50 Books on Bullying or Harassment

Alexander Pearson

Today I come with a list of 50 books on bullying to better understand how this type of abuse works and how to solve it. Being informed about this social phenomenon is important for parents and teachers, since they are responsible for preventing and detecting it..

Bullying is a practice in which young people carry out both physical and psychological aggressions on others. The age at which these types of acts occur usually ranges in young people between 12-16 years of age, the pre-adolescence stage being the most conducive to this..

The consequences can be dire, in some cases leading to suicide. Those most prone to bullying are usually people with Down syndrome, functional diversity, autism or even Asperger's syndrome.

Recommended books on bullying

1- Don't mess with me, Thomas - Harker

With this didactic book you will learn to deal in a much more natural and correct way with the little ones. You will know the concerns and fears that derive from bullying.

In addition, among its pages you will find a guide dedicated exclusively to adults along with other types of resources.

2- Lucía and Valentín learn not to bully, Mireia Augé

Mireia Augé tries to capture and summarize in a clear way what are the values ​​necessary for a good coexistence among young schoolchildren. All this for both training and educational purposes.

3- Bullying No !, Stépphanie Duval and Jacques Azam

If you have a little one who already knows how to read and is having problems at school, Bullying No! it is undoubtedly the perfect read. In it you will find a total of 6 stories in comic format that could occur at any time during the school year.  

The reading is quite bearable and the illustrations of the stories are of an incredible quality.

4- Red or why bullying is not fun, Jan from Kinder

A different book than the three mentioned above. You will discover how the simplest nonsense can lead to a serious problem. In it, a story is told in the first person of a case of bullying that could perfectly occur in a school.

5- Bullying: bullying, Rosa Serrate

Book focused on parents. Among its pages you will find all the necessary and basic information about bullying. With it you will understand a little better what are the causes and consequences of this type of attitude.

6- Julia, the girl who had a boy's shadow, Christian Bruel

There are more and more cases in which a boy or girl feels they were born with the wrong gender.

For this reason, Chritian Bruel has written a book where a girl grows up wanting to be a boy, detailing the different problems that she must deal with at different stages of her life.. 

7- Bullying, cyberbullying and sexting, Jose Antonio Molina and Pilar Vecina

A different point of view on bullying. Its authors will delve into other less known terms such as cyberbullying or sexting. Do you know what these types of movements consist of?

If you have questions about it, do not hesitate to get this complete information guide.

8- The case of Lorenzo, Isabelle Carrier

A young man with cognitive problems recounts his day to day in a school environment that is not suitable for him through a series of emotional drawings full of symbolism and feeling.

His problems will be reflected in his strokes, as well as his way of facing them and overcoming them.

9- Malena Ballena, Davide Cali

How are overweight children treated in a school setting? Davide Cali explains it to us from the point of view of Malena, a little girl who has to deal with this every day.

The touches of humor will be usual to enliven the reading and make it more bearable.

10- Luis's secret, Mario Ramos

Some little pigs see how a little wolf arrives at school and they decide to ignore him due to their prejudices. With the passage of time, the wolf begins to feel more comfortable thanks to the friendship of one of the pigs. The background of bullying that it hides will get you moved.

11- Bullying, a fatal joke, Daniel Serey

Practical guide as an academic study that tells us about bullying and the many problems that it brings to the 21st century society.

With definitions, alleged situations and various tips, Daniel Sery makes a comprehensive guidebook on this type of harassment.

12- Bullying in compulsory secondary education, Antonio Jiménez Vázquez

A contribution on bullying different from the previous views. In this case, the author focuses on secondary education.

In it, the number of aggressors, victims and bystanders that exist through a representative sample of the population belonging to 1st and 2nd grade of secondary school is detailed along with several solutions to minimize the data and eradicate this serious problem at its roots..

13- What you need to know about bullying, Ángel López Casarín

According to a survey carried out by the Tijuana Civil Association Free of Harassment, it has been found that 3 out of 10 students between 9 and 14 years old fear their classmates. Surprising truth?

This and other related data will be reflected in this book that scrupulously details the different aspects of bullying..

14- Pim! Pam! Pum! Elisenda Roca

Story that narrates the arrival of a child to his new school when he realizes that at the end of the class, two boys are constantly communicating based on punches, insults and other aggressions.

The plot will try to put an end to this through the collaboration of parents and colleagues.

15- Cream and chocolate, Alicia Borrás Sanjurjo

The bullyng treated from the perspective of an albino girl. When she arrives at her new school, she is subjected to harassment situations that will be solved thanks to the action of one of the teachers.

16- What has never been said about bullying, mobbing and gender violence, Ángel Cárcar

Cárcar writes a document in which harassment situations are explained and detailed in different situations.

Likewise, it will also provide different data on the models that currently exist while offering a vision from a new point of view of the origin, causes and effects of these types of acts..

17- Cupcakes with problems, Ana Bergua Vilalta

A totally recommended reading. First person account of a young man who shows feelings everywhere. This will tell the problems that address you about the bullying you suffer at school. Given this, he only has to find solutions and move forward.

18- The Silent Girl, Cècile Roumiguière

Bullying outside of school also falls within the definition of bullying. That is why this book talks about what happens when the problem moves outside the classroom.

This is something that undoubtedly continues to be an issue of particular concern to parents and guardians of boys who suffer from this type of bullying..

19- Risk profiles in adolescence associated with bullying, Inmaculada Méndez

Book written by a specialized professor of the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Murcia.

In it, you can read a study on the causes that can lead to bullying and the different profiles that can be generated. Examples of them are drug use or antisocial behaviors.

20- Peer abuse “bullying”. Intervention proposal, Efrain Fuentes

What happens when peer bullying occurs? What's more, what is the reason for it?

This and other questions of the same nature are answered by Efrain Fuertes, a Mexican expert on the subject who touches on an unusual topic in this type of environment, such as bullying among peers..

21- Juul, Gregie de Maeyer

Juul It is a book that talks about how an ordinary boy begins to be teased. With the passage of time, bullying towards the boy will continue to increase until making his life impossible.

This very strong book talks about a complicated and difficult story of self-improvement and self-esteem in which a boy must get ahead with the support of his family.

22- Unjustified aggression, Bullying and school violence, Rosario Ortega

Again, another book that uses a generalist point of view on what bullying is. In it, different types of cases are exposed, in addition to definitions and solutions to be able to understand this type of harassment a little better.

23- Buying among adults: aggressors and victims, Peter Randall

What happens when those boys who have been in school bullying other classmates grow up and get older?

Peter Randall talks about the growth of those types of people who grew up bullying. In adult cases, he details, that the victim has the same power as in children, that is, nothing.

As you read, you will see how this is turning into mobbing, the harassment that occurs at work.  

24- Bullying and its legal implications, José Roberto López Reyes

Bullying can lead to a series of problems that you probably never would have stopped to think about before: its legal implications.

Jose Roberto López collects everything you need to know about bullying in regards to legal aspects.

25- Cyber ​​Bullying, Robin Kowalski, Susan Limber and Patricia Agatson

Very complete summary on cyberbullying. Its author has been based on a study with nothing more and nothing less than 3,500 high school students.

The research has been carried out through the network, entering both social networks and statistical websites or even forums.

26- Psychoeducational intervention and differentiated treatment of bullying, Fuensanta Cerezo, Ángel, R. Calvo, Consuelo Sánchez

How to treat a young person who suffers bullying from a psychological point of view? And to the one who produces it?

These three specialists discuss these topics in the academic book of Psychoeducational intervention and differentiated treatment of bullying.

27- Strategies to prevent bullying in the classrooms, Jerónima Teruel Romero

Complete guide to action against bullying prepared by Jeronima Teruel. According to the author herself, the main objective that is sought is to prevent this type of problems in order to eliminate them at the root.

28- Manual to train professionals in the intervention and management of victims of school bullying or bullying, María M. Mendoza-Rodríguez

As its name properly indicates, this is a manual that seeks to guide and help professionals who treat these types of problems in order to control the situation in a much more natural and fluid way..

29- Civil liability derived from bullying and other crimes of minors, Carlos Rodríguez Amunátegui

Book that derives from the regulation contained in the Law of Criminal Responsibility of Minors, in which a criminal act can also blame the parents of the minor who carries it out with prison sentences.

30- Anti-bullying, Trevor Romain

Book that collects the most important aspects to effectively fight against bullying. Includes a wide variety of illustrations along with simple and intuitive explanations to make reading more enjoyable.

31- Against bullying, Francisco de Zataraín

32- Bullyng, bullying, Willam Voors

33- The two faces of Sogia, Cecilia Cubelo

34- Terror in the classrooms, Eduardo Roldan

35- Bullying, bully or victim, what is your daughter ?, Fernando Osorio

36- Bullying in schools, Rosa McManus Soto

37- Bullyng, how to avoid child abuse, Meline Kevorkian

38- I don't want to go to school anymore! Trixia Valle

39- Enough already !, Maria Elena López

40- School bullying, Javier Ricou

41- Bullyng, silent violence, Maura de Almeida Rocha

42- Bullying and child abuse, Tere Vale

43- The lonely socks, Luigi Amara

44- 21 stories against school bullying, Various authors

45- Psychological abuse: how to defend oneself from bullying, mobbing and other forms of harassment, José Luis González de Rivera.

46- School bullying, Ricou Sanz

47- Why did Mrs. G. become so grumpy, Sonja Bougaeva

48- I'm chubby, so what? Severino Calleja Perez

49- Anti-bullying tools, a comprehensive approach, A Suckling, C. Temple

50- Insebull, José María Avilés Martínez, Juan Antonio Elices Simón

What other books on bullying do you recommend?

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