Amanita virosa characteristics, taxonomy, reproduction, nutrition

Abraham McLaughlin

Amanita virosa is a Basidiomycota fungus belonging to the Amanitaceae family. It is a species that is distributed in the European continent and that grows in coniferous and beech forests, establishing mycorrhizal associations with these and other tree species. 

It presents a hat that can reach up to 12 cm in diameter, initially conical, then becoming hemispherical and flattening over time. The blades are free, white and with interspersed lamellae, while the foot has a ring and volva.

Amanita virosa. Taken and edited from: Σ64 [CC BY 3.0 (]

Amanita virosa It is very toxic and its ingestion can be fatal to humans, it can easily be confused with other species of edible mushrooms. Its main toxin is α-amanitin, which can cause liver and kidney damage.

Its fruiting body appears between the summer and autumn seasons and it is not a very abundant species..

Article index

  • 1 Features
  • 2 Taxonomy
  • 3 Habitat and distribution
  • 4 Playback
  • 5 Nutrition
  • 6 Toxicity
  • 7 Effects
  • 8 Treatment
  • 9 References


This species first emerges as a whitish egg covered by a universal veil. When the fruiting body emerges by breaking the egg, many pieces of veil remain attached to the edges of the bell. The latter are slightly bent inwards.

The bell, which can reach up to 12 cm in diameter, is initially conical, then becomes hemispherical and later flattens a little at the edges, always with the center higher than the margins and the middle of the bell. There are no marginal striations. Its coloration is white, acquiring cream tints at advanced age.

The laminae of the hymenium are separated from the foot, are white, narrow at the edges, and have lamellae interspersed between them. They have basidium-type sporangia.

The foot is elongated, it can reach up to 15 cm long, it is somewhat bulbous at the base, white and sometimes covered by concolorous hairy fibrils. It has a fragile, white, mobile membranous ring that can be attached to the hat. It also has a white, membranous volva, enveloping around the base.

The meat is white, scarce, with a bad smell and a delicate flavor. In contact with strong bases such as potassium or sodium hydroxide, it acquires a bright yellow to golden color..

The spore is white in color, made up of round to ovoid spores, 8 to 11 microns in diameter, and amyloid.


Amanita virosa it is taxonomically located in the Amanitaceae family of the Agaricales order, Agaromycetes class, Basidiomycota division. The genus was validly described for the first time by Christian Hendrik Persoon in 1797 and today encompasses some 600 described species..

For its part, the species Amanita virosa was initially described by Elias Magnus Fries as Agaricus virosus and later in 1836 it was relocated to the genus Amanita by Louis-Adolphe Bertillon. It receives the common name of 'destroying angel' for its toxicity.

Other colloquial names it receives are 'smelly amanita' or 'cheposa oronja'.

Habitat and distribution

It is a species that prefers high acid pH soils, grows in coniferous and beech forests, where it establishes mycorrhizal relationships with different plant species. Its fruiting body emerges in the summer and fall seasons.

It is a European species not very abundant in countries such as England, Ireland and Scotland, but it is more common in Scandinavian countries..


The reproduction mechanism of Amanita virosa is typical of the genre Amanita and Basidiomycota in general, with a dicariont mycelium product of the plasmogamy of two haploid and sexually compatible mycelia. The fruiting body appears when the organism is about to complete its reproductive process.

Karyogamy occurs in the basidia and is followed by a meiotic division to produce haploid basidiospores that are released into the environment to germinate and start a new cycle..


Amanita virosa it is a species that establishes ectomycorrhizal relationships with different tree species. Mycorrhizal cells are mutualistic symbiotic relationships between fungi and plants..

In ectomycorrhizal relationships, fungal hyphae come into contact with plant roots and develop a structure called Hartig's network, which allows the exchange of nutrients and other elements between both members of the relationship..

In this way, the fungus obtains the organic compounds, mainly carbohydrates that it needs for its nutrition, and the plant obtains water and inorganic nutrients that the hyphae of the fungus have taken from the soil..

Host plants receive the added benefit of obtaining protection against fungi and other potentially pathogenic microorganisms..

Amanita virosa. Taken and edited from: Jason Hollinger [CC BY 2.0 (].


Amanita virosa It is one of the three species of Amanita more lethal to humans. The other two species are A. phalloides Y A. verna. These three species are responsible for more than 90% of fatal mushroom poisoning events..

The toxicity of this fungus is mainly due to the fact that it contains different types of cyclopeptides, of which the most toxic is α-amanitin, although it may present other cyclopeptides, as well as other types of biomolecules also with toxic activity..

Effects edit

Α-Amanitin can cause fatal liver damage. Some authors suggest that liver damage is due to the blockade of the RNA polymerase II protein complex, preventing mRNA synthesis and thus protein synthesis in the liver. Other authors also report hemorrhagic necrosis of the liver due to consumption of the fungus.

Poisoning from the consumption of Amanita virosa it presents a long latency period which is asymptomatic. Later on, gastrointestinal symptoms appear, serious injuries to the liver and kidneys, and finally death..


Treatment of food poisoning Amanita virosa is hampered by the long asymptomatic latency period, since the later treatment is started, the greater the chances of fatal outcomes.

There are no antidotes or specific treatment for this type of poisoning. The treatment strategies that exist to date are intensive supportive medical care, detoxification procedures, as well as the administration of chemotherapy..

Other treatments have also been tested as the supply of compounds such as N-acetylcysteine, silibinin, silmarin and different types of antibiotics, alone or in combination. However, survival levels remain low.


  1. Trakulsrichai, C. Sriapha, A. Tongpoo, U. Udomsubpayakul, S. Wongvisavakorn, S. Srisuma & W. Wananukul (2017). Clinical characteristics and outcome of toxicity from Amanita mushroom poisoning. International Journal of General Medicine.
  2. Amanita virosa (Fr.) Bertill. - Destroying Angel. Recovered from:
  3. Amanita virosa. On Wikipedia. Recovered from:
  4. Amanita virosa. Recovered from:
  5. Amanita virosa. Recovered from:
  6. Loranger, B. Tuchweber, C. Gucquaud, S. St-Pierre & M.G. Côté (1985). Toxity of peptides of Amanita virosa mushrooms in mice. Toxicological Sciences.

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