Ailurophilia symptoms, causes, consequences, treatment

Simon Doyle

TheĀ ailurophilia It is defined as the obsession with cats or felines. This term is commonly used to describe a simple preference that does not have to be pathological. However, in extreme cases, people with this condition can suffer from certain serious problems.

The word ailurophilia comes from the Greek termsĀ ailuros, which means "cat", and philia, which means "love" or "attraction". It is the opposite condition to ailurophobia, which is the irrational fear of cats or other felines. Unlike the first, this last trait is considered a pathological problem.


In some rare cases, love for cats can hide serious psychological disorders. On the one hand, the person with ailurophilia may feel sexual attraction to these animals, in which case it would be a paraphilia. This, luckily, is not very common; but when it happens, some kind of treatment is usually necessary.

On the other hand, sometimes ailurophilia can hide a disorder known as "Noah's Syndrome". When this arises, the person becomes obsessed with collecting stray or abandoned cats, and accumulating them even when this implies the appearance of problems of different kinds.

Article index

  • 1 Symptoms
    • 1.1 Ailurophilia as love for cats
    • 1.2 Ailurophilia as sexual deviation
    • 1.3 Ailurophilia as a version of "Noah's syndrome"
  • 2 Causes
  • 3 consequences
  • 4 Do you need treatment?
  • 5 References


As we have already seen, the word "ailurophilia" can refer to three totally different conditions. One of them, the simple love for cats, is not considered a pathology; but the other two would fall under the category of mental disorder. Next we will see its most important characteristics.

Ailurophilia as love for cats

Cats are highly valued as pets and companion animals in our culture for various reasons. Many people have a great interest in these creatures; in fact, it is becoming more and more common to have one of them at home.

It is important to remember that in this context, the interest is purely aesthetic or due to the value of companion animals that cats have. Ailurophilia in principle has nothing to do with inappropriate sexual desires or a pathological obsession.

The reasons for this attraction can be very varied. On the one hand, cats are perfect pets for urban environments, since they do not take up much space, they are easy to care for and they are relatively independent; but at the same time, it is possible to interact with them, unlike what happens with other small animals.

On the other hand, many people are fascinated by cats because of the way they behave. The mixture of affection and independence that they show towards their caregivers makes them obsess over them; and the predominance of images of these felines in the networks causes ailurophilia to be increasingly common in this sense.

Ailurophilia as sexual deviation

In a small percentage of the population, the love for cats can take on a sexual aspect that would imply the appearance of a paraphilia. Like the rest of these disorders, the main symptom would be an inappropriate attraction towards these animals.

The person with a paraphilia towards cats can decide to act on their impulses or not. However, simply with the fact that this attraction arises, we could already consider that there is a pathological version of ailurophilia.

Ailurophilia as a version of "Noah's syndrome"

Finally, excessive love for cats can be a cause or a consequence of a psychological disorder known as Noah's syndrome. People who suffer from it feel a great obsession to take care of these animals, to a point that causes all kinds of problems in their lives.

Noah syndrome usually develops in the following way. The person begins to collect stray or abandoned animals, and feels good because he is "saving" them. Because of this, it continues with this behavior, until a time comes when it accumulates more animals than it can care for..

In the most extreme versions of Noah's syndrome, the individual can accumulate several dozen cats, which would be living in very unhealthy conditions due to the inability of the person to care for them. This would affect both the personal life and the economy of the person in a very negative way.


The causes of ailurophilia in any of its forms are unclear. In the case of using the term as a synonym for a great love for cats, it is simply a normal expression of the particular tastes of an individual. However, in the more pathological meanings of the word, many more factors can influence.

Thus, if we speak of ailurophilia as sexual attraction to cats, the causes would be the same as those of any other type of paraphilia. This can range from genetic predispositions to childhood trauma or unusual learning experiences..

Finally, if we talk about ailurophilia as a synonym for Noah's syndrome, the causes usually have more to do with self-esteem problems or other underlying diseases, such as obsessive compulsive disorder or schizophrenia.

Some studies suggest that certain components of cat feces can make these disorders worse; Because of this, a person who starts out simply feeling a fascination for these animals may end up developing a serious psychological problem.


Ailurophilia does not have to be negative, as long as we are referring to the more colloquial meaning of the term. However, both the obsession to accumulate a large number of cats at home and the sexual attraction for these animals can cause all kinds of problems to the person who develops them..

These consequences will affect all areas of the person's life. Thus, from their social relationships to their mental and physical health will be deteriorated due to these disorders. In very extreme cases, problems with the law could even appear..

Do you need treatment?

When ailurophilia appears in one of its two most dangerous facets, it is necessary for the person to receive some kind of help to overcome the problem. This help can come both in the form of psychological therapy, as through medication or even performing a social intervention.

However, it is important to remember that the vast majority of cases in which an individual feels a great fascination for cats have nothing wrong, nor do they have to end up leading to some type of disorder.


  1. "Discover what is ailurophilia" in: Wakyma. Retrieved on: March 06, 2019 from Wakyma:
  2. "Do you know what ailurophilia is?" in: My Animals. Retrieved on: March 06, 2019 from My Animals:
  3. "What is ailurophilia?" in: Notigatos. Retrieved on: March 06, 2019 from Notigatos:
  4. "The science behind being a cat person" in: The Dodo. Retrieved on: March 06, 2019 from The Dodo:
  5. "Animal Hoarding" in: Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Retrieved on: March 06, 2019 from Anxiety and Depression Association of America:

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