Amenadiel History of this religious character

Robert Johnston
Amenadiel History of this religious character

Amenadiel is the name of a fallen angel from Christian mythology that has become popular in recent times thanks to the series Lucifer de Fox. This enigmatic figure has a quite interesting history because thanks to its peculiarities a place has been built within the culture.

Thinking about this, today we want to tell you a little about the story of Amenadiel, the controversial angel who has become one of the favorite characters of the successful Fox series.

Who was Amenadiel?

According to the magical book of Johannes Trithemius, Steganographia (1462-1516), Amenadiel is a aerial spirit characterized by having a combination of the roles of Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel, This means that he is the head of the heavenly armies and also the messenger par excellence.

When we speak of aerial spirits, we refer to beings that can be both in heaven and on earth. It should be noted that here the term "heaven" is used from a Christian perspective, in which heaven is the dwelling place of God..

The history of Amenadiel is diffuse, he is referred to as an aerial spirit, because he has an ambiguous tint and does not get to be pigeonholed in the role of angel.

This means that, contrary to the imaginary one has in front of the angels as immaculate beings, Amenadiel, being an aerial spirit and being able to exist in two different planes, has a light and a dark side, like any human being

Although in the Christian Bible there is no reference to Amadiel, in the book of Enoch that is part of The Bible of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, this character is mentioned as a fallen angel who rebelled against God, in order to create a new world in which there was no God.

The fallen angels

According to Christianity, the fallen angels were the first angels that God created, but they were moving away from him due to disobedience or opposition.. 

In the book of Enoch we can find the reference to the fallen angels, these beings who questioned the work of the creator and that is why they were sent to hell, losing their wings, hence the name "fallen angel"

There are quite a few fallen angels, although the most recognized are Lucifer, Azazel, and Yekun. In the beginning these angels were created to watch over men and that is why they were endowed with freedom and understanding. 

In the Book of Enoch it is said that 200 angels fell, including Amenadiel. These in turn were commanded by twenty main leaders. The fallen angels took this punishment for infractions such as lust, teachings on the art of war and even the creation of weapons..

Amenadiel in the sacred texts

As we mentioned earlier, within the Christian Bible we find no reference to Amenadiel, only in the book of Enoch, one of the books included in The Ethiopian Orthodox Church Bible. Although the book is not in the Catholic Bible, many theologians highlight it as a book of great historical importance..

The main books where we can find direct references to Amenadiel are:

Amenadiel in Theurgia Goetia

This work is part of The lesser key of Solomon a very popular grimoire or book of magic in the 17th century, recognized worldwide for the great information on the most important demons.

In this book Amenadiel is mentioned as the "Great King of the West", commander of hundreds of lesser spirits. Being a day and night demon, it can be invoked at any time.

Amenadiel in the Book of Enoch

In the Book of Enoch Enoch is mentioned as one of the fallen angels who lost his place in the heavenly court, by opposing God and undertaking the undertaking of creating a new world without God..

It is said that Amenadiel was defeated by the Archangel Michael, who is the head of the heavenly armies, and after the defeat he was sent to hell along with the other angels who participated in the rebellion..

Amenadiel in the Encyclopedia of Los Angeles

In the Encyclopedia of Angels, the name of Amenadiel does not appear, instead Amnediel appears, and given the relationship between both names, it is stated that the same angel is spoken of.

It should be noted that Amnedial appears as one of the 28 guardians of the moon, and offers friendship, love and happiness to all travelers.

Amenadiel in popular culture

Amenadiel is a very interesting character for the mere fact of going from being one of God's favorites to being a demon.

The figure of Amenadiel is known mainly within magic circles, because as mentioned above, his role within the sacred writings is not very highlighted. However, thanks to the Lucifer series, Amenadiel began to be much more recognized within the public.

Among the cultural manifestations that represent Amenadiel, the most important are:


Lucifer is a television series released in 2016. Here the story of Lucifer is told, and Amenadiel is his brother, a fallen angel who has descended to live on earth.

Within the series, Lucifer decides to move hell to Hollywood, and given the chaos that this produces, his brother Amenadiel, seeks to convince him to return to hell so that things calm down a bit.

Dc comics

The Serie Lucifer It is based on the comics. It is based on the Neil Gaiman comics. In the numbers where Amenadiel appears, he is associated with revenge and violence.

Within the Comics, Amenadiel is anything but a brother to Lucifer, because unlike the series, here Amenadiel hates Lucifer and creates numerous plans against him. In the midst of each of his stratagems, innocent people die and terrifying things happen, but Lucifer always manages to win over his enemy Amenadiel..

As you can see, the story of Amenadiel is quite exciting and transcends the screens of this popular series. And you, did you already know this character?

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