70 Examples of regionalisms from different countries

Robert Johnston
70 Examples of regionalisms from different countries

These examples of regionalisms will help you better understand the particular form of speech of some regions or countries.

Regionalisms are words, expressions or uses of the language of a particular city, region or country. These linguistic constructions are impregnated with the local culture and are formed through daily use..

Something curious about regionalisms is that even within the same country there may be different types of regionalisms, for example in Colombia, where different populations have different regionalisms from coastal areas and other regions of the country.. 

In the same way, there are regionalisms according to population groups, that is, there are words that only the young, or the elderly, or people from some socioeconomic strata will use..

So that you better understand all of the above, today we want to share with you, some examples of regionalisms from different countries.

The 70 best known examples of regionalisms

These examples of regionalisms from different countries are a lot of fun and will help you understand places other than yours. It should be noted that we do not separate the regionalisms by different areas of the country, because this would go from being an article to being a dictionary.

With this clear, we hope you enjoy these examples of regionalisms.

Regionalisms of Spain

Rechivar: Flip up. (Example: Helena combed her hair with the pointed ends)

Go: It is said of food when it is rotting. (Example: The oranges were passed)

Melopea:Laziness, reluctanceExample: Yesterday I got melopea and I did not go to work)

Enciscarse: Obsessing over a task (Example: He got so focused on the task that he didn't want to have dinner)

Monear: Wander, waste timeExample: He didn't do anything to be cheating)

Cuto: Pig. (Example: There is a new guy at Juan's farm)

Ascape: Right away (Example: You go to ascape street)

Devour: Very tired. (Example: After the race I was devoured)

Fato: Joker: (Example: Pedro is very fato)

Private: Very happy (Example: Luis is privately in his new house)

Regionalisms of Mexico

Row: Conflict (Example: They have tremendous anger)

Work: Work (Example: Martha is happy with her new job)

Snout: Person who talks a lot. (Example: Pedro is a snout)

Wool: Money (Example: For that you will need a lot of wool)

Flannel: Car sitter (Example: Remember to give the wool to the flanker)

Fachoso: Bad dress (Example: Pepe came to the party all flabby)

Guys: Friends (Example: He will go on a trip with his friends)

Kids: Kids (Example: That park was full of kids)

Dad: Well (Example: That record is very cool)

Cool: Good (Example: What a cool dessert)

Regionalisms of Colombia 

Charro: Funny. (Example: That boy is very charro)

Pispo: Pretty and elegant (Example: Clara's son is very pispo)

Fallen from the wattle: Someone stupid or who does not thinkExample: She believes me fallen from the wattle)

Crack: Hitting (Example: If you keep bothering those children they will crack you)

Man: Man, young man, boy (Example: She likes that man)

Pichurria: Bad or bad, related to people or things (Example: I don't like you hanging out with him because that man is a pichurria)

Mamera: Something that causes boredom or laziness (Example: What a hell of a class)

Tailless: Short-tempered person (Example: That man is very stupid)

Guayabo: Hangover (Example: I had a drink and I have a horrible guava)

In pumps: Fast (Example: I have to deliver the task in bombs)

Regionalisms of Argentina 

Kid: Man, youth or child (Example: In that class there are only kids)

Suck: Drink alcoholic beverages (Example: Yesterday we met to suck)

Fag: Cigarette (Example: You smoke like 20 puchos a day)

I take them: I'm going (Example: If you continue like this I take them)

Grease: Ordinary or with little style (Style: That place is very fat)

Sneak: Steal (Example: Take care of your phone or they will worry you)

Twine: Money (Example: I take out the twine and we go)

Hood: Someone who excels at an activity (Example: That guitarist is a capo)

Bitter: Boring person (Example: My partner is a bitter)

Break the balls: Expression to denote something that bothers us. (Example: That attitude is breaking my balls)

Regionalisms of Peru 

Tacho: Trash can (Example: Throw those papers in the bin)

Paw: Friend (Example: This afternoon I'm leaving with my paw)

Chape: Kiss (Example: In the middle of the date, he gave me a cap)

Chongo: Problem (Example: A big bun was put together)

Germa: Girlfriend, in loveExample: My germ is beautiful)

Smoothness: Rudeness (Saying flattery is rude)

Straw: Beautiful (Example: Your hat is straw)

Pichanga: Soccer game (Example: This afternoon we are going to pichanga)

Chacota: Joke (Example: You really like the chacota)

Chibolo: Child (Example: What a cute chibolo)

Regionalisms of Ecuador

Loosen up: Lend money (Example: You will loosen me 1000)

Open: leave (Example: I open from here better)

Collide: Embarrass (Example: She fell down and is choked up)

Arrow: Fast (Example: You have to go for the aflecha bread)

Watery: Bored (Example: Juan is watered down)

Mooring: Formal relacionship (Example: He said no, because he already had a mooring)

Roof: Easy (Example: Doing that is roof rack)

Pussy: Happy (Example: He's fond of his new job)

Chucha: Funny (Example: What a cool hairstyle)

Sneak off: Walk away (Example: I prefer to get out of school)

Regionalisms of Guatemala

Pajero: You liar (Example: I don't believe anything about Ramón because he's a jerk)

Shute: Nosy (Example: Don't go there, don't be shute)

Elbow: Stingy (Example: We do not want to go out with him because he is very elbow)

Catfish: Ugly (Example: Her boyfriend is a catfish)

A nail: Problem (Example: Your mom has a nail)

Very bolus: Drunk (Example: He left the party very bolo)

Jackets: Lies (Example: Don't come to me with your jackets)

Pickup truck: Bus (Example: My truck passes your house)

They thunder at you: They kill youExample: If you keep doing wrong things, they thunder at you)

Coexistence: Meal for a special date (Example: Tonight they invited me to a conviviality)

We hope you liked these examples of regionalisms. As you can see, through words it is easy to know the spirit of the peoples. Learning about different cultures not only enriches our knowledge but also gives us the opportunity to expand our world. 

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