Scientific article characteristics, structure, examples

Philip Kelley
Scientific article characteristics, structure, examples

scientific article or paper It is a document obtained in an investigation carried out on a particular topic. This document is presented in written form, and the format will depend on the standard used to carry it out..

Likewise, the purpose of these articles is to be published in scientific journals or books, to provide clarity or introduce new discoveries in the scientific community, which broaden the knowledge of these topics..

Example of a recent scientific article on climate change

Scientific articles must be carried out through original research and the results must be expressed precisely and briefly, justifying their obtaining at all times..

However, they are often based on previous studies and research, which must be correctly cited in the text. Said investigations are used to contrast the results of the new investigation and establish the differences and similarities found..

Article index

  • 1 Characteristics of scientific articles
    • 1.1 Originality
    • 1.2 Clarity
    • 1.3 Order
    • 1.4 Reliability
    • 1.5 Accuracy
    • 1.6 Citations and references
    • 1.7 Theoretical foundation
    • 1.8 Produces breakthroughs and new knowledge
  • 2 Structure of a scientific article
    • 2.1 Title
    • 2.2 Author or authors
    • 2.3 Summary
    • 2.4 Keywords
    • 2.5 introduction
    • 2.6 Theoretical framework
    • 2.7 Materials and methodology
    • 2.8 Results
    • 2.9 Discussion
    • 2.10 Acknowledgments
    • 2.11 References
  • 3 How to cite a scientific article
    • 3.1 APA style
    • 3.2 Vancouver style
  • 4 Examples of scientific articles
  • 5 Topics of interest
  • 6 References

Characteristics of scientific articles

Example of a recent scientific article

Some of the main characteristics of a scientific article or paper are:


A scientific article can be based on research already published by other researchers, but it must be original and include new information based on the author's own research. Its purpose is to disseminate new information on a topic of academic or scientific interest.


Although scientific articles are directed to a specific audience, the clarity in the text allows the reader to quickly understand what it is intended to express.


The ranking of the content and its correct arrangement in the article give it an order that benefits its interpretation.


To carry out a scientific article it is necessary to look for reliable and valid data

Scientific articles are made from reliable data and research, that is, they have been taken in an appropriate way, without errors or biases..


In order to convey exactly what is intended, the words used must be specific, in this way there is no room for confusion.

Citations and references

Given that various sources and investigations are used for the preparation of scientific articles, all of these must be correctly cited and referenced, following the style of the standard chosen for its preparation..

Theoretical foundation

Scientific articles are written by researchers

All the data and conclusions that are expressed in the article must be substantiated.

Produces breakthroughs and new knowledge

All scientific articles must introduce new knowledge or discoveries that can be used by the scientific community.

Structure of a scientific article

The basic structure of a scientific article follows the logic of what is known as the IMRyD format, whose name comes from the acronym Introduction, Method, Result and Discussion. However, there are other equally important parts, which are exposed below.

The arrangement of the structure is carried out as follows:


Title and abstract of a scientific article: Education for climate change: Educating about climate or for change?

Although in principle it is the shortest part of a scientific article, it does not lose importance for that. The title is the first thing a reader sees, it is also the reference with which to search the internet, databases and repositories.

In general, they do not have more than 15 words, and in these the content of the article should be summarized, without losing the objective. Usually, the use of acronyms is not recommended, except those that are popularly known, thus making it possible to understand it by people who are not specialized in the same area..

If you need to use more than 15 words, it is recommended to use a title and, followed by a colon, a subtitle.

Author or authors

Authors of an article

The author or authors who have participated in the writing of the article must be identified, both for recognition and for their credibility..

The way in which the authors' surnames and names appear depends on the style of the standard by which the article is prepared. However, the full surname and initials of the first name are usually listed, although in some cases the full names are presented.


The summary or "abstract" must include a synthesis of the objectives of the article, the methodology used, the results obtained and its conclusions, so that the reader knows what the article contains..

It is very important, since for the digital versions they are the first thing that is presented before downloading the complete article, that is why they are usually not more than 150 words. Additionally, specialized magazines ask that it be written in the original language and, generally, in English..


They are a series of words that are introduced in the article, which are used for searching in databases. They are usually selected between 3 and 10, and are separated by a comma.


Example of introduction of a paper on climate change

It is usually considered as the first part of the article and is where the question is presented, why was the work done?, Together with the current situation in the field studied, aspects that previous articles do not make clear, and the objectives of the same.

It should be brief, and you should not include the results of the investigation or the conclusions.

Theoretical framework

The theoretical framework explains the theories and concepts that exist on the subject to be discussed. For example, an article on COVID-19 would mention information about associated diseases, about what is reliably known about this disease, and about the SARS-CoV-2 virus..

Materials and methodology

Methodology of a scientific article

This section refers to the materials and methods used to carry out the research. It consists of the following parts:

  • Design: where the research design is detailed.
  • Population covered: explains which sectors have been sampled.
  • Environment: refers to the place where the investigation was carried out.
  • Interventions: This section explains the techniques and instruments used.
  • Statistic analysis: This is where it becomes clear what programs were used, along with their versions, and what statistical tests were used to examine the data.


Example of the result and discussion of a scientific article

Due to the brevity and consistency in which the data are expressed, this section is usually the shortest in the article. Usually it begins with a precise sentence in which the result of the investigation is exposed. Then, different findings arising from the research can be discussed..

Even the use of graphs can be useful in facilitating the interpretation of the results..


It is one of the most read sections, since here the question in the introduction is answered and the evidence that confirms it is presented. In addition, comparisons are made with results obtained in other studies, highlighting similarities and differences..


This section is used to mention and acknowledge the institutions and people who have collaborated in the study.


It is the final section, it is used to locate the references of the citations created in the text. The location of the same is done taking into account the standard used to make the article.

It is important to make good use of the references, both to give recognition to the authors who are cited, and to enable the reader to turn to these sources..

How to cite a scientific article

Below are several examples of scientific article citations in APA and Vancouver styles.

APA style

In this style, the citations arranged in the text have the authors' last name (s) and the year in which the article was published. Likewise, the citation can be textual or indirect..

Here are some examples:

  • Example of a literal quote with less than 40 words

Seckel and Font (2020) stated “the importance of the use of ICs and their use as tools for reflection on their own practice is recognized” (p.140).

  • Example of a literal quote with more than 40 words

Bonilla, Villamil, Rabaan and Rodríguez (2020) indicated:

Studies have shown that they are single-stranded RNA viruses that are easy to mutate, which increases species diversity and gives them the ability to rapidly adapt to new hosts. These animals could amplify the virus and spread it through secretions and feces. SARS-CoV and COVID-19 cases are caused by contact with animals obtained from a market. (p.109).

  • Example of an indirect citation with two authors

Haines and Mihailoff (2019) show that the injuries suffered in the brain affect different extremities of the human body.

  • Example of an indirect citation with three authors

In a recent study, from 2019, it is shown how psychological well-being is related to anxiety in couples who cannot reproduce (Álvarez, Hernández and Rodríguez).

Vancouver style

In the Vancouver style, citations are represented by numbers, which change as new citations are presented. In addition, the number can be arranged in parentheses, in brackets or as a superscript.

If the citation is literal, the text must be enclosed in quotation marks, followed by the number of the citation. On the other hand, if the citation is indirect, the author or authors are named, then the number corresponding to the citation, and finally the text goes.

The numbers of the citations are represented in the list of references, at the end of the work, describing where said information was obtained.

Here are some examples:

  • Literal quote example

"The importance of using ICs and their use as tools for reflection on their own practice is recognized" (6).

  • Example of indirect citation with an author

Neubauer [1] recognizes that measures must be taken that consider ethics and human dignity for the education of refugee minors, leaving aside political differences.

  • Example of indirect citation with two authors

Haines et al. (3) show that injuries to the brain affect different extremities of the human body.

Examples of scientific articles

In the following links you can find recent scientific articles:

Climate change and the challenge of global warming

Quick Review: Air Pollution and Covid-19 Morbidity and Mortality

Education for climate change: educating about climate or for change?

COVID-19 and Influenza A Coinfection: A Matter of Principle

Drinking water as a fundamental right for life

Ultraviolet technology to combat the spread of SARS CoV-2

The custom of poisoning: The case of air pollutants in the city of Guadalajara, Mexico

Themes of interest

Investigation project.

Choice of research topic.

Scientific investigation.

Steps of the scientific method.

Objectives of a company.

Research objective.

Research justification.

Justification of a project.

Types of research.

Investigation report.

General objective and specific objective.


  2. Cargill, M., & O'Connor, P. (2009). Writing Scientific Research Articles: Strategy and Steps. Retrieved from
  3. Department of Biology, Bates College. (2011). The Structure, Format, Content, and Style of a Journal-Style Scientific Paper. Retrieved from
  4. Foundation of the Autonomous University of Madrid. (2012). Tips and suggestions for writing scientific articles. Retrieved from
  5. Lam Díaz, R. (2016). Writing a scientific article. Retrieved from

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