45 Phrases about Environmental Pollution

Egbert Haynes

I leave you the best phrases about pollution environmental, water, air, auditory and soil, from excellent authors such as Al Gore, Carl Sagan, Jacques Cousteau, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Stephen Hawking and many more.

You may also be interested in these phrases about the environment.

-Human activity is worse for nature than the greatest nuclear accident in history.-Martin Cruz Smith.

-Decades of scientific research have proven that pollution is detrimental to human health and causes global warming.-Jeff Merkley.

-Pollution should never be the price of prosperity.-Al Gore. 

-When the earth is sick and polluted, human health is impossible. To heal ourselves, we must heal our planet and to heal our planet, we must heal ourselves.-Bobby McLeod.

-Environmental pollution is an incurable disease. It can only be prevented.-Barry Commoner.

-We already have the statistics for the future: high percentages of pollution, overpopulation, desertification. The future is already here.-Gunter Grass.

-Pollution disappears when we switch to using renewable resources.-David Morris.

-Erosion, desertification and pollution have become our destiny. It is a strange form of suicide, as we are making our planet bleed.-Gerald Durrell.

-I would like nuclear fusion to become a practical energy source. It would provide an inexhaustible source of energy without pollution or global warming.-Stephen Hawking.

-Doing all we can to combat climate change comes with numerous benefits, from reducing pollution and healthcare costs to strengthening and diversifying the economy by turning to renewables.-David Suzuki.

-The health effects of pollution endanger human lives. This fact is well documented.-Eddie Bernice Johnson.

-After 50 years fighting the problem of pollution, we have realized that, to be effective, we need laws, not voluntary agreements.-Don Henry.

-There is something fundamentally wrong with treating the earth as if it were a business in liquidation.-Herman Daly.

-The environmental effects of cars are well known: motor vehicles cause as much as 75% of the noise and 80% of the air pollution in our cities.

-There is so much pollution in the air that if it weren't for our lungs, there would be no place to put it.-Robert Orben.

-The government cannot close its eyes to water pollution, soil erosion or forest reduction.-Franklin D. Roosevelt. 

-We have forgotten that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.-Jacques Cousteau.

-Water and air, the two essential fluids on which life depends, have become global garbage cans.-Jacques Cousteau. 

-Only we humans produce garbage that nature cannot digest.-Charles Moore.

-Love is in the air but the air is highly polluted.-Amit Abraham.

-There is evidence of the relationship between vehicle pollution and respiratory diseases. We must do everything we can to get highly polluting vehicles off the road.-Charlene Zettel.

-Our planet is warming due to pollution from human activities. And a warming climate increases the chances of extreme weather.-Gloria Reuben.

-Much of the destruction of habitat and pollution is based on the simple principle that somehow we have been given free license over other species to degrade the planet.-Greg Graffin.

-Sooner or later we will have to recognize that the earth also has the right to live without pollution. What human beings should know is that they cannot live without mother earth, but the earth can live without humans.-Evo Morales.

-The oceans are in danger, things are in danger, our marine resources are in danger. These are not challenges we can put aside.-James Watkins.

-Pollution is the harbinger of doom.-John Trapp.

-Don't screw it up - good planets are hard to find.-Times.

-There is enough in the world for human need but not for human greed.-Mohandas K. Gandhi.

-Anything you are interested in will not happen if you cannot breathe or drink. Do something.-Carl Sagan. 

-It produces an immense sadness to think that nature speaks while the human race does not listen to it.-Victor Hugo.

-The supreme reality of our time is the vulnerability of our planet.-John F. Kennedy.

-What we are doing to the world's forests is a mirror of what we do to ourselves and to others.-Mahatma Gandhi.

-I only feel pissed off when I see trash. When I see people throwing things that we could use.-Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

-Our survival is intimately linked to the food we eat, the water we drink, and the places where we live. That is why we must promote responsibility and conservation when we refer to natural resources.-Mark Udall.

-Virtually all of our environmental problems can be reduced to our addiction to fossil fuels, primarily oil.-Dennies Weaver.

-More than half of the great rivers of the world are seriously polluted and depleted, degrading and poisoning the ecosystems that surround them, thus threatening the health and vital livelihood of people who depend on it for irrigation, drinking or industrial use. -Ismail Serageldin.

-The proper use of science is not to conquer nature, but to live in it.-Barry Commoner.

-Man is the master of his destiny and his destiny is the earth and he himself is destroying it until he has no destiny.-Frida Kahlo.

-We live on earth as if we had another one to go to.-Terry Swearingen.

-Conservation is a state of harmony between man and earth.-Aldo Leopold.

-Faith in the living planet is the most important issue facing humanity.-Gaylord Nelson.

-Appreciating what remains of the earth and encouraging its renewal is our hope of survival.-Wendell Berry.

-Climate change is happening, humans are causing it and I think it is perhaps the most serious environmental problem we face.-Bill Nye.

-People must be cautious because anything built by man can be destroyed by mother nature.-Russell Honore.

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