85 Questions for elementary school children
This listing of questions for elementary school children can help you as an excellent tool to gain confidence, generate interaction in the classroom and learn a little more about the thoughts, experiences, feelings, emotions and lifestyle of the children around you, especially if you work in an environment that forces you to be surrounded by children permanently.
Children are like sponges and absorb all the information you give them, likewise you can learn a lot from them by talking to them, making them participate in adult conversations, taking into account their ideas, how they feel and the way they see the world and especially adults.
When you put these into practice questions for elementary school children and you know how to interpret them correctly, you can obtain really amazing results, discover the perception of children and even make all kinds of diagnoses without having to resort to other rooms.
Simple things like asking How are you? Do you like going to school? Or do you feel good in your family? They are details that children, even if you do not believe it, value enormously, they are words that make them feel valued, that make them think that they are really important and that what they feel and express matters and is taken into account by society, sometimes we tend to put them aside, thinking that they (children) know how to understand each other, but it is necessary mainly with children know and try to understand what goes through their heads.
Questions for elementary school children
- What makes you smile the most?
- How old are you?
- Do you live with your 2 parents? If not, ask who else he lives with
- What is the thing that makes you the proudest?
- With which person in your family do you spend the most time? Are you comfortable with this person?
- have brothers?
- How they treat you?
- What's the funniest thing that ever happened to you?
- If you were a teacher for a day, what would you teach?
- What is your favorite TV show?
- What do you do in your free time after leaving school?
- What is the subject that you like the most? Why?
- What is the subject in which you feel the least interest? Why?
- What is the teacher that makes you feel the best? Why?
- What is your least favorite teacher? Why?
- What do you feel when your parents wake you up to go to study?
- You like go to school?
- What's the name of your best friend at school?
- Do you like to wear a uniform?
- Has someone ever assaulted you at school?
- Who takes you to school?
- What is the scariest thing in the world?
- What is the movie that you like to watch the most?
- Can you tell me something big or small that you haven't told anyone?
- Do you have a pet? As it is called? What animal is?
- How is your family?
- When you do something wrong, what kind of punishment do you receive? Are you comfortable with the way they punish you?
- What is your favorite food?
- Who prepares the food in your house?
- Do you like to eat in the street? Do you do it frequently?
- What's the funniest thing you've ever done in school?
- What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you at school?
- Do you like your classroom?
- When you leave studying, who takes care of you?
- Are you afraid for someone in your family?
- Do you help with the daily chores of your house?
- With whom and where do you sleep?
- Do you prefer cake or ice cream?
- You like ice cream? What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
- Do you know any stories? Could you tell me?
- Do you like to draw? Would you like to draw something for me?
- What do you want to do when you grow up?
- What is the part of your body that you like the most?
- If you could eat just one thing for the rest of your life, what would you eat?
- What is the subject that you find the most difficult?
- What's the coolest place you've ever been?
- What is your favorite memory of you all the time?
- If you could make three wishes, what would you ask for?
- What is the thing you are most talented at?
- Have you ever lost a loved one? To who?
- Do you like to participate in the events of your school?
- Have you participated in a theater or musical at your school?
- Do you like school food?
- What do you think your school is missing?
- What was the last time you cried? Why was?
- How do you think your family will be in the future?
- What has been the most wonderful vacation of your life?
- What is the cartoon that you like the most? Why?
- What do you do with your dads on the weekends?
- What makes you feel sad?
- What is your favorite artist and song?
- What would your dream job be?
- Do you like to swim? Do you practice it frequently?
- What do your parents tell me when you win all the subjects in school? Do they give you something?
- Do you like Disney princesses? Which one is the best? Why?
- Do you know what Netflix is?
- Do you have a cell phone?
- Who is your favourite superhero?
- If you could have any overlap, what would it be? Why?
- Do you know who the president of your country is?
- Which country would you like to travel to?
- If you could ban one food, what would it be?
- Do you prefer mom or dad?
- What animal would you like to be?
- Have you ever fallen in love?
- What's the strangest dream you've ever had?
- Do you still wet the sheets on your bed?
- Do you prefer sausage or eggs?
- What bothers you the most about adults?
- What do you love the most about adults?
- Would you like to grow up and be an adult?
- Do you think it's god?
- Do you feel comfortable talking to me?
- Do you consider me your friend?
- Do you throw the garbage on the floor?
Perform this type of questions for elementary school children to your children, nephews, grandchildren, neighbors, in general, the children around you can serve both as a beautiful "therapy", there is nothing more entertaining and interesting than knowing how a child thinks and for them there is no nothing more rewarding than feeling that you can trust someone, that someone really cares what you think.
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