7 habits of ignorant people and how not to become one of them

David Holt
7 habits of ignorant people and how not to become one of them

Whenever we hear the word ignorance or "ignorance”We think of a lack of knowledge, but if we pay special attention to the latter, to its etymology, we will realize the link it has in the aspect of agriculture.

The word "uncultivated”Refers to the land that failed to make plants flourish. If we take this meaning to the personal level, we find a person with little intellectual growth.

It is quite rare for an open-minded person with extensive knowledge to come across an individual with totally opposite characteristics; Questions begin to arise about their personality, way of thinking and their dangerous resistance to acquiring new knowledge or experiences and allowing the plant to grow and become an important granite in the world.

The sad thing about this type of person is that they have a rather limited and closed vision of the world and by denying an approach to literature, good cinema or useful content, they deprive their effects as intellectual motivators. Sadly they feel good in their ignorance and are based on the idea that the less they know, the greater the possibility that they will feel comfortable with their surroundings..

The following habits remind us that we have nothing to envy them. They are blind without glasses who are reluctant to look at what is beyond their perceptions:

1. They spend a large part of their free time watching television

At this point I do not want to imply that watching television makes you an uneducated or ignorant person, since it is a medium where you can find many useful things, information and learning that allow you to open your understanding to new scenarios. On the other hand, there are also those mediocre programs that target an uncritical sector, with the intention of only "amusing" the viewer with images that contribute little to human development. The uneducated people sit in front of a TV screen to "eat" shows of poor quality and do not question what they watch, making them participate in whatever is transmitted on the screen.

2. They criticize what they don't understand

It is normal to see how these types of people only try to criticize in a negative way new realities that appear when they visit another place, just because they become oblivious to what they know. These individuals think they are right in their words and do not allow opinions to contrast their points of view. A clear example of this attitude are people who view religion as an immovable world and often have meaningless foundations when faced with logical points of view..

3. They try to convince the rest of the people that they are above all, without caring about anyone

All the hardships, difficulties or inconveniences that thousands of people may be going through are of no importance to a person who does not have empathy for others. Since they believe that their opinions and perception of reality are correct and without mistakes, these people are usually the center of attention and always insinuate that their life is above that of others. They manifest as arrogant, proud and selfish individuals.

4. They love a gossip

Gossip and more gossip. It is precisely on this that uncultivated people base most of their communication. They show little interest in an uplifting conversation with an exchange of opinions, rather they are plunged in a sea of ​​rumors that they have created themselves. They are fans of creating other people's stories to be able to criticize people, judge them or simply to have something to talk about, because in a life where there is no real knowledge, there is no development and learning process that immerses us in more useful topics.

5. They are hooked on social networks

The Internet is used as a tool to search and offer information of all kinds: the Internet can be used as a great universal library, to share information about tastes and hobbies, to locate addresses and much more. It is a very powerful tool with endless information to learn and communicate. It serves as a bridge between millions of people, cultures, languages, famous people. But its breadth offers many things, and precisely uneducated people use this tool, mostly, to see jokes or gossip on Facebook and YouTube. They waste their time on unhelpful content, instead of taking advantage of the myriad resources it offers.

6. They laugh and tease people who are smarter.

This point is closely related to the former, and it is precisely their desire to be the center of attention and to think that their opinions are on the right side, makes them mocking people of the most intelligent in many areas. This could also serve as a form of self-defense even before there is an attack because they themselves are aware of their limited mind and choose to demonstrate in other areas, such as the physical in a hitting encounter..

7. They rub shoulders with people who have similar characteristics

Humans are very diverse, we have very different tastes and inclinations. Some of us are scientists and others are humanists, and instinctively we tend to approach those people who share our tastes, thoughts and hobbies. The same thing happens with uneducated subjects, who tend to associate with people of the same human level.

Uncultivated people are in all social classes and are not recognized by the naked eye, but once we detect them by identifying a series of qualities, we do not realize that we are faced with a person with very limited thoughts and who can hardly change.

Many times what can transform an individual is the mystical magic of books or a movie, but we must also understand that as long as you do not attack others or judge their way of living with a violent tone, you have every right to remain as uninformed. that he can, because perhaps in this way, he will focus on his fantastic happiness, the one that intellectuals let go of since their first years of discovering the real world.

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