Detailed record

Robert Johnston

What is a detailed record?

The detailed record is a public document that is prepared to record certain facts or details, establishing people, place, time and precise way in which they occurred, in order to record them for all legal purposes that they generate..

Therefore, they are facts that are established in writing and that it is significant to leave them recorded and kept on file. If there is a need in the future, it could serve as evidence in a trial.

The detailed record can be used in a marriage

A record is basically written evidence of the events that occurred in any circumstance. It is a written testimony or certification where a relationship is made of what was discussed, happened or agreed with respect to any circumstance that deserves it.

On the other hand, the record comes to be detailed when it refers or is explained in detail, without disregarding any particularity or circumstance. The document must be stamped with the signature of knowledge of those involved in the events, in addition to those present at that time as witnesses.

What is the purpose of a detailed record?

The detailed minutes are used to record the issues that have been discussed during a meeting, being written by a person who is in it, as well as the agreements or conclusions that were adopted in such meeting..

It is a document that has great legal importance, since it is in an administrative or judicial procedure where its value is developed. This writing or document is made to record the facts and have the value that the law grants them.

The detailed minutes must always express the truth and their content cannot be altered, unless you have the express consent of those who intervened in them, observing the applicable legal precepts..

The content of an act may be, for example, an assembly of the members of the board of directors of any organization, a consortium meeting, the certification of the birth of some person or any other fact that requires or requires due to its importance of legal certification. corresponding about something that happened.

To manufacture evidence

In certain cases it is used to collect what is perceived or heard, in order to manufacture evidence that will later be used in an administrative or judicial process. They are a simple means of proof of the facts or agreements that are established in it, for which they allow proof to the contrary.

The proof value of the events that are established in the detailed minutes will not depend on the minutes as such, that is, on their format, unless the law assigns a certain solemnity..

Types of detailed records

The detailed record is a document that is used in a large number of situations, both in private and public entities. Some of the most common types of circumstantial records are the following:


This type of act refers to a document that states before a notary some facts or events with their circumstances.

Record of meeting

This is the most common type and is used in multiple circumstances, to always record everything that happened during a meeting. For example, in a more business environment it would be a minutes of a meeting of partners or a minutes of a work meeting.

Marriage certificate

It is recorded in this document the moment in which a couple admits to marry legally.

Birth certificate

This is the act that is written to record the birth of a baby in a certain country.

Death certificate

This type of act is made when a person dies, with the purpose of giving proof of his death.

Divorce certificate

In this type of certificate, it is legally recorded that a married couple has made the decision to divorce.

Police report

This is the document through which a punishable act is recorded in writing, specifying the evidence collected and the authorship of the facts..

Constitutive Act

This act will indicate that a company has been legally established, such as the articles of incorporation of a public limited company or a civil company..

Administrative act

In this type of act, any violation of the regulations by an employee is recorded..

Example of detailed record

Detailed record issued due to loss of documents

In Guadalajara, Jalisco, at 10:00 a.m. (Ten Hours) on September 13 (Thirteenth) of the year 2021, it is present in the offices occupied by Administrative Unit 50, of the National Forestry Commission, located in Calle Adyacente Ocaso, number 5630, Colonia Jardines Universidad, Jalisco, Postal Code 44190, Edificio Don Ángel Piso 4 Ala 2, Citizen Pedro Luis López Pérez, and in his capacity as Notary, Juan Ramírez Prieto, for the purposes of certifying the following


(The documents that were damaged, stolen, etc. must be clearly described, mentioning the circumstances of time, place and manner, additionally declaring, if that is the question, the detriment that this causes to the Entity or declaring the wrong use that can be made of those documents.)

Being present the Citizen María Josefina Salazar Machado, Supervisor of the Projects Department, attached to the Presidency of the Central Office, who is a witness of attendance and identifies herself with the voter credential with folio number 5, issued by the Federal Electoral Institute, the which expresses being present in the preparation of this act, from its beginning to its termination, and this being all that it has to expose a signature outside of this act for its due evidence and respective legal effects..

Without having another matter to deal with, this detailed administrative act is closed, which consists of a sheet written on one side only, being signed in triplicate in the margin and at the bottom by those who participated in it..

___________________ Name and signature of the guardian

____________________ Name and signature of witness

Format to download

All the minutes have some elements in common. For example, all provide an overview of what happened in a meeting, who were the attendees or participants, details of the different issues raised, what were the discussions and the conclusion of the same.

Finally, it is determined whether or not both the summoned and the conveners have reached an agreement on the issues that have been raised..

There is no standard way to record. Free creativity should prevail, as long as the most common mistakes are not made, such as omitting essential points that are later required for records or claims, or excessive details. A format of a detailed record is shown below:

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  1. Laura Sánchez (2016). Types of minutes. Start SMEs. Taken from:
  2. IDC Online (2015). What are the minutes for? Taken from:
  3. Administrative Court of the Mexican State (2020). Detailed record. Taken from:
  4. Wikipedia (2020). Minutes (document). Taken from:
  5. Mexico - Online Legal Encyclopedia (2020). Circumstantial Record. Taken from:

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