These questions for your crush they're a great icebreaker strategy to keep him interested in what you have to say. In addition, they serve as a direct pass to know what he thinks of life, how he expresses himself or finally how he reacts to the unexpected..
Let's not tell ourselves lies, it is true that the physical and the appearance can enchant, however if when talking with that person there is no chemistry, unfortunately there is nothing. We all love meeting creative people who encourage us to talk more and more and with whom we can literally spend hours talking without getting bored.
However, since it is your crush, we know that it is likely that when push comes to shove, you can get on your nerves and not know how to direct the conversation. This is why we created this full list of questions for your crush that will undoubtedly make you have a fantastic time.
Before starting with the list of questions for your crush, maybe you need some extra help on how to start the conversation. As always spontaneity is the best and you can openly tell him that you would like to play a trivia game with him. Or if the conversation is already on track, you can drop the questions one by one, without having to tell them that they are in a trivia game..
Now yes! What we came up with, these are our recommended questions for your crush:
1.What are you passionate about in life?
2.What has been the happiest moment of your life?
3. What is that song that you don't stop listening to?
4. Who is your crush?
5. If you were a country, which country would you be and why?
6. What is the biggest dream of your life?
7. What is the weirdest dream you've ever had?
8. What is the most beautiful place you have known in your life?
9. Where would you never return?
10. What do you like the most about social networks?
11. Do you think dreams have deep information about yourself or do you think they are random images?
12. Do you have any kind of spiritual belief?
13. Do you consider yourself a free person?
14. Do you believe in magic and other mystical themes?
15. If you could travel in time would you go to the past or the future and why?
16. Do you think we have had past lives?
17. What does being successful mean to you?
18. Do you consider yourself an optimistic or pessimistic person?
19. What does love mean to you?
20. What do you like the most about being alive?
21. Do you believe in love at first sight?
22. What do you value most in a person??
23. What bothers you the most about a person?
24. How would you describe your perfect relationship?
25. Do you believe in polyamory or open relationships?
26. What would make you break a relationship immediately?
27. What is the most beautiful thing that an ex has done for you?
28. What is the most horrible thing that an ex has done to you??
29. Do you believe in soul mates?
30. Do you consider yourself a romantic person?
31. What is the sexiest thing about a person??
32. What are those fantasies that you have not fulfilled yet??
33. What is the most exciting thing you have done in bed?
34. What is the weirdest place you've made love?
35. What is it that ignites your passions in a matter of minutes?
36. What playlist would you choose for a hot night?
37. Do you like to seduce or to be seduced?
38. Do you have any kind of fetish?
39. Do you like it romantic or rough?
40. Have you ever fantasized about me?
41. Unlimited money or unlimited love?
42. If you could change your life with a famous person for a day, who would you choose??
43. If you had the opportunity to travel back in time to give yourself some advice, what would you say to yourself??
44. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you in your life??
45. Which character from movies, series or books do you think is most like you??
46. If they offered you 1 million euros to act in an adult film, would you do it??
47. What would be the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?
48. What is the most embarrassing song that you know by heart?
49. What is your guilty pleasure?
50. Would you let your finger be amputated in exchange for free Wi-Fi for the rest of your life, no matter where you are??
51. Are you superstitious?
52. What are the best books you have read in your life?
53. Do you believe in horoscopes and astrology?
54. What is the most surprising talent you have?
55. What is the most shameful experience you have ever had in your life?
56. What do you regret in your life??
57. Have you let love go out of fear?
58. Do you think you had a happy childhood?
59. Do you think it is more important to be happy or to have a life that everyone admires??
60. Do you give much importance to what others think of you??
61. How do you feel about the relationship you have with your mother??
62. If you could change something in your life, what would it be??
63. Do you consider that you are happy at this moment in your life?
64. What is the greatest achievement you have achieved in your life?
65. Which song should be yes or yes in the soundtrack of your life?
66. Is your family close and affectionate?
67. What does friendship mean to you?
68. If your house is on fire and you can only save one object, what would you save??
69. Who is the most important person in your family for you?
70. If we were to start a relationship, what would be vital for me to know about you??
As you see in this list of questions for your crush there is everything, it has its daily, sexy and deep touch, without a doubt you will have plenty of material to start a conversation that may not remain in monothematic answers, but may be the door to open new interesting topics that take you to know more deeply that person who has you crazy.
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