80 Will Smith Quotes

Anthony Golden
80 Will Smith Quotes

Will Smith is an American actor especially known for films such as In search of happiness, Seven souls, Men in black or I, robot. Also for the series that began to star in 1990; The prince of Bel Air.

Smith is also known for his inspirational ideas on success and improvement; believes that everyone can create their own destiny and positive thinking and hard work are some of the keys that he proposes.

But Will Smith is not only one of the great actors in Hollywood history due to his charisma and talent, he is also a producer, rapper, comedian and composer; he really seems to have been born for the show.

In these phrases by Will Smith you will be able to appreciate his ideas about how to get there and what success is, about life, about fear and about love. As you will see, Smith is a person with very clear ideas and I am sure that you will be able to learn a lot from his experiences..

Will Smith quotes about success

If you are absent during my fight, don't expect to be present during my success.

People who only show up when you have money or success are not worth it..

The first step is to say that you can do it.

To achieve difficult things you have to do them step by step and it is not possible for you to start if you do not believe that it is possible.

Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something. If you have a dream, you have to protect it.

If you really appreciate your dreams go for them regardless of the opinion of others.

If you don't fight for what you want, don't cry for what you've lost.

If you really want something, do your best to get it or keep it with you..

Let your smile change the world. Don't let the world change your smile.

We must always maintain a positive attitude and good vibes, without the problems of the world affecting us.

Don't let success go to your head, or let failure go to your heart.

You have to be humble when things are going well, and strong when you are going through a bad time..

Being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity.

Never lose the ability to dream. People who don't dream of great achievements will never achieve them.

There is no reason to have a plan B because it distracts from Plan A.

When you are sure of what you want, you have to focus only on that goal.

The things that have been most valuable to me I did not learn in school.

School teaches very little about life, this is only learned by living and doing.

You can cry, there's no shame in it.

You don't have to suppress your feelings, you have to let them out when you feel.

If you are going to give only 99%, you better stay at home.

To do anything you set out to do, you should always give everything you have.

Sometimes you have to forget what is gone, appreciate what you still have, and wait for what is to come..

You do not have to regret what you do not have, you have to value what you do have and remain open to what is to come.

I want the world to be better because I was here.

You always have to leave a positive mark where you go.

My grandmother used to say that if you are here it is to make a difference.

We are all important, and what you do shows. That is why you must always act in the best way.

The greatest value of the human being is to stand up, even if everything collapses.

No matter how hard the blow is, you always have to get back up.

If you are not making someone's life better then you are wasting your time.

Life is about sharing and enjoying. There is nothing better than helping someone else.

I have always considered myself of average talent; what I have is an insane and ridiculous obsession with practice and preparation.

Talent doesn't mean anything if you don't work every day to be better. Success is achieved by working hard for what you want.

Life is lived on the edge.

You have to give your best in any situation, as if there were no tomorrow.

Make a choice. Decide what, who and how you will do it.

To achieve anything, you must first plan how it will be done and then work on that.

Our ideas are physical. If we commit to them, it will be a physical impulse.

Everything in life is about movement.

When the other person is sleeping, I am working.

To stand out, you always have to work harder than the rest of the people.

Even if you have great talent, if you don't develop it at some point it will fail you.

Talent without work has a limit. On the other hand, if a talent is worked, the possibilities are endless.

The way you do things is not the only way to do them. Respect the way of thinking of others.

You always have to respect the ideas of other people, we are not all the same.

We all tell our own story.

Each person is the owner of their own destiny. Each person chooses their own path.

Success is achieved by desperately focusing on one goal.

Once you are clear about what you want to achieve, you have to work hard every day to achieve it..

I wake up every day and tell myself that today is going to be better than yesterday.

You always have to keep a positive attitude and try to improve yourself every day.

I am a person. When do we get things on the first try?

You never have to lower your arms, it is normal not to get what you want on the first try.

You have to work and study hard, you must dedicate yourself to being better every day.

The competition is with yourself, you always have to try to be better every day.

The smile is the best way to face our problems, to destroy our fears, to hide each one of our pains.

No matter what the problem is, keep a positive attitude at all times.

I want to be the first person to arrive and the last to leave.

The more time you spend working towards goals, the more likely they are to be met.

Successful people have to have a certain quality to maintain the illusion. You have to believe that something different can happen to you.

You always have to have faith in yourself. You have to persevere in the pursuit of a goal, regardless of the obstacles that arise.

The road to success is commitment and the strength to handle that commitment when the going gets tough..

Successful people are those who do not give up when faced with a problem, but rather those who face it.

Greatness is not a wonderful, esoteric, elusive, divine characteristic that special people have. It is something that really exists in all of us.

All people have the ability to be great, they should only act in good faith.

The right people, the ones who really belong in your life, will come to you and stay.

People who are compatible and enjoy spending time with one are always attracted.

Life has nothing to do with the breath you breathe, but with the moments that take your breath away.

The great thing about life is the emotion generated by certain experiences that stand out from the everyday.

Look at your five closest friends. Those five friends are what you are. If you don't like what you are then you know what to do.

The people we surround ourselves with are who we are in life. If you don't feel good about them, you should find new friends.

Money and success don't change people; they just amplify what is already there.

People who are humble and do good will remain the same with or without money.

Don't chase people. Be yourself, do your thing and work hard.

You don't have to do what other people do to be successful. You have to trust yourself and work for what you believe in.

Stop allowing people who do so little for you to control so much of your mind, your feelings, and your emotions..

People who do not value us are not worth paying attention to.

Running and reading are the keys to life.

Exercising the body and mind are vital to have a full life.

When you create art, the world has to wait.

When you are working on an art project, all attention should be focused on it.

I fight to be like the greatest people who ever lived.

You always have to try to improve yourself every day.

Throughout life, people will anger you, disrespect you, and treat you badly. Let God deal with the things they do, because the hatred in your heart will consume you too.

You should never hold a grudge against people who attack you. You better forgive and move on.

We spend money we don't have, on things we don't need, to impress people we don't care about..

Money should be used to meet needs and share it with the people we care about.

There are many people who have lived and died before. You will never have a new problem. Someone wrote the answer in a book, somewhere.

All the problems that we face in our lives have already been faced and solved by other people before us..

Never underestimate a person's pain, because in all honesty, everyone is struggling. Some people are better at hiding it than others.

It is important to be empathetic with other people, since we never know what they are going through.

I am a student of patterns. At heart, I am a physicist. I look at everything in life as trying to find the single equation, the theory of everything.

It is always important to analyze everything that surrounds us and try to understand it.

I am not joking. I just look at the government and report the facts.

I think you need to be educated about what you want to do in life, but I don't think you need college to get there.

University does not help you establish a life goal, it can only give you the necessary tools to achieve it.

Never steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must steal, steal bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. If you must drink, drink the moments that take your breath away.

You always have to let go of bad company, stay healthy and enjoy the good times in life.

If you learn to defeat that person who discourages you while you are running, then you will learn not to give up when the going gets tough in your life..

We must not listen to people who do not believe in us, only then can we face the adversities that arise.

I see myself slightly above average in talent.

You always have to have faith in yourself.

I have trained myself to illuminate the things in my personality that are pleasant and to hide and protect the things that are less pleasant..

It is important to analyze and recognize what we like about our personality, and to visualize and work on what we do not like..

No matter what your dream is, every penny you have has to help you fulfill that dream..

When you have a goal, every effort you make must be in pursuit of achieving it.

If you stay prepared, you won't have to prepare later. This is how I handle my life.

Always be ready for what may come.

Traditional education is based on facts and statistics, and on passing exams, not on understanding the material or applying it to your life.

The school only distributes content, but is not responsible for making it understood.

I am a student of the religion of the world. So for me it is important to have knowledge and understand what people do.

It is important to see, listen and analyze all people, regardless of their origin or religion. In this way a better understanding of their actions is achieved.

Things will get ugly and sometimes you will want to abandon everything, but it will make you the person you have to be and the person you want to be..

Facing problems will make you proud of who you are.

10 ways to love: listen, speak, give, pray, respond, share, enjoy, trust, forgive, promise.

Love comes in many ways and it is important to experience them all.

Many boys laugh at the girls they leave, but they will not laugh when they are the ones who are wiping the tears of their daughters, who cry because some boy left them.

You should never treat other people as you would not like them to treat you or a loved one.

You don't go and build a wall. You don't say "I'm going to build the biggest, the most impressive, the coolest wall." This is not how you start. You must tell yourself "I will put this brick as perfect as I can put it." You must do that every day. And when you see, you will have a wall.

Goals are not achieved overnight, you have to work your best every day to achieve them.

If you are not willing to work hard, let someone else do it. I'd rather be with someone who does a horrible job but gives 110% than someone who does a good job and gives 60%.

People who give their all in their work, even if they don't have the best results, will improve over time. On the other hand, those that do it well and are satisfied with that, will remain stuck there.

The separation of talent and ability is one of the most misunderstood concepts for people who try to stand out, who have dreams, who want to do things. You have talent naturally. Skill only develops through hours, hours, and hours of training.

A skill develops after many hours of training, regardless of whether you have the talent to do it or not..

I know how to learn anything I want to learn. I know I could learn to fly the space shuttle because someone knows how to fly it and they write it down in a book. Give me the book, and I don't need anyone in front of the class.

A person can learn to do anything if he studies how to do it.

About fear

I am motivated by fear. The fear of fear. I hate being afraid to do something. That's why I started attacking the things that I was afraid of.

Facing your fears makes you have more courage and determination to do whatever it takes.

The only place fear can exist is in our thoughts about the future.

You have to face and overcome all the fears you have at this time.

Fear is not real. It is a product of the thoughts that you create. Do not misunderstand. The danger is very real. But fear is an option.

The danger exists and there are things that can harm us, but this does not mean that we should fear them.

You cannot be afraid to die for the truth. The truth is the only thing that will always be constant.

You always have to know how to accept things as they are, and not fear them.

The only thing that I see differently in myself is that I am not afraid of dying on a treadmill. You may be more talented than me, you may be smarter than me, but if we get on a treadmill together, there are two options: either you get off first or I'm going to die. It's that easy.

You have to give your best at all times and trust in your abilities, you never have to lower your arms.

About his life

I love living and I think that can be contagious.

When a person is happy, the people around him receive this happiness

I want all my life, my family and my work to have a reason for being.

It is very important that everything that is in a person's life is chosen by themselves.

I had a song on the radio for thirty days before I graduated from high school.

Success can come at any age, as long as you are convinced of what you are doing.

Sometimes we make situations more complicated than they really are.

You always have to see problems with a clear head.

When I was young I installed refrigerators in supermarkets. My father was an electrical engineer.

Helping in the family is part of personal growth.

In black neighborhoods, everyone prefers comedy to real life. In white communities, fantasy was funnier. I started looking for jokes that were just as funny in both parts.

You have to use intelligence to find new opportunities.

I have a great time with my life and I want to share it with others.

When you feel good about your life, it is good to share it with other people, since your influence will be positive for them..

To be a rapper is to be completely true to yourself. Being an actor is changing who you are.

The rapper talks about his reality, the actor talks about someone else's reality.

About love

We all want to be in love and find that person who loves us despite how our feet smell, despite how angry we one day, despite the things we say that we did not want to say.

We all look for a love that loves us as we are.

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