The error 0xc00007b (the application failed to start properly) It happens when some Microsoft Windows files are damaged or corrupted by some update. Although there are no specific reasons why this can happen, it is a common mistake among users..
In general, this error is more frequent in applications that are directed to the use of multimedia (such as video games), because the DirectX tool stopped working. Sometimes an application can be affected by this error while others will work normally.
When "the application could not be started correctly", and you get error 0xc00007b, it is a symptom that files with a .DLL (dynamic link library) extension have been downloaded or moved on the computer, with a different architecture than your computer.
The architecture that your computer presents is important to know. They can be two: x86 (32 Bits) and x64 (64 Bits).
It means that if your computer is based on 32 Bit architecture and the program or application has downloaded a .DLL file with 64 Bit architecture, it will cause the 0xc00007b error to be displayed and therefore the application will not be able to open.
This error will not affect the Operating System at all, only the applications that present the failure. No need to worry, no need to "format and reinstall the software".
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To solve the error 0xc00007b and get rid of the message "the application could not start correctly", try several alternatives that do not require resetting your machine to factory state.
For this you will also need to be clear about the possible circumstances of this failure in the applications:
- If you have recently been affected by a virus, perhaps one of them modified, deleted or corrupted files with a .DLL extension necessary for their proper functioning.
- If you have installed a program or application to which you have granted permissions to change dynamic link libraries (.DLL), they may have been replaced by others, which could generate an error.
- If your Windows received NON-official updates from Microsoft, perhaps it installed libraries (.DLL) that are not in accordance with the architecture of your operating system.
- Incorrect installation of some package that works directly with .DLL extensions (such as: DirectX, Microsoft Visual C ++, NetFramework).
Microsoft Visual C ++ is a chain of files that must be installed in the operating system so that it can be used in applications that are programmed with the Visual C compiler.++.
If you have it installed on your computer, you must reinstall it and it is best to uninstall it first. To do this, press the start button, and type "Uninstall a program", then press ENTER..
You will see a window with all the programs that your computer has installed. Look for all programs that start: "Microsoft Visual C ++ ...", then click "Uninstall".
The next box will be the confirmation of the uninstallation. At the end, it would be recommended that you restart your computer so that the modifications take effect.
Once this is done, open your browser and in the search bar type: "Microsoft Visual C ++".
Note: If your operating system is based on 32 Bits choose the link that has (x86), if on the contrary it works with 64 Bits choose the link that has (x64). It is recommended that you only enter secure sites such as Microsoft to download these types of tools.
Once on the page, select the language in which you want to download it, and click download.
Run the program at the end of the download, to do this, click on it, and you will see the dialog box of said installer. You must read the terms and conditions of use, after checking that you have read it, click on "Install".
Note: It is not necessary to check "Yes, send installation information to Microsoft Corporation." You should wait a couple of minutes for the installer to completely download all the files.
Once the download is finished, click on "Finish" and restart your computer so that all the changes are made.
If this was your problem, it should already be fixed.
Having DirectX installed is very important, since it is what allows both the operating system and most applications to work directly with the video and audio hardware that you have on your computer..
To install it in the event that it has been deleted:
1.- Type in the browser "DirectX", and press ENTER. Try to enter official Microsoft pages to download.
Once on the page, go to the "DirectX versions and updates by operating system" section. Here you must choose depending on the operating system you have.
Click on the link, and then the page where you are going to download the component will open.
Choose the language for the installation, and click "Download".
It will redirect you to another page, where you must select the architecture of your computer, and then click on "Next".
When the download is complete, run the tool by double clicking on it.
You will see a Windows Update box appear. There you must click on "Yes" for the download to begin.
You have to wait until the installation finishes.
Once the download is complete, click on "Restart Now".
After restarting your computer, the DirectX component has already been installed successfully. If this was your problem, these steps should be solved.
If you already have the DirectX component installed on your computer, you need to remove some .DLL extensions.
Place them in the "System32" folder if your operating system is 32 Bit (x86), or in the "SysWOW64" folder if your operating system is 64 Bit.
Open "Start", click "Computer".
You must find the hard drive where your installed operating system is located. There, look for the "Windows" folder and double-click on it.
Now, open the "System32" folder by double clicking.
Once inside, look for files with a .DLL extension, but that begin with this word (in uppercase or lowercase) "d3dx9". Eliminate them all.
Once all the mentioned files have been eliminated, you must install DirectX. To do this, go to the section in this article "Install DirectX", and follow the steps.
1.- If your application continues to show that error, you should reinstall it.
2.- Update Windows by enabling "Windows Update".
If none of these solutions have served you, and the error persists, you have to reinstall your Windows from scratch.
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