Adduction meaning, synonyms, antonyms, examples

Basil Manning

It is understood by adduction presenting some type of reason or evidence to question the realization of a certain event; this according to the definition of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). For example: "Surely, the governor is going to claim lack of budget for not repairing public lighting and streets".

On the other hand, the term adduction is also applied in the field of anatomy. Here it is used to refer to the displacement of some part of the human body towards the median plane, which in turn makes us imagine that it is divided into two equal parts.

One of the meanings of adduction is to argue a reason to defend an action. Source:

A common example is when the arms are extended in the shape of a "T" and are lowered until the hands reach the waist.

Now, in some geographic regions such as Ecuador and Venezuela, the concept of adduction is related to the transport of liquids or fluids, especially water, which are carried through conduits. Example: "The adduction that is in the rural area of ​​San Juan needs urgent maintenance".

Article index

  • 1 Meaning and origin of adduction
    • 1.1 Etymology
  • 2 Synonyms of adduction
  • 3 Antonym
  • 4 Adduction of water
  • 5 Examples of sentences
  • 6 References

Meaning and origin of adduction

According to the RAE, adduction is carried out through the presentation of arguments with the intention of justifying an action or behavior. In addition, the term is related to the movement of a member of the body towards its middle part simulating two proportionate halves.


The etymological origin of the word adduction originates from the Latin word adductio, which is translated as "adduced" or "proven". Hence, adduction is a type of allegation that is useful to demonstrate or defend something.

Synonyms of adduction

Once the meaning and concept of adduction is understood, some of the most common synonyms for this term are presented, depending on the context in which it is used:

- Movement.

- Allegation.

- Approach.

- Close up.

- Argument.


The best known antonym or opposite meaning for adduction is "abduction." The word abduction is applied -especially- in the field of anatomy to refer to the movement or separation that a member of the body makes from the middle part of it..

A case referring to what is mentioned in the previous paragraph is when the arms remain attached to the body and extend outwards..

Water adduction

The concept of adduction is also applicable to the water storage process, as mentioned at the beginning. The process consists of transporting the vital liquid from the main intake to the area where it will be treated to later be consumed or used for the development of the crops..

In general, the water adduction process occurs in places where the supply is not generated on a regular basis, and then its storage is necessary in order to survive. The procedure is carried out through the connection of pipes from the water basin, be it a river or lake, to the reservoir tanks.

Examples of Sentences

- The children strengthened their leg muscles with adduction exercises.

- The teacher did not want to adduce why he was fired from the school.

- The mayor ordered that the construction of the town's adduction be stopped due to lack of materials.

- The Santa Clarita adduction is a complex water storage system.

- The pitchers of the baseball team constantly adduct their arms.

- The accident occurred due to the lack of lighting in the adduction system.

- The lawyer did not know how to adduce a solid defense and therefore did not win the trial.

- The main adduction of the city does not work properly because the pipes are totally damaged.

- We cannot claim that the elections are transparent.

- Adduction occurs in various limbs of the body.


  1. Adduction. (2019). (N / a): Define. Recovered from:
  2. Adduction. (2019). Spain: Wikipedia. Recovered from:
  3. Pérez, J. and Gardey, A. (2015). Definition of adduction. (N / a): Definition. From. Recovered from:
  4. Adduction. (2019). Spain: Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy. Recovered from:
  5. Adduction. (S. f.). (N / a): Know-it-all. Recovered from:

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