Uncomfortable questions to ask your partner there are of all kinds. However, not all questions are suitable for every relationship. That is why today we will give you some ideas so that you can choose which are the most convenient for you..
The trivia game is an excellent tool to break the ice or to strengthen ties of intimacy. It must be taken into account that intimacy results from the connection between two people who dare to be themselves in a relationship. For this, both must be prepared to open their being and let the other know what is inside..
We divide this article on awkward questions to ask your partner in various parts, according to different types of relationships. Analyze where your relationship is and make the most of this opportunity to delve into the deepest thoughts of the person who makes your heart beat faster.
The awkward questions to ask your partner, They should be chosen according to the type of relationship they have and how long they have been together. Also, you should keep these points in mind before starting:
Now yes! Let us begin…
This series of awkward questions to ask your partner, They are intended for those who do not yet have an established bond, but are just in the seduction phase.
1. Why are you still single?
2. Why did you decide to go out with me?
3. What score would you give yourself from 1 to 10 as a couple?
4. What is the last thing you googled?
5. What are the qualities that your perfect partner should have?
6. Do you regret having been with someone from your past?
7. What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
8. Have you been unfaithful?
9. If you could change something in your past, what would it be??
10. What would you think if you had a homosexual child?
11. What was the reason you left your last partner?
12. Are you jealous?
13. Do you consider yourself an open-minded person?
These questions are designed for couples who have been in a relationship for some time or who do not live together. It can even work for couples who are just getting to know each other, if they already feel a high level of trust..
1. What is the worst of you?
2. Do many people flirt with you?
3. Do you think you can only wish for one person in your life??
4. What is the worst crime you have ever committed? (They can be things like shoplifting, cheating on an exam, insulting someone ...)
5. What is the worst thing you have done while drunk?
6. What is your most embarrassing experience?
7. Have you ever thought about marrying one of your exes?
8. Do you see me in the future?
9. What is that secret that you have not dared to tell anyone?
10. Have you ever lied to me?
These questions are designed for husbands, couples who live together, or couples who have been in a relationship for many years and already have stronger bonds of trust, due to the experiences they have had to live..
1. What is the worst thing you have done to someone?
2. Have you ever thought of leaving me?
3. If your family opposed our relationship, would you let me?
4. In the time we've been together, has someone else interested you??
5. Is there something you wouldn't tell your family about me?
6. How often do you tell me lies?
7. Do you feel that with me you have everything you are looking for in a partner?
8. Have you spoken badly about me with your family or friends?
This selection of questions works for all types of couples, so you can choose the ones you like the most and complement the previous questionnaire.
1. Have your heart been broken?
2. When was the last time you felt rejected?
3. Have I ever made you feel awful?
4. Who do you hate and why?
5. Are you addicted to something?
6. What is the craziest thing you have done for love?
7. What did you think when you saw me for the first time?
8. Tell me something you don't like about me?
9. Do you think you have any psychopathic traits?
10. Who is your platonic love?
11. Would you like to have children?
12. What would you change about yourself?
13. Do you believe in soulmates?
14. Who was your first love?
15. What would you be willing to do for a million Euros?
16. Do you like to flirt even if you have a partner?
I hope that within these Uncomfortable questions to ask your partner find the perfect ones to break the ice with your partner and learn more about their relationship. I'm sure that after talking about these issues you will feel much more confident with each other..
With these questionnaires you will not only be able to surprise your partner, but you will surprise yourself with their answers.
What do you think of these questions? If you have some to add, feel free to leave them in the comments.
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