Items to seize the time

Egbert Haynes
Items to seize the time

Anyone who has been following this blog for a while will know that I am interested in everything related to take advantage of the time. Below I have compiled a list of articles that I have written on this topic. The list does not follow any particular order.

How to take advantage of the time This is one of my first articles on the subject. I share the ideas of Brian Tracy, one of the leading gurus about effective time management. This author gives us 4 reasons basic reasons to optimize our time.

14 Ways to take advantage of idle hours Different alternatives to take advantage of those free time in which we do not know what to do.

The 4 quadrants of time management Through Brian Tracy's 4 quadrants you will learn to separate the urgent of what important.

Do you lose time or you waste? Here I make a personal reflection on the concepts to lose the time and waste time.

How to be more productive at work Based on my personal experience I comment on several work situations that make us less productive. Learning to identify and solve them is essential to make better use of our time.

The 80/20 rule Also known as the Pareto principle. According to this principle, 20% of the effort you dedicate to a task represents 80% of the value of that task. In this article I give several examples where this principle is fulfilled.

How to multitask Using the multitasking system we can learn to do two things at the same time.

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