5 Questions about social media to ask yourself

Simon Doyle
5 Questions about social media to ask yourself

These questions about social media they will help you understand a little about the boom of digital interaction platforms in our life.

The Internet has revolutionized our lives in an incredible way and one of its most successful contributions has been the creation of social networks, where through a digital environment people come into contact with friends, unknown relatives and people who have similar tastes.

All this sounds great, however the constant use of social networks has made our way of seeing life change in many cases in a positive way and in others not so much, that is why so that you get a more complete idea, we decided to bring these questions about social media with answers, so you can draw your own conclusions.

Questions about social media that you should ask yourself at some point

Here are some questions about social media. We have chosen them based on their popularity, since in reality there can be thousands of questions that arise around this topic.

1. Why are social networks so attractive to young people??

Younger people are considered "digital natives", this means that they did not know life without the Internet and that is why it becomes an important part of their daily lives.

Social networks are so attractive, not only for young people, because of the possibility of interaction they provide, it is a constant entertainment space, where certain features of identity and social acceptance are also affirmed.

This combination is irresistible for adolescents who want to express their being in front of the world and consider themselves an active part within a community that creates a personal space for them. In the digital environment they are the center of the universe and its ideas, thoughts and emotions are taken into account.

2. Is social media dangerous?

One of the most common questions about social media is whether these digital environments are dangerous. The answer is relative, since the tool itself is not harmful, it all depends on how each one uses it.

In the case of children and minors, it is dangerous due to the interaction with people who can share with them content not suitable for their stage of development, that is why its use is prohibited for children from the policies of the same social networks.

In the case of adults, dangers can range from network addictions, to computer theft of information or financial data. However, as we mentioned initially, the tool is excellent, its effects will depend on how people use it..

3. Does the use of networks affect mental health?

Taking into account the level of satisfaction that social networks can generate, it is necessary to open the debate regarding its effect on mental health.

Being a space for interaction, contributes to identity construction and social approval, This is why the use of them can have an important impact on our mental health..

According to various studies, the most common ways in which our mind is affected are:

Substitution of real life for digital life, This implies that the person is unable to live his life without the presence of social networks.

Useless comparisons regarding the lives of other people that can generate self-esteem problems.

Substitution of social interaction, in this case, people only socialize with others through social networks and are unable to do so live and direct.

Cyberbullying: Finally, we have cyberbullying that has to do with harassment through social networks, which generates an impact similar to that of bullying in other contexts.

4. Is social media a temporary thing?

From the moment of creation of Social Networks, people speculated as to whether it was a media phenomenon or whether they would become part of people's lives. According to their behavior and usage statistics, it can be stated that social media is here to stay.

In its beginnings, social networks were an attractive space only for young people, however, today, things have changed and people of all ages share in these spaces.

This without counting that today, there are all kinds of specialized social networks, so that each person can be within communities in which their passions are shared. This for example is a plus that makes it very difficult to say that Social Networks are a fad, on the contrary, every day they gain more prominence in people's lives.

5. Is our data safe?

This is probably the question about social networks that generates the most debates. There is supposed to be a data privacy policy, however most social networks have been involved in problems regarding their users' data.

In this sense, you should know that all social networks work based on algorithms. Social networks share their database with companies to offer you products and services that adapt to your tastes and preferences.

From this sense, there will always be people who know everything that you consider confidential, and that is why it could not be said that our data is 100% secure.

In the same way, in this type of platform you share data such as your location and other data that can be used by other people outside the administrative and marketing environment of the social network, therefore, you must be the one who regulates what you share in network.

We hope that you are questions about social media have made you reflect on the preponderant role they play in our lives and all the things that move behind simple interactions.

After this you already know what you are facing when you are in a social network, remember that in themselves they are not harmful tools, but that everything will depend on the use that you give them..

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