8 Side effects of orfidal frequency and types

Basil Manning

The orfidal side effects (lorazepam) are harmful to health, that is why it is important to consume this drug under prescription and medical supervision. Orfidal is the trade name for lorazepam, a drug belonging to the group of high-potency benzodiazepines. In it, five main properties are distinguished: it is anxiolytic, amnesic, sedative, anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant.

Specifically, orfidal is classified as a tranquilizer-anxiolytic drug that is used to prevent nervousness and anxiety. In general, orfidal is used to treat anxiety states in the short term, as well as anxiety associated with depression and sleep disorders.

Despite being a drug with good therapeutic indices and being one of the most widely used psychotropic drugs, it must be taken into account that orfidal is a chemical compound that alters the brain function of people. This article discusses the side effects that the consumption of orfidal can cause.

Frequency of orfidal side effects

Like any other medicine, the consumption of orfidal can cause the appearance of side effects. This fact does not imply that it is a harmful drug that should not be consumed due to its dangerousness. In fact, lorazepam is a drug with proven efficacy that can be useful in many cases..

However, the adverse effects of this drug indicate the need to consume orfidal in a controlled and regulated manner. The appearance of side effects can limit its effectiveness and, in some cases, motivate the interruption of treatment.

Therefore, the side effects discussed below should help the person who uses orfidal to better understand the drug they are using. Before the appearance of any of these symptoms it is necessary to consult with the doctor so that the treatment is reviewed.

Finally, it should be borne in mind that although the side effects discussed below are numerous, it does not imply that they will occur whenever orfidal is consumed..

In general, five different categories have been established depending on their frequency. These are:

  1. Very common: at least one in 10 patients experiences it.
  2. Frequent: at least one in 100 patients experiences it.
  3. Uncommon: at least one in 1,000 patients experiences it.
  4. Rare: experienced by at least one in 10,000 patients.
  5. Very rare: less than one in 10,000 patients experience it.

Despite this organization on the frequency of orfidal side effects, most of them are of unknown frequency, as there are currently insufficient data to establish their prevalence.

Types of orfidal side effects

The side effects that orfidal consumption can cause are classified into eight categories: general disorders, heart disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, blood and lymphatic system disorders, nervous system disorders, respiratory disorders, skin and connective tissue disorders , and addiction.

1- General disorders

With regard to general disorders, the consumption of orfidal presents two main symptoms: asthenia and muscle weakness..

These two symptoms are classified as frequent, so at least one in 100 people who consume this drug have this type of condition..

Asthenia tends to cause a general feeling of fatigue and tiredness in the person, while muscle weakness tends to be especially noticeable in the upper extremities..

Beyond these two alterations, the consumption of orfidal can cause other general disorders, which are of unknown frequency. These are:

  1. Hypersensitivity reactions: increased sensory sensitivity of the patient.
  2. Anaphylactic reactions.
  3. Angiodema: swelling under the skin of the tongue or larynx that can cause an obstruction of the airways.
  4. Hyponatremia: the consumption of orfidal is related, in some cases, to a lack of sodium in the body.
  5. Hypothermia: in some cases the consumption of orfidal can cause a marked decrease in body temperature.
  6. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion.
  7. Angioedema: in some cases, the consumption of orfidal can lead to swelling under the skin.

2- Cardiac disorders

The consumption of orfidal can cause alterations in the cardiac function of the organism. These effects are of unknown frequency, so it is not possible to determine the prevalence of this type of alterations among consumers..

However, it has been determined that the most frequent heart disorder caused by the consumption of orfidal is hypotension, that is, the decrease in the body's blood pressure.

3- Gastrointestinal disorders

Lorazepam is a medicine that can also affect the gastrointestinal function of the body. However, currently there are no data on the prevalence of this type of disorder..

Nausea is the only symptom with a known frequency. This alteration is considered infrequent, which is why it is presented by at least one in every 1,000 people who consume orfidal.

The other gastrointestinal disorders that the use of this drug can cause are of unknown frequency and are the following:

  1. Constipation.
  2. Increased bilirubin.
  3. Jaundice: yellowing of the whites of the eye and skin.
  4. Increased transaminases.
  5. Increase in alkaline phosphatase (liver enzymes).

4- Blood and lymphatic system disorders

It is generally held that blood and lymphatic system disorders caused by the direct effect of the orfidal are not very prevalent. However, these alterations nowadays do not have frequency indices.

In this sense, the blood and lymphatic system disorders that the consumption of lorazepam can cause are:

  1. Thrombocytopenia: consumption of orfidal can lead to a decrease in blood platelets.
  2. Agranulocytosis: In some cases, orfidal can cause a decrease in a type of white blood cell known as neutrophils.
  3. Pancytopenia: the consumption of orfidal has been associated with a significant decrease in all blood cells.

5- Nervous system disorders

Alterations of the nervous system are probably the most prevalent side effects of orfidal. This fact is explained by the psychopharmacological activity of these drugs.

The orfidal acts mainly in the cerebral regions, reason why its consumption causes modifications in the operation of this region of the organism. Its therapeutic effects (not secondary) are intended to increase relaxation and tranquility of the person.

However, the consumption of this psychotropic drug can cause other unwanted alterations in the functioning of the nervous system..

In this sense, the most frequent side effects are sedation, the feeling of suffocation and drowsiness. These symptoms are classified as very common and appear in at least one in 10 people who consume orfidal.

As common nervous system disorders (experienced by at least one in 100 people), the use of lorazepam can cause motor incoordination, speech problems, confusion, depression, unmasking depression and dizziness..

As rare disorders (experienced in one in every 1,000 cases), this psychotropic drug can cause a change in sexual desire, impotence, and decreased orgasms..

Finally, as side effects of unknown frequency appear:

  1. Extra-pyramidal symptoms: tremor, vertigo, blurred vision, double vision, and difficulty articulating words.
  2. Headache.
  3. Behavioral disinhibition.
  4. States and feelings of euphoria.
  5. Suicide ideas and / or attempts.
  6. Disturbances in attention and concentration.
  7. Balance disorders.
  8. Paradoxical reactions: anxiety, agitation, excitement, hostility, aggressiveness, or anger.
  9. Sleep disturbances and / or insomnia.
  10. Experimentation of hallucinations.

6- Respiratory disorders

The consumption of orfidal has also reported the appearance of certain respiratory disorders. However, there are no data on its prevalence and side effects of unknown frequency result..

In this sense, the respiratory disorders that can cause the direct effects of lorazepam are:

  1. Respiratory insufficiency.
  2. Worsening of a previous sleep apnea.
  3. Worsening of a previous chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

7- Skin and connective tissue disorders

Consumption of lorazepam can lead to skin and connective tissue disorders..

These disorders constitute two main effects: allergic skin reactions and hair loss. Both alterations are of unknown frequency.

8- Addiction

Finally, it should be noted that prolonged use of orfidal, especially if high doses are consumed or without medical supervision, can lead to the development of addiction to the substance..

One of the most common cases of addiction occurs in those people who, after prolonged consumption of orfidal, develop dependence on orfidal to be able to fall asleep.

However, orfidal can also cause addiction at a general level and cause a high dependence on the substance. In these cases, the person may react with a withdrawal syndrome when they stop taking the drug..


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