9 Differences between Men and Women (Physical and Psychological)

Alexander Pearson

Are we men and women the same? Not really. The Differences between men and women they occur on a physical, biological, psychological, social and cultural level. This knowledge is important to understand the behavior and way of thinking of each other..

Several studies have shown that a man's brain "wiring" is very different from a woman's. Many times, in the same situations or tasks, different neural areas are activated and this can be the cause of the different behaviors, beyond the social and cultural influence.

On a physical level, men are stronger, more muscular. Women are not that muscular. On a psychological level, women tend to be more focused on personal relationships and are more empathetic. Men are more goal oriented..

As for biological differences, the clearest is at the genetic level. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. When XY occurs in pair 23, the sex of the individual is chromosomally called male. In case of being XX, the sex of the individual will be chromosomally female.

However, these are only the most superficial differences. We are going to see others that are very important to understand both genders..

Main differences between men and women

Task execution

It has always been said that men are only capable of doing one thing at a time, while women can cook, watch TV and do homework with the children all at the same time..

Now, researchers have found a possible scientific explanation for this phenomenon..

According to a study carried out at the University of Pennsylvania, men have a greater number of neural connections in the front part of the brain, where the coordination center of actions is located, and also in the cerebellum, an important center for perception.

In women, a greater number of connections were found between both hemispheres; the right hemisphere, the one in charge of the analysis and processing of information, and the left hemisphere, related to intuition.

It is possible that this is the reason why men tend to be better able to learn and perform a single task, such as skiing, sailing or cycling, while women have a higher memory, greater social intelligence, ability to perform tasks multiple and find comprehensive solutions.

In this article you can learn more about the types of intelligence.

Information organization

In the male brain, information is organized into groups or segments that could be represented as "boxes." So, the man has a "box" for work, another for the family, another for football and they even have a box for "nothing".

On the other hand, in women all these groups of information are interconnected and “everything has to do with everything”. Therefore, in a conversation or discussion, the woman will typically move naturally from one topic to another..

And also, women do not have a box out of "nothing" and that is why when they ask their husband what he is thinking about and he answers: nothing, because they simply do not believe it..

Hormones and behavior

Testosterone molecule

It is known that men have a testosterone level 20 times higher than that of women, and this is probably the reason why men generally have more aggressive and dominant attitudes.

On the other hand, the levels of certain female hormones change throughout the menstrual period and that is why the moods in women can be highly variable as well, especially during the well-known premenstrual syndrome..

Direction of orientation

Due to differences in neural connections, men tend to orient themselves better when they are in places they do not know well..

On the other hand, in women the orientation ability is not so marked and that is why they stop more at gas stations to ask the way or ask the first pedestrian they meet for directions.

Women worry more than men

Although the reasons are not very clear, women worry more than men.

In general, they get more frequent checkups, exercise to control their weight, and take better care of themselves. Apparently, this could be related to the higher levels of anxiety that have been found in women, compared to men.

But beware, because women also tend to worry excessively.

Men are less prone to depression

Men have a lower risk of depression. Scientists are currently studying the possible causes of this difference, which could be due to biological or social factors..

Hormones could play a preponderant role in the development of depression in women, as they vary significantly throughout the life of women.

Researchers have shown that hormones directly affect the secretion of neurotransmitters in the brain, which control moods and emotions.

How sexual intercourse is approached

Undoubtedly, in this aspect there are notable differences between men and women. Sensitivities aside, men take sex as one more physiological function, just like eating or urinating. No need for a preamble, no context, no hope for post-act affection.

Instead, because women are much more emotional, they expect a special environment and a promise of “something more” when having sex..

The taste for football or cars

Men clearly like soccer and everything related to cars much more than women, although there are exceptions of course.

And it is not just a trend set by the society or culture in which we live immersed..

A well-known scientific study placed dolls, cars and toy balls within reach of baby Rhesus monkeys, male and female, and guess what. Males chose balls and cars more times, while females preferred dolls.

And in this case, there were no social "norms" that could influence.

Recent research suggests that the action of sex hormones in the fetal stage may be responsible for these differences, which also occur in children. They prefer to play with strollers and balls because it involves more physical activity.

Find things

Whoever lives or has lived with a man knows that it is very difficult for them to find things. If you are or have been a wife or girlfriend, surely you have heard many times: "My love, where are the car keys" or "I can't find the new pants", although both are in the usual place.

Apparently, this may be because the man's field of vision resembles a “tunnel”, that is, they only see what is in front of them, while the woman has a more panoramic vision.

As you can see, the differences are many and well marked, but this does not really have to be seen as a bad thing, indeed, many researchers believe that the brains and psychological characteristics of men and women are complementary and facilitate the survival of the species..

And what differences have you observed between men and women? I am interested in your opinion. Thanks!

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