70 Beautiful Phrases of Saint Francis of Assisi [with Images]

Jonah Lester
70 Beautiful Phrases of Saint Francis of Assisi [with Images]

I leave you the best phrases of Saint Francis of Assisi (1181-1226), founder of the Franciscan Order, the order of the Poor Clare Sisters and a secular order. He is the saint about whom the most books have been written in the world..

You may also be interested in these phrases of Saint Augustine or these of Saint John Bosco.

-All the darkness in the world can't put out the light from a single candle.

-Start by doing what is necessary; then do the possible and suddenly you will be doing the impossible.

-Where there is charity and wisdom, there is no fear or ignorance.

-He who works with his hands is a worker.
He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.
He who works with his hands, his head and his heart is an artist.

-It is in giving that we receive.

-Let us strive for the serenity to accept the inevitable things, the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to be able to distinguish one from the other..

-Animals are my friends and I don't eat my friends.

-Where there is charity and wisdom, there is no fear or ignorance.

-Blessed is he who has no more joy and gladness than the words and works of the Lord.

-It is by giving yourself that you receive it, it is by forgetting yourself that you find yourself.

-When spiritual joy fills hearts, the serpent spills its deadly poison in vain.

-Preach the gospel at all times and use words when necessary.

-Remember that when you leave this world, you cannot take anything you have received; only what you have given.

-What you do may be the only sermon some people hear today.

-While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to hold it even more fully in your heart..

-I need few things and the few that I need, I need little.

-It is by forgiving that we are forgiven.

-It is useless to walk anywhere to evangelize unless our path is our gospel.

-If God can work through me, He can work through anyone.

-The true teaching that we transmit is what we live; and we are good preachers when we put what we say into practice.

-Where stillness and meditation reign, there is no room for worry or dissipation.

-Above the grace and gifts that Christ gives to his loved ones, is to overcome himself.

-Overcome temptation is, in a way, the ring with which the Lord marries the heart of his servant.

-Sanctify yourself and you will sanctify society.

-With how much more love can one of us love and nurture his brother in spirit.

-We have been called to heal the wounds, to unite what has fallen apart and to bring home those who have lost their way..

-To entertain yourself in looking for faults in your neighbor is proof enough of not only taking care of your own.

-Prayer is a true rest.

-He is a faithful and prudent servant who for every fault he commits, hastens to atone for them: internally, by contrition, and externally by confession and satisfaction of work..

-The devil rejoices, above all, when he manages to snatch the joy from the heart of God's servant. 

-May the peace they announce with their words be first in their hearts.

-He is happy who keeps nothing for himself.

-All the good that we do must be done for the love of God, and the evil that we avoid must be avoided for the love of God..

-May the peace they announce with their words be first in their hearts.

-We have nothing else to do but be diligent to follow God's will and to please him in all things.

-He truly loves his enemy who does not hurt from the injury that is done to him, but for the love of God, burns himself by the sin that is in his soul.

-Let's start serving, let's do our best. What we have done so far is little and nothing.

-Evil and false spirits, do whatever you want to me. I know well that you cannot do more than the Lord's hand allows. For my part, I am willing to suffer with pleasure everything that he leaves.

-If there are men who exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and mercy, there will be men who will treat their brothers in the same way.

-Just as some animals feed on others for their subsistence, God told man that he could take the animals he needed only until he found a better solution, not for fanciful dresses or to make them his slaves or entertainment..

-Without prayer no one can progress in divine service.

-Every creature in disgrace has the same right to be protected.

-God created all creatures with love and goodness, big, small, with human or animal form, all are children of the Father and he was so perfect in his creation that he gave each one his own environment and his animals a home full of streams, trees and beautiful meadows like paradise itself. 

-Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you.

-Jesus Christ called the one who gave him a friend and spontaneously offered himself to those who crucified him.

-Let us love God and adore him with a simple heart.

-It is by dying that one is resurrected to eternal life.

-Man, having nothing of his own, belongs to God.

-If you, the servant of God, are concerned, you should immediately resort to prayer and prostrate before the Lord until your joy returns..

-Man should tremble, the world should vibrate, the whole sky should be deeply moved when the son of God appears on the altar in the hands of the priest.

-For a small reward something inestimable is lost and the giver is easily provoked not to give more..

-Terrible is death! But how appealing is the life of the other world, to which God calls us.!

-All the brothers must preach through their works.

-Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. That where there is hatred, sow love, where there is pain, forgiveness; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, happiness.

-If God can work through me, He can work through everything.

-Real progress is quietly, persistently, and without warning.

 -A single ray of sunlight is enough to drive away many shadows.

-You must not call anyone an enemy, everyone is your benefactor, and no one hurts you. You have no enemy except yourselves.

-Above all the grace and gifts that Christ gives to his loved ones, is to overcome oneself.

-Sanctify yourself and you sanctify society.

-Keep a clear eye towards the end of life. Don't forget your purpose and destiny as a creature of God. What is in front of him is what you are and nothing else.

-Remember that when you leave this earth, you cannot take anything that you have received… but only what you have given; a heart filled and enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage.

 -Poverty is the divine virtue by which everything earthly and transitory is trampled underfoot, and by which all obstacles are removed from the soul in order to freely enter into union with the eternal Lord God..

-Poverty is also the virtue that makes the soul, while on earth, converse with the angels in heaven..

-Poverty accompanied Christ on the cross, he was buried with Christ in the tomb, and with Christ he rose and ascended to heaven.

-Poverty even in this life gives souls the ability to fly to heaven, and only she keeps the armor of true humility and charity.

-My Lord thank you, for sister moon and stars; in heaven you have made them, precious and beautiful.

-Thank you my Lord, for brother wind and air, and clouds and storms, and all the time, through which you give sustenance to the creatures.

-Praised be You, my Lord, through Sister Water; she is very helpful and humble and precious and chaste.

-Praised be you, my Lord, through brother fire, through whom you light the night. He is beautiful and cheerful and powerful and strong.

-I thank you, my Lord, for our sister Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us, and produces various fruits with colorful flowers and herbs..

-Praised be you, my Lord, for those who forgive for your love; through those who endure sickness and tribulation. Happy are those who suffer in peace, for they will be crowned.

-The devil's triumph is greater when he can deprive us of the joy of the Spirit.

-The devil carries the fine dust with him in small boxes and scatters them through the cracks in our consciousness in order to dim the pure impulses of the soul and its brilliance..

-The joy that fills the heart of the spiritual person destroys the deadly venom of the serpent.

-If you think that you are abandoned in your sadness, melancholy ... sadness will progressively consume you and you will be consumed in empty detours.  

-When sadness takes root, evil grows. If not dissolved by tears, permanent damage is done.

-God, enlighten the darkness of my heart and give me a right faith, a sure hope, a perfect charity, sense and knowledge, so that I can carry out your holy commandment.

-We adore you, oh Christ, and we praise you, because by your holy cross you redeemed the world.

-Jesus, the most innocent, who neither did nor could commit a sin, was condemned to death, and on the other hand, to the most ignominious death of the cross.

-To remain a friend of Caesar, Pilate handed him over to his enemies. A hideous crime.

-Pilate condemned innocence to death, and offending God in order not to displease men.

-For whom, then, am I going to live, if not for You, my Lord? In case you want to please men, I could not be their servant.

-If you, servant of God, are uneasy about something, you must promptly resort to prayer and subsist before the Lord until the joy of his Salvation returns..

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