8 Examples of Games Modified for Fun

Charles McCarthy
8 Examples of Games Modified for Fun

These modified game examples they will give you great ideas for creating group dynamics. This type of games has become very popular in the world due to the wide possibilities of recreation that it allows.

Thinking of offering you great alternatives, today we want to share different modified game alternatives that you will love.

What are modified games?

It is called modified games, to all those games in which the rules and the conventional form of the game are modified, to give them a component of creativity and make them more fun.

With this type of games, the aim is to awaken new skills, enhance creativity and stimulate the flexibility of the participants, showing that there are always new ways of doing things, and this often gives us positive surprises..

These types of games are ideal to perform in schools, universities, foundations and companies for group strengthening activities..

Examples of modified games

If you want to learn a little more about modified games, here are some good examples that you can put into practice at any time.

We hope you take note of these modified games and inspire you to create your own..

1. Blind soccer

We all know what the popular soccer game consists of. To turn them into a modified game, you can let your imagination run wild.

To play football blindly, after creating the two teams. Each team will be organized in pairs that must be holding hands throughout the game. The additional plus is that one of the members of the couple must blindfold and be guided by their partner.

2. Paintball with balloons

This modified game is ideal to do it in camps or environments where we can behave like children.

The dynamics is simple: two teams are created, each one is assigned a color. Each team will have a basket, box or container full of balloons that are in turn inflated with water, glitter, and everything you can think of that cannot harm the participants.

Each team will decide its strategy and let's play! The team with the most players at the end of the game wins.

3. Stand Up

This is one of the simplest games there is, you can put it into practice in an improvised way without the need for many resources.

You must divide the group in two, then you will tell them to sit down and each group must hold hands. The challenge is to stand without letting go of the hands.

This game also has another alternative which is called "cobweb". This modification of the game consists in that each group standing will put their hands in the center, hold hands, and then they must untangle.

4. Make a bridge

This is one of the modified games that starts from a group dynamic of integration. The rules are very simple:

You must draw a circle in the center of the space. The participants must go around the circle, and must pass from one side of the sphere to the other without falling over the edges. The fundamental condition is that none of the participants should speak. This means that they will have to agree on how to put the bridge together without using a word, just using signs and body language..

5. Basketball for points

To play basketball for points you will need boxes, cans or garbage cans of different sizes. You will give each one a special score (5, 10, 20, 100 ...) and you will distribute them throughout the space.

The idea is to create two groups, draw a throwing line and each one of the participants will throw a ball, looking for it to fall into one of the boxes. Someone will have to add up the correct scores according to the number in the box, and the winning team will be the one with the most points at the end of the rounds..

6. Blind chicken to the rescue

This is one of the modified games that will make you have a great time. For this you must create two teams. At the end of the room or space you must put an object that will be the treasure to rescue.

Subsequently, different obstacles must be located within the space, such as chairs, balls, bags, or whatever you can think of..

Each of the teams must choose who will be the blindfold that will come to the rescue and must blindfold them. When both hens are ready, they will be located on the starting line, they will be given three laps and when the person in charge of the starting order, the teammates must guide him to rescue the object.

One of the additional rules may be that if the participant collides or touches any of the objects, they must withdraw from the race and a partner will take their place..

7. Party in the jungle

This game is extremely simple and that is why it can be done in any group, even in an improvised way because all you need is a pencil and paper.

The name of an animal is written on small pieces of paper and handed to the participants. You must add repeating animals. When each participant has their assigned animal. Each one, instead of reading the name of his animal, should start to make his sound and seek to get together with his peers..

8. Sack race

Sack racing is a very fun game that we include within the modified games, because you can add the rules you want and the result will always be great.

The basis of this game is for people to get into a sack and jump from one point to another. This is where the manager can make modifications to give other rules to the game.

For example, adrenaline can be added by having the participant carry a spoonful in their mouth with a table tennis that they will not be able to drop. Also, if you have a large space, you can do a long base race, at each base there will be a teammate waiting who must relieve whoever arrives in the sack, and so on until reaching the goal..

We hope these modified game examples help you have great group dynamics. Remember that these types of games are ideal to join a group or break the ice.

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