Agustín Yáñez biography, style, works

Robert Johnston
Agustín Yáñez biography, style, works

Agustín Yáñez Delgadillo (1904-1980) was a Mexican writer and politician whose work stood out mainly in the development of literary genres such as novels, essays, and short stories. His texts were characterized by being realistic, he has also been considered one of the fathers of the modern narrative of his country.

Yáñez's writings were conceived under the influence of various European intellectuals, which meant that they had avant-garde features. The author handled a language of quality and expressive enough to attract readers and literary critics of the time.

Agustín Yáñez. Source: Salvador alc [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Some of the most important titles of Agustín Yáñez were: Red blindness (1923), Living flame of love (1925), At the edge of the water (1945), The lean lands (1962) and The social content of Ibero-American literature (1943). It should be noted that this intellectual also had an active participation in the public and political life of Mexico.

Article index

  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Birth and family
    • 1.2 Studies of Yáñez
    • 1.3 Work as a teacher
    • 1.4 First publications
    • 1.5 Yáñez's incursion into essays and novels
    • 1.6 Public charges
    • 1.7 Notable performance in Public Education
    • 1.8 Other educational achievements of Yáñez
    • 1.9 Last years and death
    • 1.10 Awards and recognitions
  • 2 Style
  • 3 Works
    • 3.1 Narrative
    • 3.2 Test
    • 3.3 Novel
    • 3.4 Brief description of his works Al filo del agua (1947)
  • 4 References


Birth and family

Agustín Yáñez was born on May 4, 1904 in Guadalajara, Jalisco, into a traditional family. The data on his parents are scarce, but it is known that they were provincial from the town of Yahualica, a place that later was reflected in many of his writings.

Yáñez Studies

Yáñez's first years of education were spent in the land where he was born. He studied law at the University of Guadalajara and graduated in 1929. Shortly after graduating, he served as an education official between 1930 and 1931..

Later he went to Mexico City to study philosophy at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), culminating this academic activity with excellent performance. At that time he was in charge of the radio direction of the Ministry of Education, between 1932 and 1934.

Work as a teacher

Long before finishing his university studies in Guadalajara, Yáñez worked as a teacher in various institutions. She taught for six years at the National School for Young Ladies, from 1923 to 1929, at the same time she taught at the José Paz Camacho High School..

At the beginning of the 1930s, the writer continued to practice at the University of Guadalajara High School and later began at the Vizcainas Peace College and at the National Preparatory School in the Mexican capital. During most of his life, Yáñez dedicated himself to transmitting his knowledge.

First publications

Agustín Yáñez was attracted to literature and writing when he was very young. So in 1923 he published his first narrative work entitled Red blindness. In the following years two more belonging to the same literary genre came to light, called: Current types Y Divine flowering.

By the early 1930s he had already published six narrative works, including: Living flame of love, Through the lands of Nueva Galicia Y Barlipton. As his books were released to the public, the writer gained a place in the literary field and recognition from readers..

Yáñez's incursion into essays and novels

Yáñez's talent for lyrics was impressive, counting on the ability to develop various genres prominently. As he had already become known with narrative works, in the 1940s he decided to publish his first essay Fray Bartolomé de las Casas, the conquered conqueror, followed by Passion and convalescence.

Public charges

Yáñez was an active actor in the political life of his country, as in 1953 he was elected governor of Jalisco, a function that he carried out until 1959. At the end of his term of government he began to direct the "Seminar of Literary Creation" of the UNAM.

Coat of arms of the UNAM, Yáñez's workplace. Source: Both, the shield and the motto, José Vasconcelos Calderón [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Between 1959 and 1962 the writer held the position of counselor or guide to the presidency of Mexico. The following year he was appointed as Chancellor of the Republic in Argentina. Returning to his homeland, in 1964, he was in charge of the Department of Public Education for six years.

Notable performance in Public Education

The writer performed positively in the Ministry of Public Education during the presidential term of Gustavo Díaz Ordaz. He managed to carry out several reforms in the primary education system, where he managed to minimize illiteracy levels in the Mexican nation. 

Yáñez took advantage of the reach of the social media to carry out the teaching strategies that he designed. This is how “Telesecundarias” was born, a space through which the illiteracy rate dropped to 23.94%.

Other educational achievements of Yáñez

Agustín Yáñez also achieved during the exercise of his public function that the budget for the education sector will be increased. Established a vocational program that will help future university students to choose a career according to their tastes and abilities.

On the other hand, the writer also made it possible for the teaching centers to be reorganized: the National Polytechnic Institute and the Higher Normal School. Agustín pursued with perseverance and passion the implementation of a better educational system in his country.

Last years and death

During the last years of his life, Agustín Yáñez received several awards and recognitions, and he kept writing constantly. He also served as a member of the National Commission for Free Textbooks for two years, from 1977 to 1979..

Sepulcher of Yáñez. Source: Thelmadatter [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
The last literary works published by the Mexican author were: The turns of time Y The golden hillside. Finally, due to heart and lung problems, he died on January 17, 1980 in Mexico City; his remains rest in the Rotunda of Illustrious Persons.

Awards and honours

- Member of the Seminary of Mexican Culture in 1952.

- Member of El Colegio Nacional as of July 8, 1952.

- Member of the Mexican Academy of the Language from 1953, his chair was the XXX.

- National Prize of Sciences and Arts in 1973.

- Director of the Mexican Academy of Language from 1973 to 1980.


The literary style of this Mexican writer followed the parameters of the realistic current of literature. In addition, he used a precise, expressive and well-structured language, with broad traits of style and elegance, there were also avant-garde reflections of European authors such as James Joyce and Franz Kafka..

Yáñez focused the theme of his works on issues related to the Mexican Revolution and the period after it. So everyday life, traditions, social norms, political and historical elements were fundamental elements in his texts..



- Red blindness (1923).

- Current types (1924).

- Divine flowering (1925).

- Living flame of love (1925).

- Through the lands of Nueva Galicia (1928).

- Baralipton (1931).

- Mirage of Juchitlán (1940).

- Genius and figures from Guadalajara (1941).

- Ancient games flower (1942).

- This is bad luck (1945).

- Melibea, Isolda and Alda in warm lands (1946).

- The senses of the air, Christmas episodes (1948).

- Three stories (1964).


- Fray Bartolomé de las Casas, the conquered conqueror (1942).

- The social content of Ibero-American literature (1943).

- Alfonso Gutiérrez Hermosillo and some friends (1945).

- The spiritual climate of Jalisco (1945).

- Mexican chips (1945).

- Yahualica (1946).

- Speeches by Jalisco (1958).

- Political formation (1962).

- French moralists (1962).

- Universal projection of Mexico (1963).

- Bali Days (1964).

- Consciousness of the revolution (1964).

- Dante, integral conception of the man of history (1965).

- Speeches at the service of public education (1964,1965 and 1966).


- Passion and convalescence (1943).

- At the edge of the water (1947).

- The creation (1959).

- The bountiful land (1960).

- Haggard and painted (1960).

- The lean lands (1962).

- Final perseverance (1967).

- The turns of time (1973).

- The golden hillside (1978).

- Santa Anna, specter of a society (nineteen eighty one).

Brief description of his works At the edge of the water (1947)

It was one of the best-known novels by Agustín Yáñez with which he broke the parameters of traditional literature, to venture into the modern and innovative techniques in terms of narrative and form. Its theme was based on times of the Mexican Revolution.


The novel was set in a town in Jalisco, between 1909 and 1910, at which time Porfirio Díaz was in power. It showed customs typical of the inhabitants, and some personal problems that later dissipate with the conflicts generated by the Revolution..

Yáñez began by narrating the story of four characters. Mr. Timoteo, who suffered from his wife's illness; Leonardo, who remained concerned about the future of his son; a young woman named Mercedes who did not make up her mind about love; and finally, Micaela, who wanted to return to Guadalajara.

Main characters

- María, niece of the village priest. He longed for a life out of town.

- Marta, also the niece of the priest Dionisio; raised Maria and was the best friend of Mercedes Toledo.

- Timoteo Limón, religious villager, but always on the edge of sin.

- Damián Limón, Timoteo's son, fell in love with the same woman who seduced his father.

- Micaela Rodríguez, an ambitious and seductive young woman, is considered crazy in the town, so she takes revenge, seduced several men including Timoteo and Damián, finally everything ends in tragedy.

- Mercedes Toledo, a girl insecure about love, finally decided to accept Julián; However, over time he left her for another, she became spinster and lost her mind when she thought that because of her bad thoughts and wishes the son of her lover with the other woman was born lifeless..

- Dionisio, was the priest of the people, but he was losing authority because he did not exercise his power wisely.

- Lucas Macías, was an old man of the locality, wise and full of experience.


  1. Agustín Yáñez. (2019). Spain: Wikipedia. Recovered from:
  2. Agustín Yáñez. (2019). Mexico: The National College. Recovered from:
  3. Tamaro, E. (2004-2019). Agustín Yáñez. (N / a): Biographies and Lives. Recovered from:
  4. Agustín Yáñez. (2017). Mexico: Encyclopedia of Literature in Mexico. Recovered from:
  5. At the edge of the water. (2019). Spain: Wikipedia. Recovered from:

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