9 Causes and Consequences of Global Warming

Jonah Lester
9 Causes and Consequences of Global Warming

The main causes and consequences of global warming are related to excess carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

This compound acts as a layer that traps heat inside the planet and as a consequence the Earth overheats..

In addition to carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases, there are certain actions that aggravate this situation, such as the burning of fossil fuels to obtain energy and certain agricultural practices (such as logging and burning of land and forests)..

In general, human influence is considered to be the cause of this phenomenon.

The consequences of global warming are obvious. Studies show that the decade from 2000 to 2009 was the one with the highest temperatures in the last 200 years. In addition, in the last century the temperature has risen at a rate of 1 ° C per year.

The drastic rise in temperatures unleashes other climatic problems: it alters the patterns of rain and snowfall, increases the periods of drought, generates strong storms, melts the glaciers at the poles, raises the level of the seas and oceans, and alters the behavior of animals and plants.

List of main causes of global warming

Many human activities contribute to the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This type of gases aggravates the problem known as global warming.

1- Greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect is the phenomenon that makes the Earth stay at a temperature that allows the existence of life on the planet. Without this phenomenon, the Earth would be too cold to be inhabited..

This works in the following way: the sun's rays penetrate the atmosphere and are then absorbed by the earth's surface or radiated back into space thanks to greenhouse gases.

Some greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen, and water vapor. These gases are found naturally on the planet.

When the level of these compounds is balanced, they do not represent any problem. However, when there is excess of these gases, the system becomes unstable.

The excess of these gases forms a layer around the Earth. which prevents heat from being radiated into the atmosphere. In this way, it becomes trapped inside the planet, causing global warming..

2- Burning of fossil fuels

Humans burn fossil fuels to generate electricity and energy. For example, the burning of oil and gasoline represents a source of energy to power vehicles. Burning wood provides heat and even allows food to be cooked.

These processes generate combustion reactions that release gaseous molecules into the atmosphere: carbon dioxide, the excess of which generates global warming. The more matter burns, the higher the proportions of gases released.

3- Deforestation

Plants absorb much of the carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere and use it to carry out photosynthesis.

Deforestation alters this process: by reducing the plant population, it is prone to increase the levels of CO2 in the environment.

4- Decomposition of organic matter

The decomposition of organic matter is a source of methane, one of the greenhouse gases.

The accumulation of organic waste, the sewer system and the dams that have not been maintained release methane gas into the environment, thus causing global warming.

5- Extraction of natural gas and oil

When extracting natural gas and oil, methane gas is released. This enters the atmosphere, causing global warming.

Consequence list

Global warming generates a series of negative effects on both the biotic and abiotic elements of an ecosystem.

The consequences of this phenomenon can be observed in the oceans (which are warming), in the atmosphere (through climatic changes) and in living beings (which may be in danger of extinction).

1- climatic changes

In the last century, temperatures have increased 1 ° C on average each year. The most significant increases have occurred in the last 30 years.

Scientific studies show that the Earth is heating up three times faster today than it did in the last century.

2- Extinction

Humans are not the only ones affected by the heat waves generated by global warming.

The heat trapped in the earth's surface makes many animal and plant species have to adapt to new conditions. Those who are not able to integrate to the change, will become extinct.

In fact, a study carried out in 2015 concluded that currently vertebrate animal species are disappearing 114 times faster than in previous years. All this is the cause of global warming.

Likewise, a convention held in 2014 on climate change showed that hundreds of animal species (terrestrial and aquatic) have been forced to move to areas of higher altitudes or with lower temperatures in order to survive..

3- Acidic oceans

Marine ecosystems are affected by climate changes caused by global warming. The pH of the oceans is getting more acidic.

This is due to the fact that bodies of water absorb a large part of the gas emissions that remain trapped in the atmosphere..

The increase in acidity represents a threat to marine species, especially mollusks, crabs and corals..

4- Melting of the poles and rising sea level

The polar regions are affected by the change in temperatures. Temperatures in Arctic areas are rising twice as fast as in recent decades, causing glaciers to melt quickly.

The melting of the poles causes the sea level to rise. It is estimated that by the year 2100, rising sea levels will pose a threat to both coastal areas and islands..


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