These questions to ask your ex They can be a pinch of salt in the wound, or simply the lifeline you need to let go of that chapter of history in a positive way..
End a relationship It is not easy at all, in most cases there are so many questions in the air that we don't know where to start. With regard to many issues, it is likely that you will never have the answers or that they are not really necessary, however if you want to try to put everything that happens into words, These questions to ask your ex can help.
This is undoubtedly one of the most uncomfortable trivia games you can face or maybe, after asking these questions you will have realized that you have healed and that would be great.
If you decide to use this type of questions to ask your ex, and you are fortunate that he responds with sincerity, perhaps it is a very good therapeutic exercise, although from the outset you should know that you will not be exempt from emotions such as surprise, anger, indignation, disappointment or sadness. However, if you are brave and want to solve your doubts, go ahead!
We will divide our selection of questions to ask your ex into different parts so that you know which ones are best suited to your particular situation. In addition, in each phase the questions will increase in intensity, and that is why you must choose very well which ones to do if you do not want to unleash a war..
1. Do you think the reasons we broke up are so serious?
2. Do you consider that we are compatible as a couple?
3. What do you think are the mistakes I have that damaged our relationship??
4. What do you think are the mistakes you have that damaged our relationship??
5. Have you ever regretted having finished?
6. Are you clear about how you feel about me at this moment??
7. Do you have more happy or sad memories of our history??
8. Do you talk to other people about me?
9. Do you feel that your life is much better now that you are without me?
10. Would you consider the opportunity to return with me?
11. When did you realize that you no longer loved me?
12. Do you think our relationship was a mistake??
13. Have you ever imagined your whole life with me?
14. What things we did together are the ones you do the most now?
15. Have you remembered me when you're drunk?
16. Have you wanted to write or call me at dawn?
17. What does your family say about me now that we are not a couple??
18. What did you like the most about our relationship?
19. What did you like least about me?
20. Do you think I have changed for better or for worse since we finished??
21. Do you think ending was inevitable?
22. Do you think we didn't do enough to save our relationship??
23. What do you think about me right now?
24. What were the reasons why we ended up according to you?
25. Do you think I was the perfect person for you??
26. Do you share the same things with other people that you did with me??
27. Would it make you sad to see me with someone else?
28. What is the best learning that our relationship leaves you?
29. What do you look for in someone that I did not have?
30. Have you ever felt jealous of my friends?
31. Do you think your life is much better without me?
32. How does it feel to have broken someone's heart?
33. Did it satisfy all your wishes?
34. Do you still remember our privacy?
35. Do you miss our nights of passion?
36. Did you cheat on me while you were with me?
37. Have you fantasized about me after we finished?
38. Do you consider that I was a possessive person with you?
39. If we could go back, what would you change about me??
40. If the world were to end, would you like to spend your last days with me??
41. Have you stalked me or do you stalk me often?
42. Have you talked about me with your new hookups?
43. Would you give yourself to someone else the way you gave yourself to me??
44. Would you do to another person the same as you did to me??
45. Do you keep anything that reminds you of me?
46. Do you think that you completely surpassed our relationship?
47. What is the most valuable thing you have learned from our mistakes??
48. Did you really love me or did you realize that it was not something so strong?
49. Do you think we ended up for you or for me?
50. What was the worst thing I did to you?
51. What is there in me that you think you will not find in anyone else??
52. Are you really ready to start a new relationship?
53. In other circumstances, would you have fought to preserve our relationship??
54. Do you feel much happier with your current partner?
55. Is your partner jealous of me?
56. Would you leave your partner to return to me?
57. Do you think you totally forgot me??
58. Do you remember our first kiss?
59. What is the most beautiful moment that you remember of our relationship?
60. How did you grieve our breakup?
61. Which of the two do you consider loved the other more??
62. Do you miss our conversations?
63. Mention three things of mine that you look for in other women.
64. What would you like to have in a relationship today??
65. What characteristics should the woman of your dreams have?
66. Have you ever felt ashamed of being my partner?
67. What are those things that for nothing in the world you miss about our relationship??
68. Do you think it hurts to see you with other women?
69. Do you still want to live the dreams you had with me with someone else??
70. Do you remember which of the two was the first to say I Love You?
71. Did you ever think that I was the love of your life?
72. Do you consider me a friend or just an ex?
73. Do your friends and family hate me now?
74. Do you consider that I am a bad couple?
75. Have you spoken badly about me with some people?
76. Wouldn't you come back to me for fear of what others will say?
77. Do you feel that at some point we can be good friends?
78. Do you hold grudges against me?
79. Do you think you have healed your heart??
80. If you had the opportunity to erase me from your life, would you?
How do you see these questions to ask your ex They are quite strong, actually if you have not healed your heart it would be better not to face this type of questionnaires that can stir your emotions. However, if you think that knowing this can make you feel better, don't be left with any questions..
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