70 Quotes of Resignation in Life and Love

Egbert Haynes
70 Quotes of Resignation in Life and Love

I leave you the best phrases of resignation from great authors like Groucho Marx, Bertrand Russell, Henry David Thoreau, Ian Fleming, Michael J. Fox, Honoré de Balzac and many more. You can use them to reflect or dedicate to a loved one.

Resignation is the acceptance of an event or fact that we cannot change. When we resign ourselves to something it is because we have accepted the idea that something is like that and cannot be changed. Although it may have a negative connotation, giving up or resigning is often necessary.

When we have been trying something for a long time, either in a personal or work environment, but it has not given results, one option is to resign and accept that it is better to stop trying and follow another path.

Quote list on resignation

-Acceptance does not mean resignation. It means understanding that something is what it is and that there has to be a way through it.-Michael J. Fox.

-Acceptance of life has nothing to do with resignation. It does not mean fleeing from the fight.-Paul Tournier.

-There is a way to contribute to the protection of humanity, and it is not to resign.-Ernesto Sábato.

-Who resigns does not live, survives.-Oriana Fallaci.

-Resignation is a sad word. And yet it is the only refuge that remains.-Ludwig van Beethoven.

-Acceptance opens the door of hope, while resignation closes it.-Julie Lessman.

-When people have given up on happiness, they call themselves realists.-Marty Rubin.

-If you quit once, it becomes a habit. Never quit.-Michael Jordan.

-Most men lead lives of quiet despair. What is called resignation is confirmed despair.-Henry David Thoreau.

-Patience is passive, resignation is active.-Penelope María Fitzgerald.

-The world turns and that's the way it is. One can resign oneself and spin with it or get up to protest and keep spinning anyway.-Stephen King.

-People want to be loved, not to be borne with patient resignation.-Bertrand Russell.

-What is called resignation is confirmed by hopelessness.-Henry David Thoreau.

-It is right to endure with resignation what the gods send, and to face the enemies with courage.-Pericles.

-A resignation is a serious act, never performed by a man of upright mind without notice or with reservation .-- Salmon P. Chase.

-Resignation is a permanent suicide.-Manu Chao.

-We learn about resignation, not because of our own suffering, but because of the suffering of others.-W. Somerset Maugham.

-Insecurity and resignation are mixed with the hope of a better order.-Gustav Heinemann.

-Resignation is the timid sign of courage.-William Somerset Maugham.

-Resignation! What a sad word! And yet it is the only refuge that remains.-Beethoven.

-It is better to resign than to regret.

-Resignation is necessary when the alternative is suffering.

-Resignation requires will, and it will require decision, and decision requires belief, and belief requires that there be something to believe in.-Anne Rice.

-Knowing that there is a better story for your life and choosing something different is like choosing to die.-Donald Miller.

-With resignation a possible process of renewal begins, which cleanses the roots of things.-Kristian Goldmund Aumann.

-We all resign ourselves to death. It is to life that we do not resign ourselves.-Graham Greene.

-Short are the confines of resignation to hypocrisy.-Francisco de Quevedo.

-Resigning in time is better than ending up damaged by trying too hard.

-The true philosopher is the man who says "it's okay" and goes to sleep on the couch.-P. G. Wodehouse.

-There is a difference between acceptance and resignation. One is positive, the other is negative.-Julie Lessman.

-The pain is temporary. However, if I quit, that lasts forever.-Lance Armstrong.

-Resident of the things that do not add anything to your life, but persevere in the important ones.

-To be able to resign, it is necessary to have character.-Goethe.

-Resign yourself to a love that hurts you if you want a relationship that makes you excited.

-The easiest way to hurt yourself is to give up on love just because it didn't work the first time.-Amanda Howells.

-Everyone has their resignation in their pocket.-Ian Fleming.

-If politics were only the art of the possible, it would be the art of resignation.-Raúl Alfonsín.

-No people believe in their government. At most, the peoples are resigned.-Octavio Paz.

-Hope can strengthen love and faith makes resignation possible.-Louisa May Alcott.

-The essential thing is to avoid resignation, abandonment, self-pity. What happens to you is not so important, but the meaning you give to what happens to you.-Álex Rovira.

-Please accept my resignation. I do not want to belong to any club that accepts me as a member.-Groucho Marx.

-The important thing is not to be cured, but to live with your ills.-Ferdinand Galiani.

-Resignation is a daily suicide.-Honoré de Balzac.

-If the time comes for one, it does not matter a Boeing as the punctual flowerpot that collapses on one from a seventh floor.-Mario Benedetti.

-All history is a continuous pestilence. There is no truth and there is no illusion. There is nowhere to appeal or where to go.-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

-I like trees because they seem more resigned to the way they live than other things.-Willa Cather.

-What greater pleasure than knowing what is to come and being able to wait for it with the dignity that only pious resignation can give us.-Claudio Garcia Fanlo.

-There is constant pressure to make people feel helpless, to feel that the only thing they can do is ratify decisions and consume.-Noam Chomsky.

-It's okay. Then I'll go to hell.-Mark Twain.

-The first lesson that a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man.-Huey P. Newton.

-So do we have to resign ourselves to being a watch that measures the passage of time, sometimes out of order, sometimes repaired, whose mechanism generates despair and love as soon as its creator starts it? -Stanislaw Lem.

-The gods destroy those who excel. Be small and you will escape the jealousy of the great.-Philip K. Dick.

-The truth is that deep down I am a fatalist.-Mario Benedetti.

-To resign is to place God between pain and oneself.-Anne Sophie Swetchine.

-There is something attractive, at least for many people, in misery and vice. They are more authentic and more exciting than cleanliness, happiness and virtue.-Theodore Dalrymple.

-Throughout my absurd life, a dark wind has risen towards me from somewhere deep in my future.-Albert Camus.

-There are no happy old men; There are only resigned old men.-Jacques Normand.

-Do not ask me to accept these shades with pleasure. It is enough that I accept them.-Mihail Sebastian.

-Life has to begin in the dark, its germination powers lie hidden. Each day has its night, each light has its darkness.-Mihail Sebastian.

-The positive way of conforming is called acceptance and the negative way is called resignation.-Jorge Bucay.

-I have to wait for it to be my turn. I have to follow the rules. I have to smile like I agree. I have to, I have to, I have to.-Holly Bodger.

-Resignation, giving up all hope, is a consolation similar to death, and that is why it is a great consolation.-Benito Pérez Galdós.

-Those who do not expect gifts of opportunity, have conquered destiny.-Matthew Arnold.

-Just as the earth supports the man who digs it, supporting those who speak ill of one is a respectable quality.-Thiruvalluvar.

-Beyond despair there is something that perhaps is not exactly resignation.-Jean Rostand.

-Hope hurts terribly when you go through the resignation you've lived in for days.-Ursula K. Le Guin.

-When we quit a job that we did not like or when we are fired, it is a blessing because a better experience awaits us.-Miya Yamanouchi.

-I must admit, without fear of dramatizing, that the inevitable seems very attractive to me, that is, what I am sure is going to happen.-Claudio Garcia Fanlo.

-I knew the time had come to kill the past and come back to life.-Pink Floyd.

-The past was dead. The future was resignation, doom and could only end one way.-Cornell Woolrich.

-As was his destiny, he accepted the world of ice, bright, flickering, dead. He resigned himself to the triumph of the glaciers and the death of the world.-Anna Kavan.

-Happiness has nothing to teach and resignation is ugly.-Françoise Sagan.

-The darkness enveloped us and for the first time in years I accepted it.-Melika Dannese.

-I'm getting used to the fact that you forget me.-Erica Cameron.

-None of this is in your hands. Regardless of how you see it, you don't have the power to resist. It has already been decided.-Haruki Murakami.

-I never said it would be easy. Giving up is easy.-Maria V. Snyder.

-He sighed like when you know something bad is going to happen, but you hope it doesn't happen, however, it happens anyway and you realize that you always knew it was going to happen and that you were an idiot for believing that you could avoid it.-Victoria Forester.

-Some political leaders make big mistakes and don't quit. Others make small mistakes and quit immediately. Those who have honor choose the honorable path: resignation.-Mehmet Murat Ildan.

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