5 keys to bring wellness into your life

David Holt
5 keys to bring wellness into your life

Many of my patients ask me how they can achieve and maintain wellness in their lives. A few don't even know how to experience it. Others do not give themselves permission to enjoy it and allow it as a normal aspect of life..

I answer that well-being is in the Balance of the different areas that we call "life". Those areas we satisfy with simplicity. At that moment my patients look at me as if I am not from this planet.

We all come to this world with a potential to be happy and for well-being to manifest.

When we give ourselves permission to have an effective and harmonious life, we can enjoy health, tranquility, and balance. In short, we can enjoy everything that is necessary to live and unfold that potential.

If we took the time to be aware of our needs and resources, our life in the present would be different..

As a species we are capable of achieving great transformations in our environment to make things easier for us. We can create wonderful inventions to make better use of time and to obtain external well-being. However, when it comes to internal well-being, this is where we pay the least attention.

We are in a frantic and dizzying search to be "successful", earn more money, buy more things, occupy time with activities that distract us. By doing this, we move further and further away from our essential and primary purpose of our life: to grow and evolve in all spheres. Whether in the personal, spiritual, professional, physical or intellectual sphere.

We forget that part of this journey through life is to be able to enjoy the road and its landscapes. That we can enjoy ourselves when we make that trip. That we become aware of everything that happens and of the experience that we are obtaining. Savor the variety and richness of the experiences that mark our passage.

In our haste and unbridled eagerness, we forget the past experiences that we have overcome. We forget the burdens that we have dropped, the learnings that they left us and the resources we use to get ahead and continue on our path.

5 keys to achieving well-being

Key 1: Make passes with the past

It is time that we can reconcile with our past so that we can live the present in all its splendor and magnitude. So that we can live in peace and quiet, that is, with that well-being that we want and long for.

If we do not take the necessary actions to balance that past with our present, we will become robots. As a consequence, we will be increasingly far from achieving that well-being.

Putting order in our life, starting by working on the past, is a first key.  When I talk about working on the past, I mean to make peace with it, forgive and let go of what no longer serves us..

If the caveman had not dared to leave his comfortable cave, we would not be here. This “caveman sought his freedom beyond the walls, not physical, but mental. He allowed us to develop in our awareness towards our own evolution and transformation.

This exchange with the outside world made it possible for our emotional awareness to also develop to provide us with greater well-being. But in addition, it also provided us with individual differences. Each is different from another human being in every way. This particularity gives us access to a genetic code that only belongs to each of us, making us unrepeatable, unique and original..

We have within us that potential to take from our environment the energy that provides us with well-being and health.

In other words, we have the ancestral wisdom to exercise simple actions that allow us to be consistent with our well-being.

Key 2: Accept reality 

Well-being is the product of finding the truth within ourselves. It is the fact of accepting our reality and its interaction with a specific but mutable environment. Here is the second key in this journey through life.

Well-being is learning to integrate and manage the changes that happen to us to regain our internal balance. Thus we recover our strengths to face the adversities that threaten to disturb it. It is seeking and finding our own ecology, an emotional ecology to achieve a pleasant life.

To regain that balance it is necessary that we recover ourselves. Recover our congruence, our harmony as human beings. That means congruence between feeling, thinking, doing, having and BEING. It means FLUIDITY

We are when we express our individuality and positively satisfy a set of needs. These needs are security, connection, recognition, growth, and contribution. We are when we respect ourselves in our movements that guide us towards growth.

We are when we can express our vitality in the situations that we have to face every day. When we become aware that we are not robots or machines and we take responsibility for our own lives. We are when we live our true essence and stop meeting the expectations of others. We are when we live in congruence with ourselves.

By being able to express ourselves in a manner consistent with our principles and values, we obtain the strength and energy to be aware of our well-being.

Key 3: My well-being depends on me

My well-being depends on me, not on what other people suppose or think it should be. My life cannot be lived by anyone but me. I am the one who must seek the ways and means to satisfy me. This is the third key to obtaining well-being.

Meeting expectations, our own or those of others, sometimes reduces our flexibility of adaptation and resilience. Sometimes we want to live on chimeras and illusions without real support, without taking into account the present conditions. The result is frustration and disappointment, and therefore discomfort..

I am not saying that we stop launching our creative forces that lead us to self-improvement. We must take calculated risks that allow us to structure and organize what we want.

Key 4: Redesign and build your new life

It is necessary to have introspection and reflection processes that lead us to know ourselves. This is how the process of designing and building the life we ​​want begins. This is the fourth key on our path to wellness.

Knowing this theoretically will get us nowhere if we don't put it into practice. We must make well-being a habit so that it is useful on all levels.

Key 5: Enjoy the present

The space between life and death is the here and now. Life is a succession of everyday moments. Well-being comes when we simply enjoy the present. When we take responsibility for what happens and begin to BE ourselves. This is the fifth key to obtain our well-being.

Thus we recover the inner child that marvels and is surprised at everything. That child who does not stop asking to make sense of his world. A world in which it permanently incorporates that flow of life, integrating and digesting each situation, each moment.

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