and shows it to you as soon as you open your eyes every day.

4. Wake up my treasure. Let's go for a new day full of adventure and color! Only you can choose the color you want to paint it with.

5. My heaven it's time to get up. Today is school which is equal to homework and fun. See your friends and learn new things. Let's have a great day full of joy.

6. Up my heart! We are going to propose a day full of happiness. And everything we do is with the best attitude. With a smile everything is much better.

7. My warrior, we are going to achieve everything that we set out to do on this day. Visualize yourself as a heroine / a hero and you will be.

8. I want to see you smile as soon as you wake up. Thanking this day and wasting energy, right after starting.

9. Come on honey wake up! We have a great day ahead of us, each day is a party that we will take advantage of with good humor.

10. Raise my pretty star, the night is over. The morning has already started and let's go get it!

11. Good morning my beautiful carnation. I want happiness to flood all your days, and for this you must know that joy is essential, that we must always have.

12. Good morning my sweet angel from heaven. Today we are going to enjoy every little thing that sometimes happens fleetingly. The day must be appreciated as if it were a candy. Let's savor it slowly, let's go for it today.

13. My sweet baby good morning! How did you sleep? I hope without nightmares. Up my dear boy, today we are going to do wonders Let's go for a fun day!

14. Apart from these beautiful phrases to wake them up, we could gently sing a song to them, and once they are smarter, dance with them any

Motivational phrases to wake up

1. "There are two ways to live your life. One is by thinking that nothing is a miracle. The other is by thinking that everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein

2. "Man never knows what he is capable of until he tries." Charles dickens

3. "Every morning, when we wake up, we are resurrected; because when we sleep we die a few hours in which, freed from the body, we recover the spiritual life that we had before when we did not yet inhabit the flesh that now defines and limits us, and we were, without being , pure mystery in the total rhythm of the Universe. " Elijah Nandino

4. "To wake up early, think about everything you want to achieve and go for it."

5. "The best gift you can give yourself each day is to get up early and chase your dreams."

6. "Don't wait; the time will never be right. Start anywhere, by whatever means you may have at your disposal that you will find along the way." Napoleon bonaparte

7. "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than by what you did. Then raise the anchor, leave the safe harbor, catch the favorable winds in your sails. Explore. Dream" Mark Twain

8. "Fools wait for the lucky day, but every day is lucky" Buddha

9. "I am not a product of my situation. I am a product of my decisions." Stephen Covey

10. "Any dream can be dreamed. Audacity arises if genius, magic and power begin now." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

11. "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." Steve Jobs

12. "You will never have this day again so make it memorable."

13. "Every day is a new opportunity to be happy and do incredible things, so get up now and start the day with energy."

14. "I woke up thanking a lot that I can and that I want and that I continue and that I achieve it." Mariana aran

15. "Your trip will be much easier and lighter if you don't carry the past with you"

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Phrases to wake up my love

1. "I have stopped worrying about Mondays or the beginning of the week because as long as you are in my life, I know it is going to be an incredible day."

2. "Since I've known you, every morning when I wake up I realize that being happy has names and surnames ... yours!"

3. "Waking up with your voice is discovering the origin of music"

4. Good morning love! I feel your heartbeat in time with mine and I understand that we are one, that wherever we are, we are the same heart.

5. "Sharing the dawn of a new day with someone as special as you is a gift of life, so I wish you have the best of days."

6. Dawn and I discover that your light invades everything, I understand that love is an open door since you.

7. Of so many possible worlds, of so many habitable galaxies, I call a miracle precisely to have coincided in this one where you are and you resignify the dawn with your existence.

8. As much as the Sun is shining this morning, I have no doubt that you are going to do it even more. Good Morning!

9. I wake up and find the day so bright, then I look at your photograph, I remember the warmth of your words and I smile, it dawns for the second time.

10. "People ask me how I am able to surprise you every morning with a nice good morning message, but I tell them that it is you who surprises me ... answering all my messages."

11. Good morning is knowing that there is still time to dream and build, to smile, to invent a possible world, and that certainty is given to me by love, you give it to me.

12. Thank you for waking up today and filling the world with color, love and feeling. Thank you because the days are more days since you came into my life.

13. Good morning love, the darkness has been left behind, it is within you where the light is born to make any possible wish. You carry the sun inside.

14. It is always good to wake up and remember that loving you is the favorite part of my day.

15. You teach me that every day is an opportunity, that everything we feel is the compass of our heart. Thank you that all roads lead to you.

As you can see, there are many ways to start the morning on the right foot and these good morning phrases are one of those ways to turn the coin and discover that everything is more beautiful than we think. Be happy! and Make others happy! It is easier than you think.

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