72 phrases by Alejandro Jodorowsky to reflect on

Egbert Haynes

I leave you the best phrases by Alejandro Jodorowsky, a Chilean artist creator of psychomagic, of Jewish-Ukrainian descent and French nationalized in 1980. Throughout his life he has developed many facets, being on numerous occasions a writer, screenwriter, actor and director.

His work is almost always aimed at attracting attention, inviting reflection, as well as impacting those who are a spectator of his works. Jodorowsky has knowledge of philosophy and psychology, since he began his studies when he was young, although he interrupted them to opt for the performing arts.

Currently he exercises a technique called psychomagia, which is based on the unconscious using symbols taking them as real, this being the origin of traumas and psychological conditions.

In addition, it also uses psychogenealogy, in which the person must inquire about their family tree to obtain relevant and useful information to carry out personal work..

Alejandro Jodorowsky quotes about life

-"Sometimes losing is winning and not finding what you are looking for is finding yourself".

-"There is no failure, you just change your way".

-"Cease to define yourself: give yourself all the possibilities of being, change paths as many times as necessary".

-"When a flower opens, it is spring all over the world".

-"When you get sick, instead of hating that evil, consider it your teacher".

-"Underneath the disease, there is the prohibition to do something we want or the order to do something we do not want".

-“-Master, when will I be strong? -When you learn not to harm ".

-"I hear what you say in what you don't say".

-“Money is like the Christ; bless you if you share it ".

-“The ego is deaf; deaf and blind. The ego must be tamed ".

-“If not me, who? If not, how? And, if not today, when? ".

-“The world is what you think it is; but the one who thinks is not you ".

-“Silence has no limits for me; the limits are set by the word ".

-"Frustration is caused by a society that asks us to be what we are not and blames us for being what we are".

-"You are a slave to what you baptize with your name".

-"My mistakes were seeds".

-“Listen more to your intuition than to your reason. Words shape reality but they are not ".

-"Even if you have a large family, give yourself a personal territory where no one can enter without your permission".

-“See how we see ourselves, see ourselves and understand that to understand we must become blind. Do what you are doing to the best of your ability2 ".

-“Beauty is the maximum limit that we can access through language. We cannot reach the truth, but we can approach it through beauty ".

-"The human mind, when faced with another mind more powerful than itself, has a tendency to forget itself".

-“The mind is not satisfied; is there. Its quality depends on how you use it ".

-"The biggest lie is the ego".

-“When countries crumble and fall, the only thing that remains of them is culture, which is why it is so important. A country without culture will disappear ".

-"Poetry is only love, it transgresses the prohibitions and dares to look directly at the invisible".

-"Happiness is being less anguished every day".

-“When you hesitate between doing and not doing, choose to do. If you are wrong at least you get the experience".

-"One becomes wise only insofar as one goes through his own madness."

-"The word that describes the world is not the world".

-“The truth is never obtained from anyone; you always carry it with you ".

-"I ask the cinema what many Americans ask of psychedelic drugs".

-"What I'm looking for follows me".

-"Birds born in a cage believe that flying is a disease".

-“They tell me I'm a scammer. Well yes I am, but a holy con man ".

-“My name is Alejandro Jodorowsky. Better said: they call me Alejandro Jodorowsky. My name is not anything ... ".

-"Not so fast that you reach death nor so slow that it reaches you".

-"Don't make useless friendships".

-"Life is not there to satisfy the desires of the first sloth to come along".

-“Do not thank me for what I have given you; it has been given to me ".

-"I don't like art that divinizes the navel of those who practice it".

-"Not satisfying desires is not suffering, because the wonder is having desires".

-"I do not want anything for myself that is not for everyone".

-"Do not appropriate anything or anyone".

-"The poetic act must always be positive, go in the direction of construction and not destruction".

-"I am not going to do the university path because university study is the death of art".

-"Give each word roots in the heart."

-“The brain is a universe in constant expansion and movement. We are in a rational jail that navigates inside a madman ".

-"One does not go to the theater to escape from oneself, but to reestablish contact with the mystery that we all are".

-"The bird of the spirit must free itself from the rational cage".

-"From reality, mysterious, so vast and unpredictable, we only perceive what is filtered through our tiny point of view".

-"To change the world it is necessary to start with oneself".

-"You think one thing, you want another, you love another, you do something else".

-"For love, we not only copy the values ​​of our parents, but also their diseases".

-"If I close my hands, the water runs off".

-"If we take a look at the circumstances that led to the miracle, we will understand that we were led by an unimaginable force."

-“You just have to acquire the power to help. An art that does not serve to heal is not art ".

-"You curse me and I bless you".

-“Once a week, teach others for free how little or how much you know. What you give them, you give it to yourself. What you don't give them, you take away ".

-"One day we will stop praying and we will vomit flowers".

-"A philosopher who could not walk because he stepped on his beard cut his feet".

-“Today stop criticizing your body. Accept it as it is without worrying about other people's eyes. They don't love you because you are beautiful. You are beautiful because they love you ".

-"Always do, because if you don't, you will regret it, and if you do and make a mistake, at least you will have learned something".

-“There is no greater relief than to begin to be what you are. We are not in the world to realize the dreams of our parents, but our own ".

-Interpreted dreams are not important. The important ones are the lucid ones: when you are and become aware of what you are dreaming about. Art and poetry are also very important ".

-“Life is a source of health, but that energy arises only where we focus our attention. This attention should not only be mental but also emotional, sexual and physical ".

-“The last living human being threw the last shovelful of dirt on the last dead one. In that very instant, he knew he was immortal; because death only exists in the gaze of the other ".

-“Family, society, culture, put us in a mold; when we get out of the mold, the healing begins and, not only that: you have to do something that you have never done before and the more difficult the better ”.

-"That is the serious problem of this society: it is full of desires to consume and to pretend, but there is very little desire to be".

-"What we think modifies the perception of what we see".

-"Do not live making the shadow of small things great".

-“If you fall and don't get up, you fall. If you fall and get up you did not fall: you just took an impulse ".

-"A shape that changes incessantly between an infinity of shapes, a passing cloud, a point that appears and disappears".

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