9 Topics to present and debate in class

Jonah Lester
9 Topics to present and debate in class

The topics to present in class They are one of the headaches of students and teachers, because proposing dynamics that keep the attention in a debate is not easy at all.

My strategy in this case is to touch controversial issues that may generate a diversity of opinions, because this makes people want to participate, give their points of view and weave knowledge networks based on the diversity of opinions.

If you need some topics to present, look for paper and pencil and take note of some ideas that can be a lifesaver when generating a good debate.

Interesting and exciting topics to present in class

If you want to ignite the learning spirit in the classroomwith themes to display that catch the attention of the public, these ideas will enchant you. 

1. Affective relationships

Talking about affective relationships, couple relationships or romantic ties is a resounding hit, because it is one of the spheres of life in which we all complicate our lives a bit due to the divergence between different ways of thinking and feeling.

Debate around affective relationships always heats up our spirits because it is something that deeply touches us all and that is why it is likely that people pay a lot of attention and want to actively participate in the exhibition. Within the general topic "affective relationships" there are multiple topics to expose that have very interesting nuances. These are some examples:

  • How do men and women perceive romantic relationships??
  • Infidelity 
  • Types of romantic relationships 
  • Polyamory, free love, open relationships, relational anarchy, and other forms of lovingly bonding different from the traditional ones. 
  • The dark areas of relationships. 
  • Jealousy

2. Feminism and patriarchy

One of the hottest topics to expose is feminism. Nowadays, people have different opinions about the feminist movements and the eradication of patriarchal dynamics that violate the rights of women and men alike.

Subtopics can be derived from this topic to create a very interesting discussion. Some of them are:

  • What is feminism?
  • What are the proposals of feminism?
  • What is patriarchy?
  • What are the normalized macho behaviors?
  • What are the effects of machismo?
  • What are the characteristics of patriarchal societies?

3. Abortion

The abortion it's a hot topic with people for and against, in all social strata and educational levels. This is a super interesting topic because it has so many subtopics to address both for and against. If you want to create a debate, questions about abortion will guarantee that you have it.

4. Euthanasia

The use of euthanasia in some countries is another issue that is bubbling in the pipeline because it has different ethical, moral, philosophical and medical implications. This is why taking it to a classroom can be an excellent alternative to create very interesting discussions.. 

5. Sexual and gender diversity

When we talk about sexual and gender diversity, we are faced with an issue that fuels spirits due to its current boom. Regarding this issue, there are many opinions, since the defense of sexual and gender diversity goes directly against the traditional paradigms. 

A topic of these not only has assured attention, but also serves as a basis for weaving knowledge around diversity.

6. Mental illnesses

Among the topics to present in class, talking about mental illnesses is a guaranteed ten, because all people want to discover a little more about how their mind works and what dangers it faces. 

Mental illnesses have very interesting nuances that capture the attention of the public and propose different and entertaining debates.

In this same line of meaning, talking about psychology, psychoanalysis and the issues that emerge from these usually generate great interest and you have a wide range to choose from, because these disciplines go through people's lives.

7. Spirituality and magic

The theme of the spirituality and spiritual currents Not only is it very fashionable, but in many cases it borders on the magical and mystical theme. In this line of meaning, since we are children we are especially called by magic and this makes spiritual subjects catch our interest in a charming way..

Today there are various spiritual currents and magico-spiritual practices that attract the attention of the public, some of the subtopics that we suggest are:

  • Coaching and personal growth
  • Zodiac signs and astrology 
  • Tarot and oracles 
  • Uses and benefits of stones and crystals 
  • Akashic Records 
  • Yoga
  • Feng shui 
  • Ancestral knowledge 
  • Ancestral plants 
  • Metaphysics 
  • Bioreprogramming 
  • Biodecoding 

8. Dreams and astral travel

The subject of dreams is absolutely exciting, because one of the most amazing functions of our mind is the ability to dream. Regarding this topic, there are different positions from the scientific, psychoanalytic and mystical that make the world of dreams a special terrain to explore.. 

If to all the above we add the interest in astral travel that emerges from the dream world, you will have one of the topics to present in class that will have the most followers. Talking about why we dream or the meaning of dreams can be a great idea. 

9. Philosophical issues

Talking about essential philosophical questions can give us a number of topics to present in class. Philosophy asks about life, existence and the human being, so it is something that concerns us directly and therefore generates a deep interest. 

Some of the topics that you can touch within the philosophical debates are:

  • good and evil 
  • Truth and reality 
  • Moral and ethic
  • Who I am?
  • Paradoxes 
  • Travels in the time 
  • The free will 
  • Reason and spirit

As you can see, there are topics to present in class of all kinds that can not only induce very interesting debates, but also help us to explore different perspectives on life. If you are passionate about knowledge, I know that these will not only serve you to take them to the classroom, but to learn much more about fundamental questions of life.

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