Self-esteem is a vital part for the development of children, since it begins to be forged in the first years of an individual's life.
We already know that self-esteem is a broad concept that encompasses different aspects of the person and that, in addition, it influences and manifests itself in various areas of our lives. I know develops throughout childhood through lived experiences and how they go through with the help of parents, parents or adults around the child.
It is important to take into account the eyes of adults when building an image of the little ones. Children have a very high sensory capacity, which is why they can easily perceive the insecurities and fears of adults.
For this reason, we must not only take into account the capacities, potentialities of children and their areas for improvement, but it is also essential to work on their self-esteem for their optimal development.
That a child has a healthy self-esteem, will help him and allow him to improve his social relationships, in addition to creating a balance of his emotional state and we will also help to enhance his cognitive development.
In the same way, self-esteem directly influences the ability of children to face new challenges, as well as their self-sufficiency and security, in addition to promoting the development of different qualities such as assertiveness and empathy.
These skills are built over time as a mirror of the perception of adults, especially the child's parents or guardians.
First of all, we must change the paradigm a lot. Until relatively recently, adults have focused on the weaknesses of the little ones and their areas for improvement. Likewise, we seldom take into account achievements and effort. That is why it is of vital importance when it comes to promoting children's self-esteem., reinforce and take into account your small great achievements.
It is essential to highlight their qualities but without neglecting all the effort made by the child regardless of the result. Thus, we project in the little ones that commitment and commitment is more important than focusing on the result..
In this way, we not only stimulate their self-esteem, but also help their learning when it comes to handling failures and increase their tolerance for frustration.
Another factor to consider is avoiding comparison. As adults, we tend to compare the little ones either with their siblings or with their classmates or study mates..
And, in addition, we usually compare the little one from his area of improvement with one quality of the other. That is, we remind them of a defect by comparing it with a quality that we see in another.
Each child is unique and unrepeatable and has their individual needs, strengths and weaknesses..
When we make these types of comparisons, we are fostering possible jealousy, envy, insecurity and a sense of inferiority, in addition to creating a kind of competition that, in the long term, can generate frustration.
It is about making constructive criticism from the individuality, taking into consideration all the areas of the child avoiding any type of comparison, whether positive or negative..
Another way to promote self-esteem in children is to give them a certain responsibility within their possibilities and depending on their age. We must allow the little ones in the house participate in different household chores and decisions.
They can be small decisions such as carrying the dishes after eating, helping to set the table, preparing the backpack, among other similar things. In this way, we are helping the child to feel self-sufficient, responsible and we promote their independence and autonomy.
If we make that child feel part of the different tasks and decisions of the house, they will feel that their role is important and, therefore, they will feel necessary and we will strengthen their security and self-confidence when assuming different responsibilities and guidelines. It is important to let him know that he has done his homework well to reinforce his self-esteem and self-worth..
It is very important when it comes to strengthening and fostering good self-esteem to validate each of our children's emotions. Emotions are a big part of our life, we are emotional beingsand it is very important that the little ones begin to be aware and emotional intelligence to be able to manage everything they feel in the best way. Especially in the early stages of life.
To do this, we must validate their emotions and understand them. One of the most frequent situations we can find when a child cries.
It is important not to send messages like "nothing happens" "Do not exaggerate" "Children do not cry." In this way, what we do is invalidate an emotion such as the sadness.
It is important to give space and relevance to the child's emotion so that he can express and validate what he is feeling at that moment.
Another key point to keep in mind is dedication and quality time. That is, many times, when dealing with children, precisely because they are children, we tend to think that the child already understands per se, that we pay attention to it, but the truth is that it is a basic need for them. It is essential to convey to them messages of attention and love.
It may seem that we take for granted that, by being with our children or with the little ones we are already giving them time, but it is important to give them full and full attention and quality time, listen to them and be aware of their demands, either through of the game, expressing your opinion or preferences.
Thus, communication is essential. We should not take for granted what they feel, think or do. It is important to dedicate time daily to active listening to the little ones. Be curious about what they say and what they say.
Through the listens, we are giving them a place, a space in which they can be themselves and without judgment. Self-esteem is also based a lot on self-knowledge and if we give them a space in which to express themselves freely, we are promoting that internal knowledge and, therefore, we help to strengthen their self-esteem and self-concept.. The games they can be a great tool for dialogue between adults and children.
Finally, but it could even be the most important factor, to strengthen and increase the self-esteem of the little ones we must take into account love and affection.
That is, for a child, in the same way as for an adult, feel loved It is one of the most important first needs there can be. Therefore, we must show affection in different ways so that that little one feels that affection and learns values and qualities such as empathy..
Emotional intelligence is a very important type of intelligence for the development of both children and adults.
Hugs, kisses, signs of affection and love help us to create, not only a strong bond between child and adult, but also allows us to feel a love towards others, which is reflected in a self-love. In this way, we help to generate an exchange of well-being and teach the child values such as respect, tolerance and kindness.
Although, at this point, we must bear in mind that, in the same way that we must demonstrate this love and affection for the little ones when it comes to generating healthy self-esteem, it is also important establish limits from respect and empathy.
Setting limits is essential when it comes to your balance and emotional well-being since it helps them understand how they should behave and relate healthily with other people to be happy.
It is not about imposing the ideas or the mandate of adults, rather, it consists of the child himself having the ability to reflect on the consequences of their actions and look for solutions to repair the possible damage caused.
Therefore, setting limits, from this approach, consists of acting from kindness and respect and not from permissiveness. In this way, we also help the child's autonomy to be aware of their actions and take responsibility, promoting healthy and optimal self-esteem.
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