5 keys to creating a productive study space

Jonah Lester
5 keys to creating a productive study space

Libraries are the ideal places to study productively. They meet all the necessary conditions, as they have a quiet environment, individual tables, adequate lighting, soundproof rooms ... Quite apart from the fact that they have all the books and information they need.

On the other hand, at home the situation is more complicated. Isolating yourself from family and finding a place where we can concentrate is not an easy task. In addition to the home, there are other aspects that we must consider, such as the pandemic, the neighborhood, the music of the neighbors, works in the street, etc..

If we do not have adequate space and the situations are irreversible, it is best to go to a library. However, the current situation that the world is going through due to COVID-19 makes us rethink this option. Maybe we just need to make a few adjustments at home to have a most productive study area. Here are five keys to achieve this:

1. Good lighting
According to Eldulcehogar.es, natural light makes reading easier and reduces the feeling of fatigue. Therefore, we must take advantage of the sunny hours to read. When night comes, we must use white light and place ourselves in a space where there is no shade. "An investigation of the Cornell University and another from the North American Society of Interior Designers revealed that poor lighting causes problems such as eyestrain, exhaustion, stress, and headaches", they indicate in one of their reviews.

2. Choose a space just to study
An empty room can become the perfect study room. In addition, having an environment only to study and not to eat or sleep increases concentration. In case we do not have a free room, we can choose our room, as we will have the facility to make the adjustments that we deem appropriate.

3. Use a suitable seat
Many hours of study can end by affect our posture. Therefore, it is advisable to use a soft chair, with lumbar support and with wheels. The key is to always keep your back straight and with your feet touching the ground. The footrest and office chairs They are accessories that will solve these problems.

4. Run away from noise
It is not convenient to choose the busiest place in the house to study. In case of external noise, we can use earplugs. We can also talk with the other members of the household to inform you about our study hours so that during that time they make as little noise as possible.

5. Maintain order
To have a cluttered place affects our ability to concentrate, so we must keep our study environment orderly and clean. We must order the desk and ventilate the room so that the environment provides a pleasant and favor our concentration.

All these factors will allow to have a productive study space. They can also be applied to create, for example, an office and work from home without deconcentration.

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