Bullying in the classroom Assessment and diagnosis

Alexander Pearson
Bullying in the classroom Assessment and diagnosis

We constantly have news about bullying. We know the definition and also its consequences. But ... What tools do psychologists have to assess and diagnose bullying in the classroom??

In the following article, we will address the tests that can allow us to objectively assess, based on data, the situations of bullying within the classroom or school setting:


TO evaluative level, We have different tests that can help us in the detection of a possible case of bullying. Although we have different psychometric tests, we cannot leave aside the role of the observation within the evaluation process. That is, it is adequate carry out observation in the natural environment to describe and facilitate possible cases of bullying based on peer relationships, as well as the behavior of teachers and classmates (whether or not they are variables that maintain the problem) and any data that is of interest to us for the evaluation.

Questionnaires and scales

On the other hand, you can also apply different questionnaires and / or scales as they are the following:

School Harassment and Violence Test (AVE) Its purpose is to prevent, identify, treat and diagnose bullying and school violence, as well as the associated psychological damage.

Bullying Brief Assessment Test (TEBAE) being one of the most recent tools in the assessment of bullying, offering data on the level of bullying, its intensity and the presence of psychological damage.

Child and Adolescent Behavior Assessment System (BASC) providing information about the pathological dimensions of children (behavioral problems, emotional disorders, personality problems) and adaptive dimensions (social skills, leadership ...). It is important to take into account that the BASC is structured under the structured history of development, the student's own observation system, questionnaires for tutors for each age group that includes the test and questionnaires for parents also for each age group.

Kovacs CDI is a questionnaire that could be useful as it evaluates depression in a possible victim of bullying and the Manifest Anxiety Scale in Children-Revised (CMAS-R) taking into account the age of the children we serve in school (children from 8 to 10 years old).

The CMAS-R provides us with information on total anxiety, physiological anxiety, restlessness / hypersensitivity, social concerns / concentration of the possible victim.

Child and Adolescent Assessment System (SENA) that assesses the main emotional and behavioral problems of children and adolescents.

Evaluation of School Coexistence (CONVES) It would also be appropriate because it is a questionnaire that allows us to make a diagnosis of school coexistence in order to detect situations of bullying.

Measure of aggressiveness among schoolchildren (TEST BULL-S) that assesses the socio-affective characteristics of the group, detecting implicated and situational aspects in aggressive relationships between equals.

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