The Mexican Political Constitution of 1917 It is the legal work that establishes the set of fundamental principles on which the political and administrative organization of the United Mexican States is built..
It is founded on the ideals of representative government, the federal system, the separation of powers, the declaration of rights, popular sovereignty and the supremacy of the State over the Church..
This Constitution, unlike its predecessor promulgated in 1857 - characterized by being neutral - establishes a philosophical approach in which the government assumes as a moral obligation to play an active role in promoting the social, economic and cultural well-being of the Mexican people..
On the other hand, it is known internationally for being the first constitution in the world to include social rights..
For this reason, at the time it was taken as a model for the constitutions of other countries, such as the Russian Constitution of 1918 and the Weimar Constitution of 1919.
It was promulgated on February 5, 1917, and although it has undergone several reforms since then, it is the one that remains in force in the country to this day..
The first Monday in February of each year is commemorated and celebrates its promulgation as one of the national dates of Mexico..
Some of the most outstanding characteristics of this Constitution are the following:
This Constitution has a total of 136 articles, which are divided into two large groups: the dogmatic part and the organic part..
In the dogmatic part, which in the Mexican Constitution includes the first 38 articles, the rights and freedoms of all Mexican citizens are established..
It is made up of the First Title, within which are the rights, duties and freedoms of citizens divided into four chapters as follows:
On the other hand, the organic part ranges from the second title to the ninth title, in which everything related to the organization of public powers, their powers, and the form of federal government is established..
Article 40 establishes that the Mexican people constitute a representative, democratic and federal republic with the following characteristics:
Article 83 of the Constitution establishes that under no circumstances and in no case, the citizen who has exercised the function of President of the Republic may return to exercise that position.
The Mexican Constitution, based on respect for the freedom of worship prevailing in the country, establishes in Article 3 that the education provided by the State will remain completely alien to any religious doctrine, it will be based solely on the results of scientific progress, and will fight ignorance, servitude and bigotry of any kind.
On the other hand, in article 5, the establishment of monastic orders is prohibited because the State cannot allow any contract, pact or agreement to be made that means the impairment, loss or irrevocable sacrifice of the person's freedom. , both for reasons of religious vote, as well as education or work.
In article 22, the Mexican Constitution establishes the death penalty in the country in a regulated manner.
It expressly prohibits it for cases of political crimes, and prohibits whipping, mutilation, infamy, marks, beatings and torture of any kind as forms of conviction of any kind..
Instead, it reduces the death penalty only to crimes of Treason against the Fatherland within the context of a foreign war, premeditation, plagiarism, arson, pirate, inmates of serious crimes of the military order, highway robber, and in cases of homicide with treachery and patricide.
Article 10 establishes that the inhabitants of the United States of Mexico have the right to possess and use weapons at home in order to protect themselves and guarantee their legitimate defense..
However, the possession of weapons is regulated by law, which establishes a set of conditions, requirements and limits on the use and carrying of weapons by citizens..
One of them is that citizens cannot possess weapons reserved for the exclusive use of the nation's military forces..
In article 4, this Constitution establishes that women and men are equal before the law, and therefore both must be fully guaranteed the enjoyment of their rights and duties, without any type of discrimination..
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