7 Poems in Indigenous Languages ​​of Mexico

Sherman Hoover

The poems they are an artistic part of the indigenous languages ​​of Mexico. Some of these languages ​​are Nahuatl -the main one-, Mayan, Mixtec, Tzeltal, Zapotec, and Tzotzil, among others..

Mexico is one of the countries with the greatest linguistic diversity in the world, currently speaking more than 62 indigenous languages ​​throughout the national territory. According to official statistics, in 2005 there were approximately six million speakers of an indigenous language in that country, while other sources indicate that the figure may reach more than eleven million, which represents about ten percent of the Mexican population..

Every month a language disappears in the world. However, Mexico has many languages ​​that have managed to survive over time, since they are spoken by a considerable number of people who are transmitting it orally generation after generation.

Each indigenous people has a language and many variants of it, it is estimated that in total there are about 364.

Traditional poems in indigenous Mexican languages

- Mésiko nilúame sewá (tarahumara)

'We ne' inamá sewá aminá wasachí


We'kanátame sewá ne tibúma napu

ikí nilú ne neséroma napulegá semá

rewélema kéne gawíwalachi.

Usánisa makói okwá níima alé sewá

jalé e'wéli, jalé kúuchi chí lé 'á

nasitaga leké

'Echi sewá kó ra'íchali jú, napu

o'mána Mésiko ra'icháluwa ra'íchali

si'néame relámuli napu ikiná Mésiko

rejówe, nawajíga napuikiná epo

ayéna chó napuikiná ohké napuikiná

rihchítu, napuikiná gomítu o'mána

Mésiko nawajía lú.

Translation: Song of the flowers of Mexico

I'm going to look at the flowers

that get up in the field.

I will take care of the different flowers

I will protect all there is

for them to come back

beautiful our mountains.

There will be sixty-two species

big flowers,

other small,

it does not matter that they are of shapes


Those flowers are the languages

that are spoken throughout Mexico

singing languages ​​across the plains

of all indigenous people living in

All Mexico;

and through the forests too

in the canyons and on the banks

singing all over Mexico.

Author: Dolores Batista

- Ka yeh pie'y (mixe)

Ku xëëw kidaknë

Kuchëpë'y jatnëp yëh,

Yukjotm jäts aamjiotm witity

Jäts xjaymiëëtëd.

Ku po'iantaakt,

Tsap ix mts

Jäts x'aaxtukt ka pië'y

Madi mtuu mojëp.

Ku xiëëny tyaakt,

Duún pitsnëdë ixëm jëën

Nëy duún ixëm kuma'y,

N'its xëëw kiäxjëkomë jaduúk o'k.

Translation: The jaguar flowers

When the sun goes down

Into a feline of flowers it becomes,

Travel through jungles and mountains

So that you take it for nagual.

Under the moonlight

Observe the celestial vault

And you will discover the jaguar flowers

That each day will guide your steps.

When the dawn appeared,

They go out like the fire,

Just like in a night dream,

And the day greets us again.

Author: Martín Rodríguez Arellano

- Ti xabú (Zapotec)

Naya ', neza biga'

rendani ti lari quichi '

cayapani chonna guie'xiña'rini

Xti chú nayaca

cayua 'ti xabú

canda 'naxhi guie' riele 'ndaani' nisa

Lu gueela nanda'di '

zadxalu 'nisaluna

Head 'lii guxhalelu' lidxilu '

guinaazelu 'ca guie' di '

guicaalu 'naxhi xticani

ne cuidxilu 'naa gaze nia' lii

Ra ma 'cayaba nisa luguialu'

naa zutiide 'xabuca


guidabi ladilu ', guichaiquelu' ...

qui ziuu guendariuba ne guenda rini '

Translation: Soap

My left hand

wrapped with white gloves

save three red flowers.

My right hand,

holds a soap

scented with lilies.

This candid night

you will be flooded with sweat.

I hope you open the door for me

receive the flowers

breathe its aroma

and you invite me to take a bath.

As the water runs through your body

I will slide the soap


for your skin, hair ...

slowly and quietly.

Author: Francisco de la Cruz

- Xatamakgnín kiwi (Totonac)

Xlakata stakkgoy x'akgan,

xlakata mastay xtawakat,

xlakata maskgakganan.

Wa xpalakata anán xatilinklh kiwi,

nima nimakgalanankgoy,

nima nilismanikgoy

lakatunu kakiwín.

Tasipanikgonít kxlakgastapukán,

tasipanikgonít kxkilhnikán,

tasipanikgonít kxtekgankan.

Shovel kum na'anán akgxkgolh

chu xa tlimink sen.

nastakgwnankgoy laktsu tawan,

namawikgoy xtalakapastakni spun

kxakgspún xakaspupulu kilhtamakú.

Translation: There are killed trees

Because its branches grow,

because they bear fruit,

because they produce good shade.

That's why there are lame trees,

barren trees,

trees that do not get used

to grow in other fields.

Wounded from eye to eye,

lip to lip,

From ear to ear.

But as long as there are old logs

and pots of rain,

small leaves will sprout,

to feed the memory of the birds

over the desert of days.

Author: Manuel Espinosa Sainos

- Nonantzin (Nahuatl)

Nonantzin ihcuac nimiquiz,

motlecuilpan xinechtoca

huan cuac tiaz titlaxcal chihuaz,

ompa nopampa xichoca.

Huan tla acah mitztlah tlaniz:

-Zoapille, tleca tichoca?

xiquilhui xoxouhqui in cuahuitl,

ceilingchcti ica popoca.

Translation: Mother of mine

My mother, when i die,

bury me next to your bonfire

and when you go to make the tortillas,

there cry for me.

And if someone asked you:

-Lady why are you crying?

Tell him that the firewood is very green

and it makes you cry with so much smoke.

- Bin in tzuutz a chi (maya)

Bin in tz'uutz 'a chi

Tut yam x cohl

X ciichpam zac

And an and an a u ahal

Translation: I will kiss your mouth

I will kiss your mouth

among the cornfield plants,

sparkling beauty,

you must hurry.

- Xmoquixtill 'un mitl (Nahuatl)

Momiu yezcuepontiu, in mitl cuiea 'yeztli'

aman xquita 'quen yezuetzi' maca xcauili 'mayezuetzi',

tlamo yeztlamiz pampa yehua 'ica yeztli nemi'

uan a yeztli 'monemiliz.

Neca 'xtichoca'?

uan mixayo 'manocuepa' yeztli '.

Timotlamitoc uan moyezio 'no' tlantoc.

Zan xquita 'tonahli' Uan xquita 'cuacalaqui',

uan cuaquiza ', they love in motonal

uan xcauili 'mitl maya' ipan tonahli '

uan maquiyezquixtiti 'pampa in tonahli'

motonal uan tiquitaz cuacalaquiz tonahli ',

chichiliuiz chichiliuiz, uan ​​a chichiltic tlin tiquitaz,

iyezio 'tonahli'

Uan moztla '

ocee tonahli 'yez.

Translation: Your arrow is gushing blood

Your arrow is gushing blood,

Now watch the blood drain from him, don't let the blood drain,

if not, the blood will end, because she lives with blood and that blood is your life.

Why don't you cry And your tears I hope they turn to blood.

You are running out and your blood is running out too

Go to the sun and see when it sets, and when it appears,

now this is your day and let the arrow go to the sun.

I hope he draws blood because this day is your day

and you will see when the sun goes down, it will redden, and that red that you will see,

It will be the blood of the sun and tomorrow another day will be.


  1. Indigenous languages ​​of Mexico. Recovered from indigenous communities atmovimiento.mx.
  2. Indigenous languages ​​in Mexico and speakers as of 2015. Recovered from Cuentame.inegi.org.mx.
  3. Anthology of poetry in indigenous languages, first volume of Mexico: diverse languages, a single nation. Writers in indigenous languages ​​AC. Mexico, 2008.
  4. Unforgettable poems. Recovered from codigodiez.mx.
  5. Short poems in Nahuatl that you should read at least once in your life. Recovered from culturacolectiva.com.
  6. Mexican poems in tongues. Recovered from día.unam.mx.
  7. Poems in indigenous language and their translation in Spanish. Recovered from twentyipico.com.

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