Faced with a challenge, project, interview, dismissal, emotional breakup ... we respond differently. We can choose how to face the circumstances, at least over that we always have control. We are an accumulation of aptitude and attitude.
The attitude it refers to the way we deal with things, not only difficulties, but also the everyday things of life: work, marriage, school, etc. It is our way of seeing the world.
The fitness, on the other hand, it refers to the skills and knowledge that we acquire and develop over time..
A positive attitude is the secret to building skills. The correct attitude allows us to learn and makes us adaptable beings. From this point of view, it is the attitude that makes the difference. We are not always aware of the attitude we have.
Every attitude includes four components:
"In the same way that not all bulbs shine with the same power or with the same type of light, not all people transmit the same sensations. Thus, while some project a powerful beam, others do not illuminate with enough intensity as to see or directly are cast. "Victor Küppers.
The importance of reflecting on the origin of our attitude lies in the fact that to the extent that we have knowledge of our intellectual and emotional formation, we will have the ability to self-analyze and develop adequate strategies for a good attitude towards life regardless of the circumstances that we are living:
1. Observe your attitude. The exercise process begins with a permanent, conscious and very attentive look at your attitude at all times, with what spirit did you wake up today? Detect your emotions, the messages of your body, the rhythm of breathing.
2. Change your attitude in small things. Practice with simple everyday facts that would usually upset you. Make an effort to put your gaze on positive aspects of them, or to remove the drama of negativity from them..
3. Determine alternative scenarios.Another tool is that for each challenge of your attitude, propose at least three solutions, no matter how unusual they may seem..
The rational brain (left hemisphere) will do its best to keep you in that attitude; and the soft-emotional (right) will help you to sensitize yourself with what you live. It is from here where you will articulate small adjustments in the direction of your thoughts and your emotions, towards the positive, to generate a different internal state. It will probably take your time until you do it naturally.
4. Do not give life or strength to the past, take it for what it is: EXPERIENCE.
5. Stop and observe. This technique is very powerful. It is about not reacting immediately with the reptilian part of the brain - the primitive instinct - but rather giving yourself a truce to observe the situation.
6. Analyze and change your language. All humans maintain an unconscious internal self-talk, where thoughts seek meaning for everything that happens to us. This is how we tell the mind and interpret our emotions. Find the best way to express everything you want and feel, using words that add, not subtract.
7. Evaluate, recap and move on. Like any self-awareness process, these tools work only if you practice them enough. It is not enough to just do it for a moment and leave it.
Instead of insisting so much on knowledge (many are forgotten) and skills (not everything is experience), we should focus on fostering attitude in all aspects of life. What would happen if that invisible energy ran through our abundance? society?
I already said it Viktor frankl, death camp survivor, "Everything can be taken from man except one thing: the last of human freedoms - the choice of the personal attitude he must adopt in the face of destiny to decide his own path".
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