8 factors to take into account to choose your partner and not fail

Anthony Golden
8 factors to take into account to choose your partner and not fail

We have all had love failures at times, it is sad, but in the end it is part of our growth as human beings. The need to quickly find a partner or partner so as not to go through life alone can lead us to make mistakes..

Hasn't it happened to you that you know someone, you feel that they are the chosen one and after a while many differences begin to emerge between the two? Definitely, we have all lived this, because passion and impulsiveness divert us to think objectively.

Nobody wants to fail in their relationships, much less relive the same painful experiences. Despite all the bad things, it's worth to keep trying, you just have to open your eyes better.

If you don't know what to look for when choosing a good partner, take note of the following tips:

1.Projects of life in common

It is important that before getting involved in a relationship with someone, you know in depth what their short and long-term plans are. Do you want children? Do you want to get married? He wants to travel? Do you want to stay in the country?

If there is nothing that unites you in the future, do not waste your time in that relationship!!

2. He is a sociable person

A person who has friends and who gets along with his family will always be good company, both for you and for those around you. The truth is that it is very satisfying to be with someone who easily relates to your family and friends. But, pay attention! This does not imply that you must be outgoing..

If you are lonely and do not get along with your family, you may be a troublesome person.

3. He is an expressive person

Being with a person who is not afraid to say what he feels and thinks will guarantee good communication between the couple. In addition, it is important that you have the facility to express affection through kisses, hugs or a hand hold.

If you don't do this, you will condemn yourself to a life of unhappiness, because even if you accept it as it is at first, sooner or later it will affect you..

4. You are a hardworking person

It is truly motivating to be with a person who works hard to get what they want. A person who does not sit and cross his arms waiting for things to happen as if by magic, is the one who is worth being with..

If you see that she is very passive, run away!

5. He is proud of you

Admiration is key in a relationship. The fact of being able to feel proud of the values ​​of the other and of what they achieve, stimulates them to work to be better every day. If you are with a person who is apathetic to the things you do and achieve, do not stay by their side, since the only thing they will do is invalidate your achievements.

6. They have things in common

Having absolutely everything in common can be boring, because at some point you feel that the other does not bring anything new to your life. However, having some things in common such as culture, political ideology and values, will prevent them from having bad times..

Looking at someone from a culture very different from yours, although at first it is very attractive, in the long run it will make you unhappy not being able to be on the same page.

7. Is an independent person

An independent person understands that everyone has their own life, and therefore lives and lets live. He does not need to be with you 24/7 to feel that you love him and care about you, much less exert control over your life.

If you run into a person who depends on you even to go to the bank, walk away or you will end up as a puppet!

8. makes you laugh

A sense of humor is one of the best qualities that a person can have, since they will always look for a way to make you laugh, even in bad times. Definitely, this type of person will always give your life a touch of fun and joy.

If you are with a person who does not laugh at anything, you will become another bitter one too.

Choosing a good partner is not easy, but if you apply these basic tips, you will surely choose a good candidate next time.

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