Many couples consider whether to end or continue the relationship after a time of commitment or after having gone through a difficult time that they identify as "A bad streak" from which they seem not to recover. On many occasions, this approach does not arise from a specific situation or problem, but from wear and tear after a certain time of living together. Both this and other problems are addressed with couples therapy
The recent situation we are experiencing with Covid19 is leading many couples to start experiencing some problems resulting from confinement. The small encounters that previously occurred with the couple throughout the day, have now become a 24-hour coexistence that can cause great wear and tear if not managed properly.
Professional help may be able to provide a global perspective on the relationship when a problem arises that both parties cannot cope with, such as infidelity or the death of a child. A psychologist specializing in couples therapy is able to offer a objective response from an unbiased point of view to take direct action on the problem.
Many times wear is not only produced by the passage of time, but by the progressive maturation of the subjects. IsThis situation usually occurs frequently in couples who began their relationship very young and their personality evolves to the point that they no longer connect as before, even not recognizing the person they fell in love with because they have different concerns and interests that they previously shared..
Couples therapy can positively intervene in a relationship by redirecting it and helping both parties to identify with themselves, for which on many occasions it is necessary for both members to know each other and understand what they expect from the other and what they can offer.
Identifying the viability of the common project is also important to define the link that helps determine whether it is better to end or continue the relationship. On many occasions, the conclusion of a project such as raising children can act to the detriment of life together. weakening the bond of union in shared interests and producing a lack of interest in the other and in joint activities.
The routine is in many cases the main cause of burnout that motivates disinterest in the relationship and induces its members to consider its dissolution. When these situations occur, it is convenient to awaken the initial stimulus that prompted them to be together before considering whether to end or continue the relationship. Learning to manage the routine is especially important when a couple is faced with the situation of isolation that we are currently experiencing..
Couples therapy also helps solve some of the emotional problems derived of certain unexpected situations that arise spontaneously and that suppose a trauma for those who live them, such as the death of a child, an illness, or the loss of a job. These are situations that professionals face on a daily basis to reinforce the bond between couples who still love each other but need the necessary psychological support to achieve mutual understanding and understanding to help them overcome it.
This type of situation (death of family members, job changes) is occurring in a large proportion as a consequence of the pandemic and it is important to learn to manage the emotions that they arouse so that the couple's relationship does not end up being affected.
Sometimes couples therapy too has to deal with irreconcilable differences. These cases are much more difficult to handle, because the members of the couple have changed and no longer have things in common, they feel that they do not identify with the other and want new stimuli in their lives.
When this happens, the professional's job will consist of determining how profound the changes that person is experiencing are in order to assess whether it is a transitory situation, or if, on the contrary, those new interests that separate him from his partner define a true personality. that has been forged over time.
The main problem when determining whether to end or continue the relationship occurs when only one of the parties expresses feelings of alignment towards the other person without being reciprocated because of all the above points.
In these cases, couples therapy focuses on ensure that the separation is the least traumatic for both and minimize the psychological impact of a romantic breakup.
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