9 Care After a Cesarean Section

Robert Johnston
9 Care After a Cesarean Section

It is important that a series of care after cesarean section; diet, hygiene and other habits that will help improve health and regain energy. After the cesarean section we must take into account that the woman must recover after having undergone a surgical intervention in addition to having given birth and all that this implies. 

Cesarean section is the intervention by which, through an incision in the lower part of the mother's womb, the baby is extracted. This is done when delivery is not possible or because it is not safe through the vagina. Also called cesarean delivery or abdominal birth.

To perform a cesarean section, the mother is usually anesthetized from the chest to the feet. The anesthesia can be epidural or spinal type. These types of anesthesia differ in that the epidural is injected into the epidural space, that is, around the spinal cord and takes effect after ten or twenty minutes, it is usually used for longer interventions.

In the case of the spinal, the drug is injected directly into the spinal cord and its effect is instantaneous. It is indicated for short procedures and that do not involve complications.

There are different reasons why the medical team decides to perform a cesarean section and to make this determination they will be based on the condition of the baby, as well as the mother's medical history and if she has had any previous delivery. It may happen that the pregnancy is multiple or that the baby's health is at risk.

For example, having an abnormal heart rate. Also, that it is very large or that it has not taken a suitable position in the uterus. In addition, there are causes that are directly related to the mother, such as suffering from heart disease or suffering from some type of infection or disease related to the reproductive system..

Article index

  • 1 What can happen after cesarean section?
  • 2 Care for the mother after a cesarean section

What can happen after cesarean section?

Taking into account that a woman who has just given birth brings a great responsibility as she is a new member of the family and that, to a great extent, depends on her care.

We must bear in mind that, in the case of a cesarean section, these mothers have undergone a surgical intervention with the post-operative process and all the risks that may entail.

First, recovery is slower. Normally, they are discharged between two and four days after the intervention, but women who undergo a cesarean section may take up to several weeks to return to normal and be in full physical condition.

They are common regardless of the type of delivery, breast pain, mood swings, and heavy vaginal discharge. In the case of surgery, after cesarean section and due to anesthesia, it is common for these women to feel numb up to 48 hours later. In addition, they are likely to feel nausea that is usually caused by medication..

Care for the mother after a cesarean section

1- Get out of bed

It is suggested that it be in the first 24 hours after the intervention. The objective of this is to avoid the risk of thrombi and the accumulation of gases in the chest. It is important to be very careful with the scar and follow a series of instructions to get out of bed.

These women are often assisted by the nursing staff to indicate which posture they can adopt and how they can get up in the most comfortable way. It is very important that while they get up, they cover the scar with their hand to avoid sudden movements and that the wound opens.

2- Hygiene

Normally, in the first place, the first cleaning after the intervention is usually carried out, by the staff, in bed.

The next day, they can already take a shower with the support of someone in case they feel dizzy and to take the necessary precautions with the scar. It is very important that if the wound gets wet, it dries very well before covering it again to avoid possible infections and promote the healing process..

3- wound healing

Antiseptic. Source: VanHelsing.16 [CC BY-SA 2.5 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5)]

During the first three or four days, the scar is usually cleaned with a non-iodinated antiseptic and covered with a dressing to prevent the risk of infection. If after these days, the wound is clean and the healing process is normal, normally, it is recommended that it be cleaned with soap and water every 24 hours and that it dries well.

When dry, it should be covered again with a dressing. It is normal for the wound to be itchy, tight, or painful, but not oozing or inflamed. Before these signs, we must go to the specialist.

In addition, it should be remembered that it is very important not to make great efforts and avoid certain movements and postures that do not affect the scar.

4- Rest

After surgery, it is normal for us to feel tired. This is more complicated in the case of cesarean section since the baby is highly dependent on its mother to breastfeed and care for it. It is important that the mother is calm and tries, as far as possible, to rest.

For this, it is important to have the help of a spouse or someone you trust so that they can help the mother to move and cope with the tasks related to her care and that of the baby.

After the arrival of the newborn, visits from friends and family are usually common. To combine them with rest, it is important to make a visit schedule clear or to postpone them until later, when the mother has recovered..

5- Feeding the baby

If the parents decide that the baby is going to be breastfed, in the case of caesarean sections we find a double difficulty. First of all, it is that the milk usually takes longer to rise than in a vaginal delivery and this can delay the start of the feedings.

In addition, normally after a cesarean section, the baby is not placed on the breast and this makes it difficult to grip the nipple properly, which makes feeding the newborn difficult. For this reason, it is recommended that healthcare personnel be notified of the decision to breastfeed the baby so that they can facilitate this task after delivery..

6- The mother's diet

It often happens that many women become obsessed with regaining weight after childbirth. It is recommended, especially in the case of cesarean section, to follow a rich and varied diet.

It is important to eat foods from all groups and not abuse sugars and fats. Also, it is not advisable to eat foods that cause gas such as broccoli and legumes.

It is very important that, throughout the pregnancy, the diet is also rich and healthy. The reason is twofold: prevent the mother from being overweight and promote the baby's growth.

After the cesarean section and until six hours after the intervention, the mother will not receive any food. After these hours, in the first place, the intake will consist of liquids. In the following days, the diet should be soft and abundant in fiber to promote intestinal transit..

In the following weeks, it is recommended to follow these indications in the diet:

-Protein. They are recommended for the process of tissue recovery and wound healing. The most suitable proteins for this can be found in poultry, fish, lean red meat and pork. In addition, they are also present in nuts, seeds and legumes.

-The vitamin C. It serves, like proteins, to promote healing. Also, it is useful to prevent infections. This vitamin is present in citrus fruits, melon, strawberries, potatoes, tomatoes and broccoli.

-Iron. Its function is twofold. First of all, it serves to restore lost blood through the production of hemoglobin and also to improve the immune system. Foods like red meat and poultry, eggs, fish, and legumes are sources of iron.

-Liquids. It is important to stay hydrated and, in addition, constipation is very common after a cesarean. In this case, fluids promote intestinal transit. It is recommended to drink between eight and ten glasses a day. They can be made of water, juices (preferably natural) or milk.

In the case of opting for breastfeeding, it is important that the diet is not hypocaloric. A very healthy source of fat is olive oil. In addition, the consumption of food cooked on the grill and the intake of fruits and vegetables is recommended, which, as I said before, will prevent constipation.

Also, it is not advisable to consume nuts. Women who choose to breastfeed their babies will see how breastfeeding increases energy expenditure and thus will be able to lose the weight they have gained during pregnancy..

If the decision is not to breastfeed and resort to artificial lactation, the diet may be hypocaloric, but it is important that it is supervised by a nutrition specialist so that it is varied and can cover all the nutritional needs of the mother.

7- Skin care

When we lose or gain weight abruptly, the appearance of stretch marks is common. This fact usually appears throughout pregnancy and, after delivery.

To avoid this, it is recommended to use anti-stretch mark creams during the week after childbirth, applying it to the belly and chest, avoiding smearing it on the nipple and areola. Also, they can be used throughout pregnancy.

Afterwards, you can use firming and anti-cellulite creams, applying them to the same areas. In addition, fluid intake is very important since this way, too, we hydrate our skin.

8- Physical exercise

In order to recover the figure and to contribute to the mother's well-being, physical exercise is recommended. This should be done a few weeks after the intervention and, in the case of cesarean section, it should take longer than in vaginal deliveries.

More and more pregnant women, during pregnancy, decide to practice some sport of medium or low intensity such as yoga, swimming, cycling, etc. It is a great decision because in addition to contributing to a good physical condition, it will have positive repercussions during labor by being better physically prepared and having more toned muscles.

In the first place and to avoid a sedentary lifestyle, the routine can begin with small walks to regain physical condition. If it is done together with the baby, it will favor both since, for the mother, the sun contributes to the fixation of calcium in the bones and in the baby, it will decrease bilirubin.

Before recovering any physical activity, it is recommended to strengthen the pelvic floor. Kegel exercises are ideal for this. After the cesarean section, during the first month, abdominal exercises and great efforts are not recommended, for example: putting on the washing machine, carrying weight, etc..

Little by little, gentle exercises such as yoga or Pilates can be incorporated. Each woman will have to adapt these exercises to her state and physical condition. Also, as time passes and you recover, you will be able to incorporate higher intensity exercises into your routine..

9- sexual relations

First of all, if you are going to take contraceptive measures, it is important that you consult them with the specialist.

Each person and each couple are totally different, that is why there is no talk of a date on which sexual life is resumed. In the case of cesarean section, that moment may be delayed a little longer due to the scar and the discomfort it may cause. For this reason, it is important that these issues are discussed as a couple and that moments of tranquility are sought so that the couple feels comfortable..

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