Even the happiest person you know ever has a black day, it is impossible to always be happy and active.
Sometimes there are strong reasons, but in others you find no apparent reason. Be that as it may, it is so, such days are among us and we must deal with them.
In the following article I show you seven tricks or actions to carry out to cheer up those sad and discouraged days that torment us all from time to time.
“It is 4 in the afternoon, I just got home and I have had a difficult day at work. I feel the feeling of not wanting to do anything and I don't have the energy to fulfill the obligations of the remainder of the day ".
This could be anyone's story at the end of their workday. Much to our regret, obligations do not mean reluctance, they must be done yes or yes. In addition, it is not a dish of good taste to wait passively for a day to end, and less one as heavy as a sad day can be..
Well, using any of these seven tricks correctly you will be able to take flight and rejoice even on the dullest day.
Often, the human being tends to seek stimuli of the same emotional charge as his own current state. That is, when someone is sad, they usually play sad, slow and / or heartbreak songs. Well, to change the script of our day it will be of infinite help to listen to the music that you like the most and to encourage, without complexes and without skimping on volume. The needs to cover sadness with sadness are totally forbidden, a fire is not put out with gasoline.
When talking about selfishness, we tend to focus on the negative aspect of that term. But this concept encompasses much more, and does not always refer to something negative. You just need to stop thinking about your surroundings, and be your own center of attention for a period of time, you are also deserving of that title from time to time..
It may be that the hands of the clock are full of tasks and you are very busy, but we can always find a gap of "dead time".
Select the best gap and reserve that period of time for yourself, to do what you most want at that moment, and face the activity you have to do next in a positive way. During that time reserved for you, try not to occupy it with anything that you do not want to be present. Give total priority to alleviating your needs, the time will come to worry about others or what is necessary.
Needless to say, on a sad day the last thing we want to do is laugh. In fact, you will hardly be able to laugh just like that when you are in a low mood, unless there is an external stimulus to help you do so. Well, if Muhammad does not go to the mountain ... What you have to do is force the laugh that will light you.
For this you can resort to different resources, such as: watch a monologue by your favorite comedian or videos of falls, read humorous cartoons, or any of the infinity of humor material that we have at our disposal.
Numerous scientific studies have shown the benefits that laughter brings to our body, which is why in recent years laughter laughter therapy has gained a large number of followers in terms of methodology for alleviate effects of stress and anxiety.
This current consists of forcing laughter, in order to infect our body with the good vibrations and sensations that it generates. Sometimes, as absurd and ridiculous as it may seem, planting yourself in front of the mirror and forcing a laugh manages to unleash a real laugh, thus changing your mood. I invite you to try it on yourself, there is no shame, you will surely appreciate it.
When you carry out any sporting activity, your body releases a number of natural chemicals that have a positive benefit.
These substances are exactly the endorphins and serotonin, both very closely related to emotional regulation. Accumulated tensions are also released and toxins are eliminated from our body. Without forgetting, of course, that you will feel better about yourself and it will have a positive impact on your physical appearance.
Therefore, scratch a few minutes from your schedule and dedicate them to the physical activity you want the most, use all your energy and let bad thoughts fly.
Do not forget that no matter how discouraged you are, life is full of good, positive and happy memories.
Perhaps these can sometimes be buried under a layer of pessimism, but they do not cease to exist, you just have to dig a little. A happy moment is not only happy while you live it, it also leaves very positive aspects for life in our memory, as long as they are present in each one..
Create a kind of "trunk of good memories", that whenever you decide to access it, you will be inspired by a moment of happiness in the past. When you remember it, focus all your attention on reliving those sensations, recreate the positive aspects and bring all the luxury of details, so that nothing is left in the pipeline.
This trunk does not have to be something physical, it can be symbolic, making a metaphorical reference to your reserved moment to dive into the memory you most want, as long as it is something happy and positive.
That something is mandatory does not mean that it is not worthy of an award. Make a list of little treats to treat yourself to once you successfully complete your obligations for that day. In this way you will do it with a renewed desire, and by the way you can even enjoy that day that was turning so unpleasant.
You can use prizes of various kinds, such as food, a relaxing bath, watching an episode of your favorite series or a walk in the park. The important thing is that you keep in mind that what you are doing you have earned with the effort made. Who knows, maybe next time you're even looking to do more homework.
As on countless occasions we need to reduce the level of activation, either due to the load of stress or due to the anxiety generated by the current rhythm of life. In days like today the opposite happens, you need a push and an energy which at this moment you do not enjoy. Therefore, the need to charge our batteries prevails through rewarding and activating stimuli.
Flee from lethargy and from postponing the start of any task. You can consume stimulating drinks, such as coffee, even you can give yourself motivational self-instructions, such as “Come on let's go! You can handle this and more, not to mention it ".
That internal dialogue with oneself, correctly focused, can inject you with the necessary motivation to achieve any goal you set for yourself..
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