65 Quotes by Emiliano Zapata about the Revolution and its Ideas

Egbert Haynes
65 Quotes by Emiliano Zapata about the Revolution and its Ideas

I leave you the best famous phrases of Emiliano Zapata, one of the great leaders of the Mexican Revolution and the inspiration of the agrarian movement known as Zapatismo. His best known mottos were "Land and freedom", "if there is no justice for the people there is no peace for the government", "the land belongs to those who work it" and "I would rather die standing than live on my knees".

Zapata was the son of a mestizo seller and horse caretaker. He was orphaned at 17 and had to take care of his younger siblings. After participating in several revolts to recover the lands expropriated by the hacienda, in 1908 he joined the army for 6 months.

In 1910, after the beginning of the revolution, he organized a peasant army in Morelos, whose motto was "Land and Freedom." Zapata is probably the greatest representative of the Mexican revolutionaries, demanding agrarian reforms and opposing as leader of the peasants the governments of Francisco Madero, Victoriano Huerta and Venustiano Carranza..

On April 10, 1919, Emiliano was ambushed by government forces and shot dead in Morelos. However, their influence continues to this day, as does the Zapatista reform movement..

Zapata's best phrases

- "The free land, the land for all, the land without foremen and without masters".

- "I forgive the one who steals and the one who kills, but the one who betrays, never".

- "We do not want the peace of slaves, nor the peace of the grave".

- "To arms Mexicans, to arms".

- "The land is for those who work it".

- "The land must belong to the one who knows and wants to cultivate it".

- "Gentlemen, those who are not afraid to sign but know that they are going to sign victory or death".

- "They persecute me for the crime of wanting those who have always been hungry to eat".

- "The government does not say what we say, the government says one thing and does another".

- "Today more than ever we must unite against the cause of national misfortunes".

- "The Revolution, unstoppable, is heading towards victory".

- "I am determined to fight against everything and everyone, with no other bulwark than the trust and support of my people".

- "Reform, freedom, justice and law!".

- "We will fight anyone whose administration is not based on the principles for which we have fought".

- "The Revolution is the only thing that can save the Republic".

- "In this great struggle of the many against the few, of the working men against the lazy masters, the enemies of the people feel weak".

- "We must conquer the land for everyone, tearing it from the clutches of the powerful who possess it today".

- "The so-called constitutionalist soldiery has become the scourge of the towns and the countryside".

“Let the youthful sap of the new generations run. She will purify, she will give vigor, she will save the country ".

- "You have led our country to ruin economically, financially, politically and in the international order".

- "Upon these sophisms was founded your authority, your absolutism and your omnipotence".

- "Let's not be surprised by the self-serving lies of the official press".

- "How and in what way have you made use of those exorbitant powers, which were to bring the triumph of principles?".

- "In some states the horrors, abuses, unheard of crimes and abuses of the preconstitutional period continue".

- “In effect, nothing can be more unconstitutional than your government; in its origin, in its background, in its details, in its tendencies ".

- "Let the schemer and the perverse fall so that tomorrow we can present ourselves before the cultured countries, without the blush on our foreheads and with full awareness of our righteous righteousness".

- "You have established in the country, a hybrid mixture of military government and civil government, which as a civilian has only the name".

- “I am going to tell bitter truths; but I will express nothing to you that is not true, just and honestly said ".

- "Once the tyrant has been overthrown, we will once again be masters of our destinies and we will be able to assume before the world the responsibilities that really correspond to us".

- "I beg you and your henchmen to turn to the head and not to the feet for peace arrangements".

- "Today as never before, it is necessary to put an end to the shameful situation, in which the whim of one man is substituted for the will of all Mexicans".

- "The realities have been so cruel, that they seem more like frightening hallucinations or sickly fantasy reveries!".

- "Since then, with unequaled audacity, he has consecrated the affirmation of his personality above the revolutionary interest and national demands".

- "At the whim of an ambitious and unscrupulous man, innocent lives have been blinded for two years".

- "Meanwhile, the humble man wonders with torturous doubt, what will he bring to his poor home today, that he will feed his children tomorrow?".

- "These men, by their contempt for opinion and by their refusal to carry out the agrarian reform for the revolution demanded, are responsible for the ruin of the country".

- "For them the republic burns in a bonfire of extermination, because of them the nation drips blood and the living forces of the Mexican Homeland escape in slow agony".

- "That cry is respectful for all rights that do not mean usurpation, a monopoly or dispossession.".

- "The Mexican people have never bowed their haughty brow to tyrants, they have always been a brave man and not a coward, before the tyrants of all times".

- "The capitalist, the soldier and the ruler had lived in peace, undisturbed, neither in their privileges nor in their properties, at the cost of the sacrifice of a slave and illiterate people, without heritage or future".

- "Let us unite in a titanic and definitive effort against the enemy of all".

- "Let us reject that burlesque and contemptuous laugh that the powerful throws, from the sumptuous enclosures where his pride walks over us, the disinherited who die of hunger in the stream".

- "Spending all his energies in producing incalculable treasures, it was not given to him to have even the essentials even to satisfy his most urgent needs".

- "We will not abandon the fight, until, victorious, we can guarantee in our heads the advent of an era of peace based on justice and as a consequence economic freedom".

- Always remember that we do not seek honors or rewards. We are simply going to fulfill the solemn commitment that we have contracted, giving bread to the disinherited and a free, calm and civilized homeland for generations to come ".

- "The essential thing is that we all leave determined to defend the common interest and to rescue the part of sovereignty that is taken from us".

- “Do your duty and you will be worthy; defend your right and you will be strong, and if necessary sacrifice yourselves, that afterwards the country will rise satisfied on its unshakable pedestal and will drop a handful of roses on your grave ".

- "The revolution tries to suppress the slavery of the fields and create the small property, instead of those enormous large estates, which kill all freedom".

- "Emancipate the peasant, elevating him from the humiliating situation of a slave on the hacienda, to the high category of a free man".

- "Redeem the forgotten indigenous race, creating aspirations for them, making them feel that they are the owners of the land they tread and provoking in their soul the thirst for the ideal and the desire for improvement".

- "To create a nation of worthy men, of citizens fond of work, lovers of the land, eager to enlighten themselves and open broad horizons of progress to their children".

- “The landowner had become the hoarder of all natural resources; he was the lord of the gallows and knife who arranged the existence of his vassals at his whim ".

- “The revolution does not compromise with the large landowner; as he is the adversary to be defeated, and the wretch who has launched against the people the troops of all the governments that have succeeded each other ".

- "The harvest must belong to the one who produces it, working from sunrise to sunset, consuming his energy and spending his life to pluck its fruits from the terroir fertilized by the golden rain of work".

- "Do you demand more misery for the people, more hunger for the families, greater despair for the man without work, sadder days for the Mexican people?".

- "The government, which should seek a remedy for so much evil, aggravates and exacerbates it, turning into a counterfeit purse, a fraudulent banker, a robber of private boxes, an accomplice and overlap of swindlers and thieves".

- "It never crossed your mind that the revolution was beneficial to the great masses, to that immense legion of oppressed that you and yours dazzle with their preaching".

- “His policy has been characterized by the most insolent sufficiency; and by the systematic exclusion of any group that was not ready to serve as an instrument for his devious designs ".

- “You, your First Chief; you are still responsible before the law and before civilized opinion, for the progress of the administration and the conduct of the army, and those stains fall on you and that mud splatters on you ".

- "For the satisfaction of the passions and the desire for profit of a hundred scammers of the treasury, the sources of wealth of a great country, deserving of another destiny, are being exhausted.".

- "The Mexican people, terrified still stammering even with confused ideas and a disturbed mind, are already beginning to come to themselves, even without realizing precisely what has happened and is happening".

- “The Revolution, led by this army, has been fighting for seven years to obtain what the powerful and the tricksters have insisted on not granting; the liberation of the land and the emancipation of the peasant ".

- "When the interests of an entire nationality are thus compromised by the wickedness of a man, when the jurisdiction of the Mexican homeland is thus endangered, it is urgent to be warned against the perfidious ruler who has unworthily abused his investiture".

- "The worker will find in the plot of land that the Revolution will always have available for his cultivation, a true refuge, an escape from captivity, an open door that allows him to exchange the slavery of the workshop for the glorious freedom of the fields".

- "We extend our arms to all, less to the enemies of the popular cause, less to the unrepentant reactionaries, to the incorrigible, indomitable, reluctant obstructionists".

- “Not even the ejidos are returned to the towns, the vast majority of which continue to be destitute; nor are the lands distributed among the working people, among the poor and truly needy peasants ".

- “With that pedantic and exclusive criterion he has managed to produce the ruin of the country; and with it he has also unhinged Mexico's position vis-à-vis foreign powers ".

- "We did not seek or seek the poor satisfaction of personal growth, or the sad vanity of honors, nor do we want anything other than the true triumph of the cause".

Other phrases of interest

Phrases of the Mexican Revolution

Phrases of the Independence of Mexico

Revolutionary phrases

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